My Dream



Some dreams are meant to remain as dreams while some are meant to be fulfilled.


They say opposites attract. Kyuhyun and Sungmin were total opposites but when together, they complement each other. They are like wicked Oreos, Sungmin is the hot and sweet Oreos and Kyuhyun is the cold and not that sweet ice cream that balances each other. Kyuhyun is quiet and good in Math while Sungmin is talkative and is good in sports. Sungmin looks girly despite being a good athlete, making many to fall in love with him. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, is really manly and when he sings melts the hearts of many.


“Can you sing for me?” Kyuhyun remembers were he heard Sungmin say something to him. At that moment, Kyuhyun just can’t believe that someone like him could exist. They say Kyuhyun doesn’t sing for anyone, so when he easily agreed to Sungmin, it was a surprise.


Kyuhyun sang a song that he wished to sing to someone important.


“…You were just a dream that I once knew. I never thought I would be right for you. I just can't compare you with anything in this world. You're all I need to be here with forevermore…”

He doesn’t know why he kept thinking of someone. Sungmin thanked him for that wonderful performance and from that day on, they became friends. Kyuhyun was there when Sungmin got his heart broken and got it healed by someone else. Kyuhyun couldn’t understand back then why he felt more hurt when Sungmin is in pain.


It was their third year of being friends that Kyuhyun understand why he was hurt when Sungmin was happy because of someone else and more hurt when Sungmin is hurt. When Sungmin was dating Siwon, there was that indescribable feeling in his heart. Sungmin was standing there, but he seems far for Kyuhyun.


When asked one time what was Kyuhyun’s dream, he looked at Sungmin. He knew what his dream is, but like other dreams some are just meant to stay as dreams.


“Fulfill your dreams,” Sungmin told him. He just shook his head and smiles bitterly. He can’t voice out at that moment that the dream he wants is in front of him talking.


He doesn’t know how long he has endured that pain of seeing Sungmin happy because of someone. There were no more moments of ‘can you sing for me, Kyu?’ or wine nights for them. They can only serve as memories that he can replay in his head and dreams.


“I broke up with Siwon,” Sungmin says one day and Kyuhyun looks at him. “He said I love someone else, but I don’t know who. So he broke up with me,” Sungmin tried not to cry but Kyuhyun let him cry. It was the first time he saw him cry for a relationship. Sungmin would say he’s hurt and his eyes do look in pain every time he ended a relationship, but it was the first time he cried. Kyuhyun was happy, but also hurt at the same time.


Soon, Sungmin was back to the old Sungmin that Kyuhyun met before. Kyuhyun knew already what he feels for Sungmin. All those years that they they’ve been friends since high school up to college, he knew no one else mattered to him than him. At the end of each day, after all the school work he underwent, the thought of Sungmin would ease his mind. There was no one who could put a smile on his face bigger than Sungmin.


It took a lot of courage for Kyuhyun to say what he really feels.


“Some dreams get crushed. Some remains as dreams. Some are meant to be fulfilled. Right now, I know certain that you could decide the fate of my dream,” Kyuhyun told Sungmin.


“What are you talking about?”


“You’re my dream. All those times you’ve asked me what my dream is, I couldn’t answer you because I can’t tell you that you’re it,” he said.


He can never say properly what happened that day. The way Sungmin accepted his heart and the way he kissed him. Each touch, each hug, each kiss and everything else, Kyuhyun treasured everything that is his Sungmin.


His Sungmin.


He loves it. Nothing sounds sweeter than to have your dream fulfilled. He could say having Sungmin was better than any award he has received. Awards are for a spur of the moment only, but having to hold Sungmin in his arms can last up to forever if they can.


And Sungmin didn’t regret trusting his heart to Kyuhyun. Each day spend with him was each day treasured. All that he wanted in a relationship, he experienced in Kyuhyun. Maybe it was because that the younger knew him so well to make him happy.


Fast forward to the present, they lie at the cold and wet grass of their backyard. It was late at night, but they don’t care. Sungmin watches the stars in awe while Kyuhyun watch his star beside him. It was just moments like this that they just want to spend for the rest of their lives. They don’t want to think about the bills to pay, the papers due, the stress and everything else. At that moment, all that matters is them.


“Minnie,” Sungmin turned at Kyuhyun, who was lovingly gazing at him.


“Is there anything you need?” Sungmin asked.


“Nothing. I just want us to stay like this for a little longer,” he said and Sungmin smiled to himself.


Sungmin rests his head on Kyuhyun’s chest with the younger’s arm over Sungmin’s waist.


They wish time could stop. They say dreams are hard to achieve and true enough, being on the arms of your dream is something you don’t want to trade for anything else. He can still remember when the other just felt like a dream he just wanted to long and reached for, but he was afraid. He was the only person in his heart and he can’t change that fact.


Sungmin looks up and sees him staring down at him.


“Thinking about something?” Kyuhyun asked.


“Still wondering why me,” Sungmin said.


Kyuhyun smiles at the way Sungmin talks. Everything about him was just cute. Sungmin was just so effortless in capturing Kyuhyun’s heart.


“Because why not,” Kyuhyun answers simply like that.


Sungmin pouts at this and Kyuhyun can’t help but kiss those wonderful lips of his. Everything about Sungmin just drives Kyuhyun crazy and he will never admit it. He can never admit how crazy he is for him.


“Still can’t believe you’re mine up to now,” Kyuhyun said and kissed Sungmin’s forehead.


“Me too. It’s been years, but Kyu, I’m just happy to be with you,” Sungmin said and pecked his lips again. “Sing for me again,” he smiled.


“You were just a dream that I once knew. I never thought I would be right for you. I just can't compare you with anything in this world. You're all I need to be here with forevermore…”

“Minnie?” Kyuhyun called for him.


Sungmin looked up as Kyuhyun tried to get something from his pocket.


“Happy 6 years,” Kyuhyun smiled and showed a box to him.




“I have a new dream now. After 3 years of friendship and 6 years of love… Can we prolong that and make it last forever?” Kyuhyun said.


“I have a new dream too,” Sungmin smiled with tears in his eyes. “It involves me, you and forever written on us.”


Kyuhyun took the ring and slipped it on Sungmin’s ring finger. Kyuhyun continued to kiss Sungmin’s hands. Kyuhyun will never get tired of him. He wants to hold Sungmin for the rest of his life. He wants to spend all his love on him and time for the two of them. A new chapter will open and new dreams that they want to fulfill together.


“Lee Sungmin, saranghae.”


“Nado saranghae, Cho Kyuhyun.”




Just a short and somewhat rushed oneshot. <3 Happy KyuMin Day! ^^ 

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lilliana22081996 #1
Chapter 1: so beautifully written...<3
bedhairrrr #2
Love it! So nice :)
minzy-woo #3
so good, happy kyumin day ;; <33333
ahh so love it... Kyuhyun so Inlove... <3 KyuMin :)
little-dreamer #6
Aaaaahhh so romantic :-)
ichathoriqlover #7
So so sweet and kyu... Minnie will always choose u, no matter what...happy kyumin day
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. >3< .. so damn cute, me dead !
aw it's so cute! :3 Kyu, you're such a sap on the inside ^^
tiyan_mute #10
so sweet :)