Falling In

20 Scenes of Horror

The induction program which was followed by the freshmen had ended successfully. Luna seemed so impressed with the activities they’d been doing all Sunday, while Yeojin felt the activities were tiring.

But finally, here came Monday. Yeojin preferred to get down studying than follow weird introduction program that she never wanted to do.

The students in Yeojin and Luna’s lecture rooms were splattering when their lecturer dismissed the class. Both of them seemed discussing about their lecture intensely while walking out of the room.

“What’s your course after this?” asked Yeojin while walking down the hallway.

“I have no schedule until 2pm,” answered Luna. “Then I’ll have … course.”

“Oh,” Yeojin nodded. “Are you going back to your room?”

“I’m not sure,” answered Luna. “Maybe I’ll go to the library.”

“Okay,” answered Yeojin. “See you later.”

“Bye,” Luna and Yeojin went on separate ways.

Yeojin walked alone to her next lecture room, felt remembered it because she had passed it when she went to her first lecture room. She decided to take out her comic book.

While reading, she passed door by door and people who were walking around her. She didn’t realize that because her eyes were really focused on the newest volume of Natsume Yuujinchou.

From the opposite direction, Kyungsoo appeared calmly with both of his hands dipped inside his white blazer’s pocket. He saw Yeojin was reading her comic. At the same time, Yeojin felt her cellphone vibrated in her jeans pocket. When she let go one of her hands to take it, Kyungsoo called her out.


Her hand wasn’t ready to let go of her comic, take the cellphone, and received a loud calling at once. Her comic was dropped when she looked up to Kyungsoo.

She sighed seeing her comic dropped in an opened position with the paper on the floor. When she was just going to bow, Kyungsoo streaked to her and picked up the comic for her. Their heads collided and hit each other hard.

“Ow!” Yeojin backed down and tried to hold on to the wall.

But it wasn’t a wall beside her, it was a door. And that door wasn’t closed properly. When Yeojin touched, it swung open. Yeojin tried to balance her body with stepping her right foot back but her shoelace was stepped on by Kyungsoo. Yeojin lost her balance. Kyungsoo quickly reached for her hand, but it’s too late.

“Spontaneity is the key of taking pictures like this…”


Yeojin and Kyungsoo fell into a lecture room where tens of photography students were listening to Professor Kwon Jiyong’s lecture while holding to their own cameras. When they saw the accident, based on Professor Kwon’s lecture, spontaneously they snapped their cameras, taking the pictures of the couple who were tussled on the floor.

Yeojin and Kyungsoo were only petrified, getting hundreds of flashes of blitz from the cameras that were not once taking their pictures. What the heck is happening?

“You guys should be more intimate,” asked Baro pointing his camera to them. “The hands, the hands.”

“Where’s the smile?” asked Sandeul loudly.

“Over here! Yoo-hoo… over here!” Jungeun felt like paparazzi.

“Perfect, perfect, just great!” that’s what Amber said.

“What are you doing?” Professor Kwon finally realized what happened. He looked back to his students, “Hey, stop it. That’s it. Kids, cut it out.”

Finally Yeojin and Kyungsoo woke in. They instantly got up and ran away from that lecture room without saying a word. Not even an apology! They just wanted to get out of the focus of those camera lenses straight away.

“Oh, crap, crap, craaaappp…” cussed Yeojin while covering her face and ran with no apparent direction. “What just happened? Holy cow!”

“Yeojin,” she heard Kyungsoo called her. “Your comic.”

Yeojin was too embarrassed to ever see Kyungsoo’s face again. But her comic…

Slowly she turned to Kyungsoo. She wanted to get her comic at once and run as far as she can. But she just caught the gleams of Kyungsoo’s big brown eyes. Her heart throbbed so fast and uncontrolled.

“Thanks,” Yeojin received the comic. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay,” said Kyungsoo.

Once again they were attacked by silence, but this time an ultimately awkward silence.

“I have to go,” said Yeojin, breaking the silence. She walked to her lecture room.

“Yeah, me too,” Kyungsoo started to walk too.

Strange, he walked to the same way and turned to the same turn with Yeojin. It made her even more panic, confused, and weird.

Apparently he was going to the same lecture room with Yeojin.

He sniggled, “So you’re a Japanese student too?”

“Yeah,” Yeojin nodded. She rushed in and took a chair.

Unexpectedly, Kyungsoo took a chair which was right beside her. When Yeojin glanced at him, Kyungsoo just smiled, then got busy with his bag.

Yeojin was happy knowing that Kyungsoo was on the same major with her too. She’s also happy that Kyungsoo sat next to her. But why did it happen after that incident?




A few people were gathering in front of a notice board in front of the Main Court. Half of them left the notice board while giggling, the other while shaking their heads.

A guy was interested to see it and stepped closer to the notice board. There was a big paper that read “New Campus Couple” and “In The Name of Love, Art, and Fate, This Shall Not Be Removed!” with a photo of Yeojin and Kyungsoo clashing on the floor.

He glared seeing that photo. For the next five seconds he could only stare at it before he left the place with thousands of questions in his mind.

At that time, Chanyeol and Chen passed by and saw that announcement. They were shocked seeing the picture which involved two kids they knew about.

“What in hell… it’s Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol pointed the photo. “And Yeojin!”

“How could this happen?” Chen wondered. “Where did it come from?”

Kyungsoo and his two friends appeared from the west side right when they said it, while Yeojin and Luna came from the east side. Seeing Kyungsoo’s face, Chanyeol called him out loud, “Kyungsoo! Come here! Look. There’s a photo of you and Yeojin!”

Hearing her name was mentioned in the crowd, Yeojin grabbed Luna’s arm and pulled her to the notice board.

Altogether, they walked closer to the notice board and saw their photo attached in front of the board. They couldn’t even blink and say a word.

It was a beautiful picture by the way.

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KimPossible21 #1
I'll subscribe for now. Will read soon
lol but youre the one who write beautiful xD
kekeke buut the latest chapter is have something important ;)
Thank you
HOLLY KRISUS!!!! I LOVE IT!! I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE IT. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I'll stop at chap 3 cause i dont want to finish the story fast hahaha keep up the good work chingu~