Remembering (Ep 1 2/7)

SHINee and Eumju's Hello Baby

-With SHINee-

[Key's POV]

Manager Hyung.. how could he do this to us?  Just leave us without notice with these people.  I suddenly regretted following my fellow members into the bus.  And it's filthy!  I'm going to get my pants dirty!  Dirty pants aren't liked by divas.

[Jonghyun's POV]

I followed the members into the bus.  I frowned as Taemin was doing his baby whining and talking a bit too much.  Just like a four year old *rolls eyes*.  But cute things are loveable ;)

"Where are we going?" all of us asked.

"You'll see" PD-nim said.  How frustrating!

"If we do something wrong, will the viewers see it as a bad thing?" Key suddenly asked.

"Yes." the PD said.  With that word, all of the SHINee members gasped, our mouths dropping and our eyes bulging.  If we do something bad, surely damage will be done.  "We must do good." I said.

"Are there any girl casts?" Minho asked.  Girl casts.. yummy.  I really like girls ;)

(a/n : changed answer since Eumju is there) "Yes." YES!!! hehehehe.

"Who do you think they will be?" I asked.

"Girls Generation?" Key asked.  Umm.. they were pretty, but their personalities.. not so much =/ (a/n : I love SNSD, don't think I hate them please ~ it's just they are not Jjong's type :P)

Without thinking I said, "We always see Girls Generation, but why do you want us to see them again?" they all laughed thinking the same thing as I.

"It seems like dream team.. because I met some of these camera men." Minho said. 

"Then it means its KBS?" Taemin asked.

Suddenly, I remembered something.


"Since you guys don't have any variety shows in your schedule, we'll be adding Hello Baby to your schedule.  You were voted as the most wanted dads by the nation.  There will be girl casts, and it will be our very own Eumju.  Since you always treat them well, I expect you not to do anything that will create scandals." Our manager said.  EUMJU??   Oh my GOD.  This is dream come true.  Yes because Shin EunMi is so y it looks other girls look like crap.  

*end of flashback*

"I know! I know! I know!" I yelled out. "Hello Baby." I said.  After that, the SHINee members seemed to remember the same flashback.

[Key's POV]


Did Manager just say Hello Baby?  With EUMJU??  This is really a dream come true.  Gosh.  Shin EunMi is a goddess.  And all I ever wanted was her.

[Onew's POV]

Hello Baby?  does this mean I have to take care of babies?  But.. I really can't.  Ever since I dropped my dog.. I can't.  It will totally ruin my image if I can't get close to the baby!  And did he just say Eumju?  That's probably the only part I liked because all of Eumju were so nice and talented.  And EunMi is in that group.  And I really fell for her, believe it or not.  I know I said being a noona is the biggest part, but does age really matter?

[Taemin's POV]


"Hyung do you know where my lollipop is?" If you didn't know, I eat lollipops when I'm happy ^^

[Minho's POV]

Not as good as dream team, but if the baby is cute and can impress us , I'll be happy.  After all, I guess it will be fun.. right?


Now you all know their secret thoughts =P .  I really wish I was Shin EunMi.  She's so lucky!  She has Onew, Key, Jonghyun.. and maybe.. *whispers*.  You'll find out ;).  I know that it will be hard to decide who gets who in the end because I don't want to break anyones heart either.  So I might change this chapter.  Comment on what you think about it?  Give me suggestions on the lovelines please?  Anyway, I found TaeMin's Part Really Cute. hehe ^^ Please do comment on the lovelines because I'm really confused about it and I would hate to see/make Jonghyun/Key/Onew be heartbroken.  Anyway I decided to change the name to Eumju.  Eum comes from music in Korean, and Ju comes from princess in Korean.  So basically.. Music Princess?  I decided to change the name because it fitted better, and besides way before their was already a Korean group named loveholic =P


REPLY BOX :                                        

@sayitagaiin : Hi ^^ Thanks so much for your crititsm!  It means a lot to me.. especially I'm kind of new in writing stories.  Updated, and new chapter is up.  I hope you like ~

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Gahhhh update update! >.<
Hey buddy! Wow I love the outline of your story! It's going to be good I can tell^^ haha I hope it's more Onew centric actually.. Haha update soon! <3