
Why is the Universe so Cruel?

She didn't get much sleep last night.  Her dreams were starting again. She ended up awake most of the night. She was up and ready before her alarm even went off. Her morning seemed too slow.  She sluggishly ate her breakfast and put a smile for her grandparents, telling that she was just tired. They gave her caffinated tea with sugar. It had an immediate effect. She felt perky by the time she finished.

"I'm so excited~" Yoona said to Changjo. "We're finally getting a job! We can get paid too! Aren't you excited Changjo?"


"Oh! I wonder how many people we will be serving today? What did Sohyun teach you yesterday? She didn't want me in the kitchen. Its a good thing you know how to cook."


"Changjo? Are you not excited?"


Yoona pouted. "I thought you wanted to do this with me?"

"Yoona. Its too early for this. Shut up."

Yoona crossed her arms. "Fine. I'll pester you after school then."

They walked to school in silence after that. Yoona was busy being excited with Ricky. She didn't even notice that Changjo stared at her the whole way.

~After School~

"Yoona~ Do you want to come to the arcade today?" Mi Cha stood at the doorway. Changjo wasn't out yet.

"Mianheyo. I have something to do after school. Maybe some other time?"

"This is the second day in a row you skipped out on us. You disappear with Ricky and Changjo." MIn Jee giggled. "My my, what have you been up to Yoona?"

"M-Min Jee-shii! It's nothing like that!"

"How did you know what I was thinking?" She laughed. "What's going on through that dirty mind of your's?"

"Min Jee-shii!" I could feel the heat in my face. "Please stop teasing me!"

"Yoona! Can I speak to you please?"

I pouted at Min Jee and said bye before going to to Soon Sung. "Hello Soon-Sung. Did you need me for something?"

"Oh, I just thought you would like some help." He smiled gently. "I also wanted to ask you why you moved here from the city, if you don't mind me asking."

"O-oh... I..."

"Yoona! We're going to be late!" Changjo called from the doorway.

"Coming!"she called back. She turned back to Soon-Sung. "Well... I... I'm not sure how to explain..." She shook her head. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you if you would help me with some of my English work. I've forgotten some of the grammar, so if you have the time, I'll email you...?"

"Sure Yoona. Just email me a time and date. I'll help you whenever you need it."

"Okay! Thank you so much! See you in class tomorrow!" She waved goodbye and made her escape.

Her hands were shaking. She could almost feel the warm blood seeping into her clothes. The dark pools forming around her, the footsteps coming her way. The fear that froze every bone in her body. She couldn't move, couldn't scream. It was all still too clear.

"Yoona?" Ricky looked at her pale  face. "Are you okay?" He looked worried.

"Yes! Of course I'm fine!" She smiled. "Come! We don't want to be late and make Baro mad right?" She skipped out of the school, and headed towards the cafe.

Changjo said nothing. He only stared at the student teacher a little bit more before following Yoona.

"Wrong! You blend it together first, then you add the milk." Baro ordered.

"M-mianheyo" Yoona apologized.

Ricky watched her from the corner of his eye. He could tell that she was nervous. He could also tell that something else was on her mind.

At the end of the day, Baro sighed. Sohyun had worked with Changjo at the kitchen while he helped the other two make drinks. He knew he was very strict about how to make the drinks his way, but he could tell something was wrong. Yoona was not the same enthusiastic girl from yesterday. He contemplated this situation in his head.

The trio came out from the back. A tense silence followed as they walked out and Baro locked up.

"Come again tomorrow. You were almost late today. Be on time."

"Mianheyo" Sohyun bowed. "It was my fault."


Sohyun raised a brow at Baro's expression. He clearly had a thinking face on. "We'll see you tomorrow" she dismissed. "Come Baro~ Let's go get some ice cream~" She grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

The three students were left alone again. Yoona simply turned and began walking home. She paused and looked over her shoulder. "What are you doing just standing there? We have to get home."

Ricky and Changjo followed. "Are you feeling okay Yoona?" Ricky asked. "You seem a little worried about something."

"Me? Aniyo. I'm fine."

Ricky didn't look convinced. "Are you sure?"

"Neh. I'm probably just tired. I was so excited I couldn't sleep much last night" she placed a smile on her face. "I guess all my energy just burned off in school."

"Oh... okay" Ricky let it go.

Changjo didn't say anything until Ricky left to go back to his own home. "You're lying."

"Bwo? What are you talking about?"

"What did that student-teacher say to you? You were completely fine before he talked to you."

Yoona glared. "Its none of your business."

Changjo kept his steady gaze on her. "We are your friends Yoona. We only want to make sure you are okay."

"Well, I'm fine." She lowered her voice. "Let's just get home. I have work to do." She began walking faster. Changjo followed until they got home. Before she walked through her gate, he called out to her.

"We won't judge you for the past, you know." She froze with her hand on the cold metal. "Its okay to talk about it. Even if it's not with us, you have your grandparents, and the girls. We all became your friends because we wanted to."

Friends. Hadn't she cruelly left her friends behind? Hadn't she betrayed them? She hasn't even called them once. Would they be mad? Would they hate her? Perhaps they even forgot about her. Would they understand that she just wanted to forget the past? That she wanted to forget the ones she loved most? They left her behind, as Mitchel did.

Yoona turned to Changjo. "Yes. You were the first..."

He raised a brow in confusion. "I was the first?" She suddenly lunged at him. He caught her fist, which was aimed towards his shoulder. "Y-Yoona?"

"I hate you! I hate you!" She tried to punch him again with her other arm but was once again stopped. "You started it all!" She looked up from the ground she was staring at. Unshed tears made her eyes burn brighter. "How could you just do that? Why couldn't you tell me? Why did you just have to start everything?!"

"I don't know-" His words were cut off by the weight of her body suddenly on his. "Yoona?!" He held her and tried to wake her. Her eyes were closed. "Yoona, please wake up!" He shook her again. "Yoona!"

Her grandparents heard all the shouting and came out to check. They saw Yoona, passed out, and Changjo trying desperately to wake her. "Yoona!"

Changjo looked up at the sound of Yoona's name. "I can't wake her! She won't open her eyes!"

They quickly brought Yoona in and laid her on the couch. Her breathing was normal, and she looked like she was asleep. "What happened?" Her grandfather demanded of Changjo.

"I don't know. She just said I was the first. I don't know what that means. Then she tried to hit me. Before I knew it, she fainted."

Meanwhile, her grandmother was checking her temperature. "She has a fever!" All three began to panic. The men brought her to her room and put her under the blankets to keep warm. Her grandmother brought a bowl of cold water and a hand towel. She forced the males out of the room so she could change Yoona's clothes.

"Oh Choi-shii, you can go home if you'd like. She should be fine. I'm not sure if she'll be going to school tomorrow, but you should go home."

"But sir..."

"Don't worry about her. She'll be fine."

Changjo reluctantly nodded and left.

He was the first, she had said. But the first to what?

It has been so long~ I miss this~ I wasn't going to make her have a fever, but it all sort of happened, so she wouldn't seem all that crazy. XD

I miss you guys~ Please comment~

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HAHA!! Please update soon ^^
NamHee #2
hehe update soon! xD<br />
NamHee #4
haaaa xD
OMG NO wonfer he was sooo suprised when she called him that lolz uipdate soon
awww i feel bad foe changjo though i dont know why lols update soon
hellokittyluvr143 #7
anyone, please follow, i follow back(:<br /> <br />
<br />
errr what happened with changjo and mitchell?
Omg I feel soooo bad for her :( <br />
It'd cuz u like changjo more now <br />
Mitchel didn't even remember u!!! <br />
Update soon
NamHee #9
YAAAAH! i'm too excited and i dont know how to do////awwww eottokke????
hellokittyluvr143 #10
UPDATE OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!