Meeting New People

Why is the Universe so Cruel?

It was a bright and early Saturday morning. My grandparents were working, as they always were. They wouldn't be getting back until 5pm. After freshening up a bit, i wandered the house in my pajamas looking for chores. After finding nothing to do, I went back up the stairs to my room. Lying on my bed, I thought about the week that passed by.

There were no calls from home, as I had planned. It was kind of sad too, but I had plenty of things to keep my mind busy. There was plenty of school work to catch up on. I had missed half a year of school here. Apparently the curriculums are different in this town than in my city. They gave more work and gave more detailed lectures about each subject. It was much easier to understand, but it was just a hassle to complete all the assignments. 

The bell rang, making me jump from the sudden noise. I ran down to the door. I opened it. There was Changjo, and Ricky standing behind him. Changjo looked me  up and down with raised eyebrows. "Interesting. Your pajamas?" 

I felt the heat rush up to my face. How dare he. "ERT" I yelled. Then I slammed the door in his face. I ran up the stairs to change.  

I returned to open the door again with jeans and a T-shirt. Changjo had a weird smile on his face. " My hyungs are coming back to town today. Come with us to meet with them."

I sighed. " You aren't really giving me a choice are you?" All he had to give was his infuriating smirk. I grabbed my sneakers and walked out the door, locking it behind me. Truthfully, I was glad there was something to do. I just didn't want him to know he just saved me from a day of boredom. The three of us walked down a main street to what I recognized as an ice cream shop. It was too early for ice cream and I still hadn't eaten breakfast yet. When we stopped in front of the shop, i paused. "Uhh we're not gonna stay here after your hyungs come right?" They looked at me bewildered. I got worried and gave a sigh. of course they wouldn't think it was too early. Guys don't really think about stuff like this at all do they?

We went inside and the guys said hi to the employee there. He looked like he was in college already. I bowed my head as i passed by as a greeting. Changjo and Ricky sat at a large table in the corner. There were only 6 chairs at the table. I guess it was a table where they sat whenever they came here. I heard about their hyungs from Ricky. He enjoyed talking about them. Apparently they left with their families on a trip and were gone for a week. There were six of them in total. I shrugged and sat at another table.

After a while, Ricky came over to keep me company. I smiled in appreciation. "Sorry Yoona. There aren't any bigger tables. But its okay, I'll sit with you."

I smiled. "Thank you Ricky, but I really think you should stay with your hyungs. Besides, I was actually thinking of saying hi and then going out to run some errands." The lie seemed to come easily to me. I was never able to lie before, but I guess things change. "You haven't seen your hyungs in a while right? You should welcome them back and hang out with them."

His eyes lit up. I thought it was very sweet of him, to offer to stay with me. I felt a little bad though, so I would just go out and buy myself a real breakfast. Ricky insisted that I sit with Changjo too so I sat at the big table for a while. We had developed a routine, the three of us. Ricky would include me to the conversation and  I would have a nice normal talk. Then Changjo would find something to insult me with, where I would answer with more insults.It was actually quite fun.

I just finished insulting Changjo when Ricky stopped laughing with me and stared behind me. His eyes lit up. I turned around and saw four guys walking in towards us. There was one who had glasses and looked well built. Another had blonde hair. The guy next to him had brown hair and big eyes. The last one also had brown hair but he looked thinner and had smaller eyes.

Changjo and Ricky stood up and simultaneously said "HYUNGS!" Ricky went up to them and hugged them all. Changjo had a wide genuine smile on his face. It was different than the ones he gave me. I stood up too. I bowed at them and they bowed back. Ricky excitedly introduced us. "Hyungs, this is Yoona. Yoona, these are my hyungs." Bang Min Soo was the oldest one, the one with glasses. Everyone called him CAP. The one with blonde hair was Lee Byung Hun, or L.Joe. The one with the big eyes was Ahn Daniel, or Niel. The last one was Chunji.

"Its nice to finally meet you" I said. "I've heard so much about you all from Ricky."

They all looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Its nice to meet you too" CAP said. "We've heard so much about you from Changjo." They all looked at him. It was my turn to raise my eyebrows and look at him. Then I rolled my eyes. I was going to say that Changjo probably exaggerated things in his message when he interrupted.

"Welcome home hyungs. Now why don't you stop talking and buy us food?" The older boys groaned. That was my que to leave.  I bowed once more and made my exit. "You're not staying with us, Miss Han?" Changjo sounded surprised.

I turned around and shook my head. "No, I've got some stuff I need to do. But enjoy your ummm breakfast." I waved bye one more time before heading out the door. I looked both ways before turning left. I think that was where we came from. I saw a bagel shop that looked like it had just what I needed. Maybe later I'll visit my grandparents at the restaurant they worked in. I should probably go buy some storage bins for all the clothes I needed to organize. I frowned but shook my head to keep out my next memory. I continued walking forward.

After a few blocks, I was sure I got lost. I looked at all the streets and didn't know a single name. I was doomed. I doubled back only to find that I didn't remember which way I came from. Oh gosh. I can't be lost. How am I going to get home? I don't have anyone's phone number. I can't call my grandparents. That would only cause them trouble. Oh man oh man oh man. What to do now? I searched frantically in my memory for the streets I looked at. In my panic, I forgot them. All of them. I felt like I was going to cry. How in the world can the day go so wrong when I've only been up for an hour?

Please, someone. Please just find me and help me.

"Why, hello, pretty lady."

I so did not need this right now.



Sorry. Again. I know this is kinda late. So this is a quick update for all the people patiently waiting for me. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Thank you for the support and love~ =D

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HAHA!! Please update soon ^^
NamHee #2
hehe update soon! xD<br />
NamHee #4
haaaa xD
OMG NO wonfer he was sooo suprised when she called him that lolz uipdate soon
awww i feel bad foe changjo though i dont know why lols update soon
hellokittyluvr143 #7
anyone, please follow, i follow back(:<br /> <br />
<br />
errr what happened with changjo and mitchell?
Omg I feel soooo bad for her :( <br />
It'd cuz u like changjo more now <br />
Mitchel didn't even remember u!!! <br />
Update soon
NamHee #9
YAAAAH! i'm too excited and i dont know how to do////awwww eottokke????
hellokittyluvr143 #10
UPDATE OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!