Potential Comrades

20 Scenes of Horror

Her feet would step anywhere as long as not going back to her quiet room. She didn’t know how to face that day forward in there. It’s hard for her to adapt in a new place and it’s even harder for her to make friends. So when she had gained friends in her high school, she felt she must keep them. But look at what her parents and brother did to her, exiling her alone in Camaraderie while her friends were having fun in a normal university in their hometown.

Yeojin was not the type of girl who likes to hang out. She preferred make friends with books and computer than with people who can always provoke her emotion. Even having a boyfriend was a miracle for her.

Boyfriend. That word made her shaking her head, trying to erase it from her mind.

She arrived at Solace Park, the park where the ducks live. She walked while kicking the yellow leaves that were scattering on the grass. She saw a family of ducks swimming in the pond. Whoever in a good mood would have stopped and watched them, but Yeojin was not in a good mood, so she kept walking.

She entered the path that passed through another building. That building almost looked like the building in West Court, it’s just that it’s a three-stories building and the architecture were more detail. She saw a guy walked on the path while pulling a suitcase and a guitar box. A group of guys looked having fun, joking around while pushing each other. Girls’ yell was heard when they met each other. But Yeojin still didn’t care. She kept stepping on.

Run away? that thought made her sniggered. She couldn’t escape. She just got there an hour ago, she wasn’t able to carry her baggage alone, and she positively didn’t know anything about Moran town.

In fact, she didn’t even know the campus area of Camaraderie.

It made her stopped walking. She looked around. Weird, that place looked like Solace Park. But she left that place a while ago. She rapidly ran to the bushes, hoping to see the duck pond which was hidden behind the bushes. No, there’s no duck pond out there. So, where was she?

Ah, what was her mother said? Don’t get lost. It seemed like she’s doing it right now. She felt failed to be a good child.

Yeojin looked up, looking for any building in front of her. There was a row of houses which has the same model, type and color. There were two other L-shaped high-rise buildings on the left and the right of the park. Flat? There were flats in the campus of Camaraderie?

She then decided to go back to the building that looked like West Court. As soon as she got there, she only stood up, confused. Was this West Court? Well, whatever it was, at least there’s someone inside and she could ask about West Court.

She walked into the building through one of the doors. Quiet, no one was there. She wanted to shout but she’s afraid she would disturb people in the rooms. What if they were seniors? How if they’d get angry and want to punish her?

She got out of that building. She just stood outside the building alone. Where were the kids that just got here? Why they had been disappeared?

“Where is this?” she grunted over and over again. She kept walking in circles on the same place. She gave up and almost wanted to call her brother if there’s no one appeared.

“Finally!” Yeojin almost jumped hearing someone shouted from afar.

A guy wearing a red military blazer came out of nowhere. He was looking straight to the building with a happy face.

He didn’t look scary, so Yeojin decided to ask him. With quick steps, she came to him.

“Excuse me, do you know where West Court is?” asked Yeojin.

He looked at Yeojin with a face that almost made Yeojin smiled, because his already big eyes widened and his mouth formed an ‘O’. She managed to hold her smile though.

“You mean…” he stopped for a moment. “You mean it’s not West Court?”

It’s Yeojin’s turn to gawking. “No,” answered Yeojin. “West Court has four stories, while it only has three. Besides, West Court doesn’t have a carving of an eagle like that. I’m really sure.”

He looked at the carving of an eagle that Yeojin meant. “So, this is not West Court?” he asked, looking confused. “So where is West Court?”

“I was asking you the same thing,” said Yeojin, getting even more confused because of this guy.

He sighed, “I should just wait for my friends. I didn’t realize it’s going to be like this.”

“Maybe we should go back,” Yeojin looked behind her. “Where did you come from?”

“Solace Park.”

“What’s that?”

“The park where the ducks live.”

“Oh, I was from there too. Maybe we should go back there.”

So they went back to Solace Park.

“By the way, my name is Do Kyungsoo,” said the guy when they were walking down the path. “I guess both of us are freshmen. Aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” answered Yeojin. “I’m Song Yeojin.”

Silence hit both of those teens. When Kyungsoo was going to open his mouth, someone shouted loudly. “Kyungsoo!” they turned around and saw two guys walked towards them from the back of the trees in Solace Park. One of them was tall and wearing glasses, the other one looked shorter. “Where have you been, man? We were looking for you!”

“Why don’t you just wait in West Court? Thank God, you didn’t get lost,” said the guy who wore glasses.

“Well, actually did get lost,” answered Kyungsoo, his face looked relieved. “But thank goodness I meet you guys here.”

The shorter guy beside him glanced at Yeojin. “Are you with her? You just got yourself a girl friend? Hahaha…” he laughed.

“Oh, stop it, guys,” Kyungsoo faced them calmly. “This is Yeojin, she was also lost, and we met. Yeojin, these are my upperclassmen in high school. This is Chanyeol, and this is Chen.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Yeojin politely.

“How did you get lost?” asked Chen, the shorter guy. “Where’s your family?”

“They just went home,” answered Yeojin. “I… well, I was just walking alone. I didn’t even know where I was going. And suddenly I got lost.”

“Camaraderie is very wide,” said Chanyeol. “I got lost often when I just got here last year. So, it’s normal.”

“Can you guys take us to West Court right now?” asked Kyungsoo. “I forgot I left my cellphone in my room.”

“Okay, let’s go,” said Chanyeol with cheerful tones.

They walked through Solace Park, then arrived at the Main Court. Chen took his time to be their tour guide and explained everything that’s in Main Court.

“My brother said, whatever happens, Main Court will always quiet, peaceful and safe,” commented Yeojin.

“Oh, you have a brother here?” asked Chen.

“Yeah, he graduated four years ago,” answered Yeojin.

“Wow, really?” Chen looked surprised. “Is your name Choi?”

“No, my name is Song,” answered Yeojin. “Why?”

“Well, there’s a somewhat influential clan in Camaraderie, the clan of music students, they are The Choi’s,” answered Chen. “Because you have a brother here, I thought you’re a part of that clan. But anyway, how was he? If he’s smart, the professors will be easier to give you trust and respect.”

“Yeah, he’s a good student,” answered Yeojin. “He also has many friends, including the porter named Mr. Kwon Sein.”

“Ah, then your life will be easier,” said Chanyeol. “Did he come along with you?”


“Didn’t he take you to take a look around?”

“He did.”

“Then, why did you still get lost?”

“He didn’t take me to that place. He just took me to Solace Park.”

“You mean East Court?”

“Oh, it’s called East Court.”

“Yeah, it’s the dormitory where most of the sophomores live,” said Chen. “The rest live in the flats beside the Serene Park with the juniors.”

“Where do you guys live?” asked Kyungsoo.

“In East Court,” answered Chen.


“Ah, here we are,” said Chanyeol when they arrived in front of West Court. “Come on, let’s see your room. Are you coming, Yeojin?”

“Mmm… no,” answered Yeojin. “I want to go to the cafeteria.”

“It’s in the A Building, over there,” Chen pointed to the direction they just passed. “There’s a big glass door with a plate that says The Buttery.”

“Okay, thanks,” said Yeojin. “Nice to meet you guys.”

“Don’t get lost again,” said Chanyeol while waving his hand.

“I won’t,” answered Yeojin while waving back to him.

She returned and walked to the cafeteria named The Buttery. She smiled. Apparently the upperclassmen weren’t always such smartasses and pretending like they rule just because they’re older.

She finally arrived at the cafeteria. There weren’t so many people there, but the cafeteria was already full of snacks, sandwiches and pastries. But she’s not into eating, she wanted to drink. So she went to the vending machine on the side of the room.

 “UFF!” she just arrived in front of the machine when someone hit her because she wanted to use it too. The university card which she was going to use to buy the drink fell and was almost gone under the machine.

“Oh!” the girl shrieked seeing her card fell.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Yeojin ducked and took the card before it was pushed further under the machine. “Here’s your card. I’m sorry.”

“Mmm… that’s okay,” answered the girl. She received her card and swiped it on the machine’s reader. And then, she pushed the cold soda button.

Yeojin watched her, wondering what she’s doing.

After getting her drink, the girl moved away and looked at her. “What is it?” she asked.

“So that’s how to buy this drink?” asked Yeojin innocently.

“Yeah, how else?” the girl chuckled.

“Ah, I have a brother who had been a student in here, he just left, but he didn’t tell me about it at all,” Yeojin ranted.

“Really? So what are you going to do with that machine? Insert a coin in it?”

“I guess so.”

The girl giggled. “You must be a freshman too,” she offered her hand, “my name is Luna, Luna Park.”

“I’m Yeojin, Song Yeojin,” Yeojin shook her hand.

“Where’s your room?” that girl was surprisingly friendly. “Mine is in West Court, number 63.”

Yeojin widened her eyes hearing that, “Mine is number 61!”

“Really? That’s awesome!” shouted Luna. “So what are you majoring?”

Yeojin pushed the hot chocolate button on the machine before she looked back at Luna, “Japanese. You?”

“Me too!” Luna shouted again, didn’t expect this thing to come. “Oh God, it’s a weird coincident. I was so worried that it’s going to be hard for me to make friends because my friends didn’t apply here, but then I met you. It’s just… wow. But it’s if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not,” said Yeojin quickly. “I don’t know anyone in here either. So I really understand your feeling.”

“It , huh?” Luna chuckled. “Mmm… want to go somewhere else? We can talk while looking around in here.”

“Sure, let’s go,” Yeojin walked beside her new friends.

While Luna told her about herself, Yeojin watched the girl. She’s so petite with medium blonde hair, happy smile, and talkative way of talking. Yeojin felt that she would like this girl. Her room was on the next door and they’re in the same major, Yeojin hoped they could be really close.

Kyungsoo and Luna. She would need their help to survive in Camaraderie.

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KimPossible21 #1
I'll subscribe for now. Will read soon
lol but youre the one who write beautiful xD
kekeke buut the latest chapter is have something important ;)
Thank you
HOLLY KRISUS!!!! I LOVE IT!! I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE IT. SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I'll stop at chap 3 cause i dont want to finish the story fast hahaha keep up the good work chingu~