


It’s finally the day of the surgery I’m really anxious, there is only a 50% succession rate, but I know I can do it because I need it to avenge them and find my son.

“Sir, congratulations your surgery is successful!”

“Thank you.”

Now I need to execute my plan. 

you the plan is going to start now.”


Wait a moment I forgot something, as I go to my room I look under my bed to find my gun, perfect. Let’s go pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Kim. As we reach there mansion we saw that all the guards were gone, what perfect timing. As we go in we notice no one was also in here. What’s going on?

Then Jessica comes waking done

“What are you guys doing here? Get out your trespassing!”

“Sorry but no, this is me revenge for what you guys did. I would get out if you tell me where Kevin is.”

“I would rather not, now leave before I get security on you.”

“Security, there’s no one here, now tell me where he is!”


I pointed the gun towards her head “Now tell me where he is.”

Please don’t, I’m sorry “he’s in the orphanage near the forest”

“Well thank you but I still have to kill you anyway”


Then  suddenly appears.

“What are you doing here…Jessica are you okay, what you did! How could you have killed her?”

“Why, I killed her. Would you like to know why I killed her? I killed her because you guys betrayed me! Now your going to die too unless you bring me to Kevin!”

“I don’t know where Kevin is, Only Jessica knew where he was.”

“You’re lying, you know where he is.”

“Fine he is in the orphanage in Busan.”

“Now Kai I’m sorry you’re going to die too!”


Okay, let’s go you. I know where he is. Thank you so much for always being here when I needed someone. Let’s go find Kevin. As we reached the orphanage I was getting really nervous, would he remember me? Then I saw him, he still look the same from 6 years ago! 

“Kevin” I said.

He turned around and said daddy, why are you here?

“I came here to get you, I’m sorry about your mother, I’m sorry I left you with her, let’s go home.”

No one knew who killed Jessica but people think it was suicide. Tao and Kevin have been living happily with you who Tao had married.  


I'm so sorry that it's so late. ><  I know its kind of a crappy ending, but i hope you guys like it anyways...lolzz not

Can you guys do me a favor and help me subscribe to my friend youtube account? She just started it and she will do kpop reviews anf unboxing of albums.

Her Channel KpopSHINcAT



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this is wonderful.
Chapter 2: I like the killing part... Short and clean (ง'̀⌣'́)ง !!!
KISSmeBecca #3
oh my gosh, this story seems really good. :)