The Walk "Home"

Why is the Universe so Cruel?

The day went by without anymore incidents. Classes were finally over and i walked out of the school feeling a little bit better than when i first entered. While other students stayed in the classroom for a little bit longer to talk to friends, i walked out. No one seemed to be watching me but i had a feeling that they started talking about me the moment i walked away. The walk back to my grandparents' was quieter than i thought it would be. I was used to busy streets and large crowds. Out here, there weren't many people walking in the streets. My grandparents must have thought that a quiet town like their's would be better for me than a large city.

Somehow this just made it a bit worse. This just made it seem as if my world was spiraling down and was definitely changed forever. My parents were gone and would never come back. I flipped open my phone. My fingers automatically dialed my best friend's number. Before i could hit call, i froze. I just left them without a goodbye. They had to be mad at me for sure. Maybe i won't call after all... The phone closed and i started walking again with a sigh.

My mind went back to Mitchel. It has been so long since i even thought of him. Was that guy from before even Mitchel? Maybe I just overreacted? I didnt know. I didn't want to think about him, but my mind would go back in time. I would be standing there playing with Mitchel or running around the lake with him. Then i would be waving goodbye to him. Then, i would be waiting.

I was walking the whole time i was thinking so I didn't realize that there was someone calling out to me. I was in a daze as i walked home. All of a sudden a hand was on my shoulder and i jumped. "miss?" I looked up and thought to myself aish. speak of the devil. My Mitchel look-alike seemed to have purposely followed me. I stared at those eyes accusingly before turning to walk away when he didn't say anything. I did not want to deal with this right now. "wait." i stopped but didn't turn around. "I want to know what happened back there. In the cafeteria i mean. Did i do something wrong?"

Of course he would still remember. "no. Sorry, that was just me. Didn't mean to make you feel bad." Then I ran off. I ignored his calls and continued running. I didn't want to continue looking at that face. It only gave me bad memories. With my sense of direction, i got lost easily. I looked around for the street names but that only made me more confused. so which way was i supposed to go? I shouldn't have run from that guy. What was wrong with me? I have to get my act together!

The frustration just kept building up and i thought I would start crying. I didn't like feeling like this and the day just got worse and worse by the second. "are you lost?" That voice seemed to follow me everywhere. I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned around.

"maybe. what's it to you?"

"I wont take back what i said before. I'll help you get around. Where are you going?"

I hated to admit defeat but i really had no other choice. I gave him the address. He looked surprised at first but smirked and started walking away. "HEY. are you helping me or not?"

He continued walking but motioned for me to follow him. I glared at his back a moment before running up to follow him. He made me so frustrated and i only knew him for a day. There is no way he can be My Mitchel I thought. Absolutely no way.

He led me back to my grandparent's home as if he memorized the way. The walk was silent and uneventful. This was good, I didn't want to have a bad lasting impression of him. I walked inside the gates and closed it behind me. "Thank you" I said. I meant it but at the same time, I resented him for making me say that. I turned away to walk inside.

"we should become friends, you and I" he said to my back. I stopped and turned to face him. I had no intention of becoming his friend. My look told him that. He seemed to ignore my reaction and smiled. "We could walk home together everyday and become the best of friends." He walked away before i figured out what he meant.Then i ran to tell him no. i don't need your help. That was when i saw him walk inside the gates of his own house. No way I thought. How could he be my neighbor?

My grandparents watched my exchange from the window. As soon as i walked in they asked me what was wrong. "who....who is that guy? our neighbor...who is he?"

They looked at each other. "He's Choi Jong Hyun. Everyone calls him Changjo." They looked at me suspiciously. "Everyone in the family thinks you shouldn't date until college."

My head shot up instantly. "Its not like that!" I was mortified. Why would i want to date a guy like him who frustrates me in every way? "I just wanted to know because he goes to the same school. And he sort of helped me today. That's all." My grandparent's didn't seem convinced. I just shook my head and went up to start on homework. I was done with everything within two hours. Dinner was ready so I went downstairs to eat. We talked and laughed a lot during dinner. It was almost the same as when my parents were alive. After dinner, i offered to wash the dishes and clean the table. My grandparents gave up protesting against me after a few minutes. They retired to bed early.

When i was done, I took a shower. It was meant to be relaxing for me, but it wasn't. I also went to bed but i could not sleep. That night, I had to smack myself before i started crying. It's true, that guy, my neighbor, is not Mitchell. I was happy about that. I knew he couldn't be. Yet, at the same time, I was oddly disappointed. He really WASN'T my Mitchell. I really didn't see my Mitchell today. So there was that possibility that I won't see Mitchell ever again.

I made it through the day without any tears. I wondered how long i would last like that.


Hi everyone! Sorry this chapter isn't so good. I lost my touch in this one. I hope the next one will be better. Thank you for being patient with me and supporting me through this. >.<

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HAHA!! Please update soon ^^
NamHee #2
hehe update soon! xD<br />
NamHee #4
haaaa xD
OMG NO wonfer he was sooo suprised when she called him that lolz uipdate soon
awww i feel bad foe changjo though i dont know why lols update soon
hellokittyluvr143 #7
anyone, please follow, i follow back(:<br /> <br />
<br />
errr what happened with changjo and mitchell?
Omg I feel soooo bad for her :( <br />
It'd cuz u like changjo more now <br />
Mitchel didn't even remember u!!! <br />
Update soon
NamHee #9
YAAAAH! i'm too excited and i dont know how to do////awwww eottokke????
hellokittyluvr143 #10
UPDATE OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!