Part 1


 May 16, 1992

        “Someone call the police! There was an accident.” Someone said.
Breaking news
          The CEO of the XStar Corporation, Huang Zitao has just been in an accident with his family. Their driver was turning right but a car that ran through a red light hit them. Mr. Huang is in stable condition but the accident killed Mrs. Huang and their son Kevin. Their bodies are missing from the scene but with the position of where they were sitting, they would have died from the impact of the car hitting them
           The day I got into the accident is also the day when my company’s stock collapsed due to my accident. Kai saved the company but he rebuffs the renewal of our partnership contract. This caused me to lose everything.
May 21, 1992
            “Why is everything so dark?” I asked as the doctor started to unwind my bandages I could see the light but….
“Why is everything so blurry, why can’t I see?” I said, worried.
            “I’m sorry sir but your eyes sight has been damage. The glass from the car damaged your cornea; this is what caused your partial blindness. As you start healing your vision may get a little better but it would it would not fully heal. There is a surgery that we can perform but it would cost a lot and there’s only a 50% successful rate” The doctor said.
              That was 6 years ago; I still can’t get over the fact that I lost everything that day to Kai. He stole everything from me, my family, my wealth and lastly my happiness. He betrayed me, he is a selfish, egocentric and I wish I never had met him. He was my business partner and best friend. We met in our high school years and we got along perfectly…until I met Jessica. Jessica was the love of my life; we were perfect together. I knew Kai liked her but I would not give her up. He started to act a little weird and suspicious, but during our college years we decided that we should start a business together. That was also the time when I asked Jessica to marry me. That’s was one of the best time of my life but that’s when everything started going wrong.
May 19, 1998
               The busy city, people passing, the noisy cars, this is the life of the city. I could barely scrape through living, after the accident it was really hard for me to find a job, but that was when I met you. She is my boss who hired me even though I am blind. I’m very grateful for her if it wasn’t her, she even said that she would pay for my surgery, but I decline. She already did so much for me.
                 Today is May 16 the day when my most loved ones were killed. As I was planning to go the cemetery to go visit my wife and son, I saw that Kai was having a celebrations party his 10 year anniversary of the company. What shocked me even more was the women standing next to him. It impossible not to miss her, Jessica has Bright orange hair and brown eyes.
“That’s Jessica,” I said.
How could this be I thought she was dead, and why is she with Kai? If she was there where is Kevin? So many question pass through my head, has everything been a lie? I need to find out the truth, I need to go to the celebration; I need to find out the truth.
             As I was about to leave and go to Kai celebration I notice that I couldn’t be dress like this, I looked like a slob. I need better clothes, and then I saw you as she was about to cross the street towards the shop. 
you can you do me a favor and let me borrow some clothes?” I said.
“Sure but what is it for?” She said.
“You know how I told you about my past and what happen to me” I said.
“Yeah” She said.
"Well, I just saw my wife that was suppose to be dead and she is with Kai” I said. 
“Okay then…but I want to go along too.” She said.
“Fine.” I said.
As we reach the banquet hall of where the celebration is being held, I felt the stares of people.
“Why is everybody staring at me?”
“I don’t know, maybe they recognized you?”
As I finally reached to the table, the announcer starts to talk.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome you to Mr. Kim and his family member.”
“Thank you everyone to XStar’s 10th year anniversary and also my 6th year anniversary with my wife, I would like to thank everyone
for helping us be where we are now! Now I’ll let my wife Jessica talk.”
“Hello and good evening everyone…”
“That’s Jessica, I recognize her voice. I really don’t get it anymore. Isn’t she supposes to be dead? They have been married for six
years, that’s when the car crash happened. If she is here, then where is Kevin?”
you, can you guide me to where Kai is?”
“Kai!” I screamed out
“Well looks who’s here, it’s Tao.”
“What’s going on, why is Jessica alive, and why is she married to you and where is Kevin?”
Just then, Jessica appeared.
“Darling come here. Well we should tell Tao the truth. Well you see, ever since I saw Jessica, I loved her and we got along very well.”
“So are you saying that you have been cheating on me all these years?”
“Yes, Kai and I have been planning this for years, when you guys create a company together and we fake my accident so we could take all your money. The only thing that didn’t go as plan was when I gave birth to Kevin and you were supposed to be dead!”
“How could you, we were in love.”
“Love, No I hated you. You were a controlling person. I never wanted kids but you forced me to. I always hated children!”
“Wait, where Kevin is then?”
“That child, I left him somewhere.”
“You what, How could you, you’re his mother!”
“I could care less about that child, I hated him he was a spoiled brat and he almost ruined the plan!”
“All you care about is that plan, you already took everything from me just give me my son back.”
“Your son, I don’t even know where he is anymore, as I said I just dumped him in some…
“That’s enough I’m tired of talking to you, I don’t know what I ever saw in you but I will get my revenge and find Kevin!”
How can this have happen, why am I so gullible? I need to take my revenge on them, treating me like a fool for all these years. The only way to execute my plan is I need to get my eyes fixed. 
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this is wonderful.
Chapter 2: I like the killing part... Short and clean (ง'̀⌣'́)ง !!!
KISSmeBecca #3
oh my gosh, this story seems really good. :)