Little Anchovy

Just like me


Cho Kyuhyun leaned on the wall watching his letter sweep across the air. The wind had it in its grasp. Relived he heaved himself up the wall, sitting with his legs tingling over the edge. His left shoe slipped of his foot and fell down to the far ground beneath. The cars were like toys in his eyes. A small smile formed on his lips when he slowly started to lean forward. The wind was ruffling his hair and with it a scream came. Looking over his shoulder he saw a young man with brown hair and a yellow t-shirt standing 3 meters from him. That familiar face made him believe it was just his imagination.

   “It really is amusing that my subconscious brings out the only thing that could keep me from taking my life in front of my eyes.” Kyuhyun chuckled for himself as he looked down again at the cars, ignoring the young man.

   “I’m not your imagination Kyuhyun, I’m real.” The young man said.

   “Then why are you here? If you wear real then you wouldn’t be here.” Kyuhyun snapped, looking at Eunhyuk whom now stood next to him.

   “Kyuhyun I am real, trust me.” Eunhyuk said, laying his hand on Kyuhyun’s left shoulder.

   “Then why are you here?” Kyuhyun’s voice was trembling and a single tear fell down from the corner of his eye.

   “Because I want to tell you something. All day long I have been looking for you, and this was the last place that I expected you to be. So tell me why are you here?”

   “This is one of your favourite places, and I thought that it would be good to end the pain where it started. You do know that this is the place that I first got my feelings for you?”

   “I don’t. But can’t we go inside and talk?”

   “I’m going to take my life Eunhyuk, I don’t want to talk.” The wind grew stronger as the clouds got darker.

   “Then just listen to what I’m want to say. Please.” Before Kyuhyun could answer he continued. “Do you remember when I used to date a lot of girls? How I played around with them. I didn’t understand how much pain I caused you whit doing that because I was so angry with myself under that time. I fell in love with you and I hated those feelings so I tried to forget about them by dating those girls, but it didn’t work. My feelings got stronger by the day and I became desperate. I wanted to those feelings to go away so I distance myself from you. After a while I didn’t know what I felt, my emotions was a mess. Do you remember that party at Heechul’s house? He told me that night that I was stupid that I hadn’t realised that you were in love with me. Everything became so clear and my emotions were not messy any more. But then I became angry, angry that you hadn’t told me. If you had then I wouldn’t have to go threw all that pain. That’s the reason why I drugged you, I was angry. I cried so much that night that I didn’t sleep at all and when you came over under the morning I just felt so horrible. I thought that maybe if you hated me I would be easier for you to forget about me.” Tears streamed endlessly from Eunhyuk’s eyes making it hard for him to speak. His hands were trembling has they grabbed a strong hold on Kyuhyun’s arm. “Please forgive me Kyuhyun, I’ll do anything.” He begged. A few raindrops fell down from the dark sky.

   “I have already forgiven you a long time ago. It’s me who need to beg for forgiveness not you.” Kyuhyun said jumping down from the wall. He stood on his knees and said. “Lee Hyukjae will you forgive me? A soulless monster that has give you so much pain in the pass. Please forgive me.” Both were crying hard when Eunhyuk throw himself into Kyuhyun’s arms, hugging him as his life were depending on it.

   “Stupid Kyu. Of course I forgive you. When I came home after those 3 days I told my mom what happened and she helped me to get better. I was afraid to see you so we moved but now I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” Eunhyuk said between his sobs.

   “Eunhyuk would you want to start a new life with me? Would you run away with me?” Kyuhyun asked leaning his forehead on Eunhyuk’s. Looking deep into Eunhyuk’s eyes he trying to figure out what the other felt.

   “Yes. Cho Kyuhyun will you be my lover and friend until the world ends?”


   “Then kiss me.” Without hesitation Kyuhyun kiss him fully on the lips. Both were too deep in the kiss to notice the rain that was pouring down harder and harder on them.

   “Kiss me again Cho Kyuhyun.” Eunhyuk said again when the first kiss ended. He didn’t want the moment to end but the rain had turned into hail. Laughing they ran inside the café hand in hand.

   “Do you want that kiss now or later?” Kyuhyun asked Eunhyuk, holding him in his embrace.

  “I want it now and later on I want something more.” Eunhyuk answered. There they stood, two lost souls that find their home in each other’s hearts, kissing each other passionately.



Two years later:


   “Hey Kyuhyun let me down!!”” Eunhyuk yelled while Kyuhyun was carrying him on the shoulder to the water. Whining and hitting him with his arms didn’t help. Soon he was being thrown into the water drenching is favourite shirt.

   “Kyuhyun you punk!!” He yelled at the laughing man. Eunhyuk grabbed his arm and pulled him down into the water next to him. Now it was his turn to laugh. Running up to the beach to avoid a counter attack he continued laughing. The grumpy soaked Kyuhyun walked angrily up to the beach sitting down in the sand ignoring the amusing stares from Eunhyuk.

   “Oh Kyuhyun.” Eunhyuk said, stepping carefully towards him. A little smile sneaked up on Kyuhyun’s lips noticed by Eunhyuk.

   “I want nobody nobody but you, I want nobody nobody but you.” Eunhyuk sang and dancing the steps in front of the grumpy Kyuhyun. Laughing, Kyuhyun pulled Eunhyuk down into his lap squeezing him tightly. The darkness became thicker as the sun wandered to the edge of the sky catching their attention making them look over at the dark blue ocean.

   “I’m happy that you are here with me, my tiny anchovy, on this beautiful beach watching the sunset every day.”

   “Why are you being so cheesy Kyu?” Eunhyuk giggled.

   “Well I’m just happy that you are here with me, I mean how big is the chance that you would say yes to go to live in Cuba with me? It’s crazy.”

   “We are both crazy for doing that, but I’m glad we did it.”

   “So am I. It’s getting cold shall we go inside?”

   “Hmm a hot bath sounds nice.”

   “Stop being so erted.” Eunhyuk opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out, he just looked at Kyuhyun with big eyes in shock. When Kyuhyun smirked he got back to his senses and snapped back.

   “I didn’t mean it in that way and you are the ert one.”

   “Me? You wear the one who didn’t want to sleep last night!”

   “You are sleeping on the couch tonight.” Eunhyuk said and stood up, walking angrily towards the house.

   “But baby you are a ert, just admit it.” Kyuhyun yelled, running after him. Soon Kyuhyun wear chasing Eunhyuk around the beach. So in the end Kyuhyun got is little anchovy and they lived happily ever after.


Thanks to all my subscribers and double thanks to those who comment ^^ I have realised that i have made a few mistakes in the story but i hope that you haven't notice =) but yeah bye and thanks again ^-^

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ffloverespukiss #1
I like it. heartbreaking and happy ending.
Though I actually thought the ending would be that HyukJae got the letter.
michikokasiumi #2
yeeeeeeeeeey . . >o<
thankyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ^^
I'm feeling broken heart reading ur last chapter :p
phew . . luckyyyyyyyy >o<
The end was sweet, and cute, so they ran away to Cuba, nice!
Love it >.<
#4's a twist...
thought it'll be longer...
aaawwwww its ended very glad that hyuk come to see kyu and confess to him....thank kyuuuu for the update authornim...^^
did kYuhyun force Hyuk to have drug too?
wh-what? hyuk using drugs too? what happened to him?
gaaahh fast update please! wanna know what will happen to them!

this is good, i like it. the drugs..oh it's heartbreaking.
michikokasiumi #8
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Dont kill hiiiiiim DX
Give them another chaaaaaangee DX
I reread it from the 1st chapt allover again... N it happen bcoz of the lack of talk btween them... Hwoaaaaaa.... Pleeeease.... Give them a beautiful ending... They suffered enough allready... DX
Even when it broke my heart and I felt angst I love it!!!

Yeay!! I like the fic at how is it now, but I will be more happy with the happy ending >.<

Thank's for update ^^
happy ending??are u serious??pretttyyyyy please ^^
and eunhyuk where are uuuuu huhuuu...
thank kyuuu for the update ^^
cant wait for the next update