Her Heart's Havoc

Her Heart's Havoc

Everyone in the school hallway was in high spirits in anticipation for the summer vacation.

Everyone except Tiffany, that is.

College sophomore Tiffany Hwang stood by as her best friend picked up books for their next class.

“Sophomore year’s almost over,” Taeyeon gleefully sighed. Seeing her locker almost empty of school papers & requirements, she was reminded that in a week, school’s over—for this year, at least. The girl closed her locker & leaned against it. “Isn’t that great, Fany?” Taeyeon smiled, staring at the ceiling—probably excited for vacation like everyone else.

There was no response.

Taeyeon turned to her friend & saw Tiffany unconsciously biting on her fingernail.

Putting her hands on her hips, Taeyeon asked, “Tiffany? Were you listening?”

Tiffany looked right through Taeyeon as though she heard nothing.

“Tiffany?” Taeyeon laid her hands on her friend’s shoulders and shook her. “Tiffany! Hey!”

“H-Huh?” Tiffany slowly shifted her gaze to Taeyeon, pulled out of her trance.

Taeyeon let her hands slide down from Tiffany’s shoulders. She smirked, “I was talking to you.. but you were obviously not listening.”

Tiffany’s eyebrows crinkled a little. “Sorry,” she said in a low voice, avoiding Taeyeon’s eyes.

“Is anything wrong?” Taeyeon cocked her head. She worriedly shifted her weight on her toes—bothered that Tiffany, her best friend, is going through something unspoken.

Tiffany faked a smile & shook her head, “Oh, no no.. I’m just.. just tired and sleepy..”


“You owe me some explanation later,” Taeyeon eyed her friend suspiciously.

Tiffany was not really the best liar in town and unfortunately for her, Taeyeon is a walking lie detector.

Tiffany’s shoulders sank, knowing that she’s busted & that her lie did not convince a single cell in Taeyeon’s body. “Okay,” Tiffany sighed, “I’ll tell you.”

“You better,” Taeyeon reached out to hold Tiffany’s hand.

Before she opened to speak, Tiffany looked out the window—not to admire the ironically clear blue skies, not to watch the birds that carelessly hopped on the lawn, but to take some time to muster the strength and fight back the tears of fear that will fall anytime now. She took in a huge deal of oxygen then answered, “Mom & Dad sent me an e-mail last night.”

In shock, Taeyeon’s hand reflexively squeezed tighter on Tiffany’s. Taeyeon’s free hand flew to cover , muffling the gasp that had escaped it.

Tiffany continued, “And that’s not all.. they want to talk through a video chat later tonight.”

Tiffany’s parents are not the type to send an e-mail—let alone to call through a video chat—hence, the reaction of the girls. Spending more than half of her 19 years of existence without parents is now what seemed normal to Tiffany.

Taeyeon knew this as a best friend would—she’d seen Tiffany continue life almost-alone. The Hwang parents, who’re based on Manhattan for years now, would just regularly send Tiffany an ample amount of money before going back to work their butts off—completely overlooking one of the things they should focus on. Their own daughter. Tiffany.

“What?! Why?! Did they tell you what it is about?!” Taeyeon’s questions came to Tiffany like bullets from a machine gun.

Tiffany in a breath. “I don’t know for sure, but I’m certain that it’s something.. big and serious,” she admitted, rekindling that scary feeling of extreme anxiety. It sent an uneasy feeling in her stomach. “Do you think I should tell this to him? I mean.. tell this to Donghae?”

“I-I.. I don’t know, Tiffany. You think it over,” Taeyeon said apologetically. Of course, she wouldn’t know. Her relationship with Leeteuk had been ideal since the courtship stage. The whole university can recognize the ‘TaeTeuk Couple’ anytime and anywhere as the ‘perfect couple’—no quarrels, no opposing forces & no issues just pure, contagious, heart-warming and impossibly true love.

Tiffany looked back and realized that her relationship with Donghae had been pretty much the same as with Taeyeon & Leeteuk’s.. until now.


If there was an ounce of hope left for Tiffany, she wouldn’t have reacted this way. But what happened last night drenched her with pure worry and anxiety. In her normal world, what happened last night shouldn’t have occurred. This is not how things normally work & it scared her to the bones.

A few more minutes before classes start & waiting inside their room, Tiffany still couldn’t get the churning fear out of her system.

“Good morning, beautiful,” a stolen kiss on her cheek pulled Tiffany back to reality.

She turned to look.

Lee Donghae.

Initially, the sight of her boyfriend sparked a little light of peace inside her. Unfortunately, the unpleasant feeling was too fast to poke her inside, the tiny glow out of her.

“Hey, dear,” Tiffany acknowledged him, trying to sound and look as normal as possible.

Seemingly fooled, Donghae smiled Tiffany’s favorite smile—that of innocence & mischief both at the same time. “One more week, Tiffany and we can have the vacation all to ourselves,” he remarked enthusiastically.

The cheerful tone in Donghae’s voice sent a painful stab to Tiffany’s chest. She can’t bear seeing him in happy oblivion.

“Yes,” was all that Tiffany managed to choke out. She twisted her torso towards the back to check on Taeyeon but Leeteuk’s presence made Tiffany’s best friend unavailable.

A sudden warmth on her hand forced Tiffany to look down.

Donghae was busy writing stuff on his notebook while simultaneously intertwining his fingers with Tiffany’s.

For the first time today, a sense of relief swept past Tiffany. She weakly giggled, gripping tighter on Donghae’s hand. The warmth, strength and comfort it provided her were just what she need at the moment.

“I love you,” Tiffany said in her mind, watching as Donghae focused on what he was doing.

“I love you, Tiffany,” Donghae said out of the blue as if he just heard Tiffany’s thought. He completed the moment by kissing the inside of his girlfriend’s hand.


After dinnertime, Tiffany went online and waited for the video chat request from her parents for a few minutes. Tiffany shut her eyes & uttered a small prayer before hitting the huge green ‘Accept’ button.

The small but stern face of her mother greeted her.


“Mom..” Tiffany bowed her head, sending fringes of her hair astray.

Mrs. Hwang complimented her daughter, “You’re looking great, dear.”

Her mother’s unusually sweet voice scared the hell out of Tiffany. “Please,” the Hwang daughter begged, “Let’s not beat around the bush, mom.”

“I heard you have a boyfriend of two years,” Mrs. Hwang said, completely ignoring her daughter’s last remark.

Tiffany stiffened in her seat. “Y-Yes, mom,” she answered, before opting for a change in topic. “Why did you call, mom?”

“You’re gonna come and live with us here in Manhattan.”


Tiffany can barely stay still as her mother’s authoritative statement resounded inside her head—tossing & turning, thinking things over.

“I’m 19 for goodness’ sake! Shouldn’t I, at least, have a say on this?!” she remembered pointing out to her mom.

A hard “No” was all she got.

In the verge of tears, Tiffany said, “Well, I’m sorry but you can’t possibly drag me to the airport, either.”

She was never a rude daughter but no one ever likes being forced to do something, let alone being given no option at all.

The last hour was spent with tears as she told Taeyeon everything—asking her best friend what she’d do if it was her in this kind of situation.

“They can’t just expect me to leave Korea! They’re almost strangers to me; and they expect me to live with them?! My life is here. My friends are here. Taeyeon, you are here. Donghae.. is here,” Tiffany recalled choking these words out to Taeyeon in between her sobs.

Tiffany let out a disgusted sigh as she stared at the ceiling. She lied on her bed with an arm resting on her forehead, trying her best to keep the pessimistic thoughts out.

As she tried to clear her head, she took deep breaths.

“Deep breaths, Fany.. Deep breaths..” she mumbled to herself.

One deep breath.

Two deep breaths.

Three deep bre—

Kring kring.

Tiffany rolled over to reach for her phone on the bedside table. She was able to answer it before the third ring, “Hello?”

“Fany,” Donghae’s voice sang her name.

“W-Why did you call this late?” Tiffany stammered. It would kill her if Donghae knew about her situation but painful as it is, Tiffany knew to herself that there’s no escaping Donghae’s right to know.

Donghae chuckled at the other end of the line, sending Tiffany an air of assurance that he was still clueless. “Can’t a boyfriend call his girlfriend late at night?” he teased.

“Oh no no.. but uhmmm.. hey.. we need to talk,” Tiffany said, getting the unwanted jitters.. again. How’s she gonna tell Donghae everything?

Nonchalantly, Donghae laughed again. “We are talking, babe!”

Tiffany faked a laugh and the conversation lasted for several more minutes, without her mentioning anything about the big bad news to him.


During lunchtime the next day, Donghae asked Taeyeon and Leeteuk to give him some time alone with Tiffany. Little did Tiffany know that Donghae wasn’t totally convinced, after all. The weak laughs, the unusual lack of interest and the preoccupied tone in Tiffany’s voice last night—it was all alarming to Donghae.

Except for today, it was the four’s usual set up—eating at a table like some ‘daily double date.’

“Sure,” Taeyeon said, sensing the urgent need for the two to talk. She turned to Leeteuk whose arm was draped around her shoulder. “We can do that for Donghae, right?” Taeyeon casually said, wrapping an arm around the man’s waist.

Leeteuk took a step forward & patted Donghae’s shoulder. He smiled softly, “Of course, Donghae.”

The couple walked away after a series of bows, farewells & a wish of strength.


As soon as Donghae stepped in the cafeteria, he quickly spotted Tiffany at the far end of the room.

“Hey, there,” Donghae occupied a seat in front of Tiffany after his usual greeting—an abrupt kiss on the cheek.

Tiffany immediately reached out for Donghae’s hand, “We need to talk.” She clutched her free hand over her chest as if doing so would slow down her heart beat.

Donghae slowly nodded. “Yes, we do,” he said with a soft yet hurt expression.

Instantly upon hearing Donghae’s words, the original and dominant feeling of fear and anxiety was accompanied by utter confusion. “W-What do you m-mean?” Tiffany asked, overwhelmed by the shock she got from the complicated situation they were suddenly in.

“Do you,” Donghae uneasily shifted in his seat, “want to tell me something? Fany?”

“Y-Yes,” Tiffany swallowed hard. “I guess you noticed, huh?” Her words came slowly, guiltily and unsurely.

Donghae let out a bitter chuckle, “It will take more than fake smiles & forced laughter to fool me that nothing’s going on, love.” He frowned in disappointment, “You never kept a secret from me—well, that was until now—and it hurts.” He lowered his head, taking Tiffany’s hand to his.

“I know,” Tiffany leaned forward, “And I’m so sorry.”

“What is it, really?” Donghae asked, regretting that he did. He’s not really that ready to hear the worst yet but he wanted so bad to know the truth.

Tiffany’s expression darkened, only worsening it for Donghae. “I.. My parents want me to live with them..”

Donghae lurched backwards in astonishment. “Wha—How..” he muttered to himself, “In Manhattan.. You..”

Panicking, Tiffany cupped her boyfriend’s cheeks. “I know.. and I hate the idea of it,” she tried convincing him.

”But you’re going..” Donghae said like a robot, emotionless.

Tiffany voice cracked as she said, “I’m not going.”

“So you’re staying, then,” he naturally assumed from Tiffany’s previous remark.

“I.. I don’t know..” she said, almost like a whisper—surprised by the words that had escaped her lips.

For her, it was disturbing to think that she wasn’t even so sure herself. She was a coward, as she now regarded of herself.

Tiffany knew from the very start that staying here in Korea was what she wanted; but now she’s haunted by the idea that maybe, just maybe, living with her parents in Manhattan was what she needed.. for her future.

Donghae watched intently as Tiffany’s eyes wandered around during her episode of contemplating. A lump formed in his throat as Donghae, too, quickly lists the ups and downs of each option inside his head.

For a minute or two, neither one of them breathed a word.

Donghae had to retreat; he can’t take the tension that’s growing between him and the love of his life. Without any word, he stood up and walked away, the faint sobs of Tiffany getting softer as his feet carried him farther.



“If things won’t change between me and Donghae today, I will go,” Tiffany thought to herself, staring at her reflection in the school lavatory’s mirror. She leaned on the sink as she took notice of the dark circles around her eyes that weren’t there 2 days ago.

Ever since Donghae left her in the school cafeteria, they had not talked. She would eat her lunch and spend her break time with Taeyeon and Leeteuk and it felt so wrong. Feeling like a third wheel is not the best feeling in the world, Tiffany knew this now despite Taeyeon’s efforts to make her feel as if everything’s going to be fine.

This would be the third day of no call, no message, no voice mail & not even an eye contact from Donghae if this act would continue.

Just then, Tiffany felt her cellphone vibrating in her pocket—one new message. Before she hit the ‘Read’ button, she inhaled audibly.


From: Hae~

Tiffany, I’m at our secret place. Spare me a few minutes, please?


“Does this mean that we’re okay?” Without any second thought, Tiffany scrambled out of the restroom & immediately ran to their secret place—the school’s not-so-off-limits rooftop. She didn’t care if her boyfriend came bearing good or bad news she just wanted to talk to him again. It’s bad enough that her parents are treating her like some puppet and Donghae not talking to her for days just devastated her; hence, the dark circles, and a little weight loss.


“Hae, I’m here,” Tiffany said, catching her breath.

Donghae, who was leaning against the wall, noticed the little physical changes in her girlfriend. “Are you.. sick?” he asked.

Tiffany shook her head and tried to put on her best smile, “I’m fine now.”

“What happened to you?” Donghae frowned, hurt by how Tiffany acts happy and how she miserably failed.

“Nothing!” Tiffany lied. Indeed, she was horrible at it. “Why’d you call me here, dear?”

“I wanted to apologize for walking out on you,” Donghae admitted.

Tiffany blinked twice, cringing at the unpleasant memory. She begged, “Can we, like, not talk about that? Please?”

Donghae nodded. “But,” he began, “I think you should go.”

A look of horror flashed across Tiffany’s face. “W-What did you s-say?” she exclaimed as she wobbly swayed to her side from dizziness.

The man bit his lip and tried to choose words that would hurt less, if not totally, for Tiffany. “Manhattan will be good for your future—you can finish your studies there then land a job on Heaven only knows where.” Donghae tried to sound enthusiastic, “Who knows.. your dream job! That’s an awesome opportunity, Tiffany!”

Tiffany’s eyebrows formed a straight line as she wrapped her arms around herself. “Donghae.. but you and me.. you and me will be impossible if I go,” her field of vision started to blur as tears clouded her eyes.

You and me should not be a hindrance to your dreams,” Donghae said. He added, “Isn’t this why you chose to study here in Korea Institute for the Arts? Because you want to be a theatrical actress someday? To dance, act and sing onstage? New York, Tiff.. New York can take you a step closer to your dreams.”

“A-Are you s-saying that we should.. breakup?” Tiffany almost choked at the word as the first tear fell from her eye. From then on, she knew she couldn’t hold it back any longer.

Seeing Tiffany so broken like this, Donghae looked away. This was definitely not his favorite view. “Love, I’m saying that you should consider the vast array of opportunities that are waiting for you there,” he said. Each word felt like an arrow struck right at his very soul.

“That.. That hurts.. Lee Donghae,” the girl’s chin trembled as tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

Her beau turned to look at Tiffany again. Donghae seconded, “Yes, it hurts.. so much.”

“Then why?! Why are you driving me away?” Tiffany asked; she needed to hear words that could help her understand because for the past few minutes, each word Donghae spoke seemed nonsense.

“Because.. I love you. I love you too much that it pains me to see you sacrifice a great future just for me.”

Tiffany was now shaking as she submerged in a fit of deep heart-wrenching sobs. She wiped her tears with her fists & Donghae watched her helplessly, wanting to be the one who’ll wipe her every tear but he didn’t want to confuse her. Any move like that would clearly just make it harder for both of them.

Donghae had made up his mind and even though it rips his heart in a million pieces he had no choice but to stand by it. He made it clear to Tiffany, didn’t he? It hurts but this is for no one but her.

Tiffany unsteadily took a step forward until she was close enough to hug Donghae; and she did—she wrapped her arms around the love of her life.. for the last time. “I love you, Donghae. I love you so much,” the girl whispered as she nuzzled her nose in his collar.

It ended too soon and a second later, all that was left in the rooftop was Donghae and his uniform wet with Tiffany’s tears.

That day, Tiffany did not attend any of her classes and the next day and the day after that.

If Donghae had not charged Leeteuk against the lockers, he still wouldn’t have found out that Tiffany had left for America the night after they talked in their secret place.



“Taeng! Guess what, I’ll be practicing with Complexions for the first time today!” Tiffany excitedly screamed at the top of her lungs as she & Taeyeon did their traditional catch-up talk every second Saturday of the month through a video chat. She was talking about landing her first job after graduating from Juilliard as one of the members of Complexions, the Cirque du Soleil of Broadway.

 “That’s great, Fany! I’d be signing the contract with SM Entertainment in less than a month, too!” Taeyeon squealed, equally overjoyed.

Tiffany bounced on her seat in happiness. “So, I can check you out at the next SM Town Concert in Madison Square Garden?”

Taeyeon blushed at the thought of her best friend’s words turning into a reality. She laughed and nodded, “I hope so! By the way, I heard that Lee Dong--”

“I don’t need to know, Taeng,” Tiffany cut her friend off midsentence. She did not want to hear his name again. It just filled her mind with too many memories.. memories of parting.

Yes, it’s been years but because Tiffany had not had a single relationship yet, Taeyeon is convinced that her best friend may still be in love with Donghae.

Taeyeon teasingly sang, “If you say soooo~” She raised her hands defensively as a sign of surrender.

Rolling her eyes, Tiffany said, “Hey, Taeng, I need to go now.. practice starts in an hour; I should get going..”

“Oh,” Taeyeon yawned and stretched, “I should go to bed now, too. It’s already late here.” She made an OK sign and nodded to her friend goodbye, “Bye, Tiiiiiiff! I’ll talk to you soon, ‘kay?”

“OK! Goodnight there, Taengoo,” Tiffany waved at the camera before ending the video call. She let out a sigh of satisfaction before quickly gathering her things.

“Mom! Dad! I’ll be home before dinner! Bye! Love you!” Tiffany yelled as she ran down the stairs.

“Tiffany Hwang! Be careful!” It was the voice of Hwang Haeyoung, Tiffany’s father, coming from the dining area. Even though he sounded strict, Tiffany did not miss the faint note of love, concern & endearment from it.

When the Hwang daughter reached the door, she called out for the last time, “Yes, daddy! I will!”

Years ago, when Tiffany called her parents to say that she’s agreeing to living with them & finishing her studies in America, the Hwang couple was surprised.

They offered Tiffany to live with them but they never expected their daughter to ever agree. It was a shot they never predicted to hit the mark. Nevertheless, it did.

From the very start, Tiffany admitted to her parents that she was here solely because of Lee Donghae; because the love of her life insisted that this was the wiser decision to make.

Knowing how big the sacrifice their daughter made, the Hwang father & mother became more loving and understanding towards Tiffany. A mutual reconciliation & a rebirth parents-offspring relationship followed afterwards. Because of this, though unspoken, Haeyoung always felt indebted towards this Lee Donghae—he owes him his relationship with his daughter. He owes him Tiffany’s excellent future.


“My sweet child, indeed, you lost someone. But do you know what’s worse?” Haeyoung recalled whispering to Tiffany as he her hair comfortingly.

It was during the span of Tiffany’s first year in Manhattan—her supposedly 3rd year anniversary with Donghae, to be exact. The girl buried her wet face in her father’s chest as she cried over memories of Donghae.

Tiffany asked between her sobs, “W-What is it, daddy?” She looked up with puffy eyes.

“It’s losing yourself in the process of losing someone,” Haeyoung said.

Standing by her father’s words, Tiffany was able to slowly pick herself up.. or did she really?


Looking up at the New York summer skies, Tiffany smiled to herself. “First day of work, here I come..”

She then shifted her attention to the stoplight, squinting to regain normal vision. The skies’ brightness did nothing but to contaminate her view with multicoloured speckles.

At last, the stop light went red and it was safe for the people to cross.

“I shall be there in a few minutes,” Tiffany merrily told herself.

She slipped her hands inside her jeans pocket as she squeezed her way through the busy sidewalks of Manhattan.

Just then, Tiffany felt an impact from behind.

“Ow,” her left hand flew to her right shoulder to ease the pain from the impact—a bump, apparently.

“My apologies, Miss,” the culprit’s voice—a male’s voice—apologized even before Tiffany could turn around to see him. “Are you okay?” he asked.

Was it just Tiffany or have she really heard that voice somewhere in her past?

“Hm. Modern day chivalry. Cool,” Tiffany thought, hearing sincerity and concern from the man’s voice. She turned around to say, “I’m okay, thank you,” but as soon as she took in the view of the man’s face, she was at a loss for words.

After a few seconds of gaping at each other, the man spoke, “Is that you? Tiffany Hwang?” He was equally surprised as Tiffany; the confusion & flabbergast in his eyes gave him away.

Tiffany felt her chin tremble as she stared at the face of the man in front of her.

A familiar face—too familiar that it sent a paralyzing chill down her spine.

The girl’s field of vision began to blur as memories from years ago flooded her thoughts.

Lee Donghae.

As soon as the name came to her, Tiffany felt light and weightless. She felt dizzy; knees weak and wobbly.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked her again with his hands firmly grasping her shoulders, steadying her to the ground.

Tiffany looked down at Donghae’s hands on her. In one quick movement, she took a step back, distancing herself—the total opposite of what she wanted to do. “I’m fine,” she tried to sound unshaken as she pulled on her clothes nervously.

“Do you.. still remember me?” Donghae asked playfully.

Tiffany slowly nodded, “Of course.. Lee Donghae.”

The man delightedly spread his arms wide and for two awkward seconds, he hugged the girl who once was his.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Tiffany thought aloud.

Casually, Donghae laughed, folding his arms across his chest. “Me, too. I can’t believe I’m here, too. Moreover, I never thought I’d see.. you. Here.” He drew in a deep breath before continuing, “By the way, I’m sorry for bumping into you. Does it still hurt?”

“Oh no,” she nervously laughed, “I’m fine and uhm.. I need to be somewhere so I gotta go.” She needs to disappear now before the situation gets out of hand.

“Ah, yes,” Donghae checked his watch and continued, “Actually, I’m running a little late for something, too.”

“Oh yeah?” Tiffany curiously prompted him to elaborate. “I’m off to.. work and you are..?”

“I was on my way to an important lunch date with--” he stopped himself there.

Tiffany doesn’t need to know..right?

Hoping and praying that Tiffany wouldn’t ask further, Donghae bit his lip.

“Huh? I’m sorry I didn’t quite hear you..” the girl said. “Who will accompany you for lunch?” Tiffany asked, surprised that she did—ask the question Donghae never dreamt to answer for her.

One voice spoke inside Donghae’s head. Lie, Donghae. Don’t hurt her again. Lie or she might get hurt and it will be because of you. Again.

Contradicting what the first voice said, another one spoke. You do not need to protect her feelings. It’s all in the past, Donghae. Tell her the whole truth and be done with it.

“The lunch date is with my fiancé’s family; they’re Koreans but they also have a place to stay here in New York. We’ll be finalizing the wedding details today,” Donghae said, emphasizing each detail, obviously following the second voice.

A lump formed in Tiffany’s throat. She forced out a smile. “Best of wishes to you and..”

“Jessica. Her name’s Jessica Jung,” Donghae unwillingly finished for her.

“Best of wishes to you and Jessica, then. Bye.” With that, Tiffany disappeared in the sea of people.

“Goodbye, Tiffany. Goodbye, my first love,” Donghae mumbled to himself, reminiscing how Tiffany left him in the exact same way years ago—no goodbyes.


A few hours later..

Haeyoung checked the time & muttered, “Hmmm. Tiffany promised to be home before dinnerti--” The Hwang father’s attention shifted to the front door as it flew open, revealing Tiffany who was standing in the doorway with her face buried in her hands.

From the kitchen, Mira, Tiffany’s mother, heard the sound and she ran to see who it was.

Her parents assisted Tiffany to the couch; the young lady, still hesitant to show her face.

“Did something happen?” Mira asked as she and Haeyoung sat on either side of their daughter.

“I saw him today, mom..” her own hands muffled Tiffany’s voice.

Haeyoung laid a hand on his daughter’s lap, “Him? Who is him exactly, Tiffany?”

“D-Donghae,” Tiffany looked up with her eyes swollen for crying all the way back home from practice. Saying his name still sent a staggering pain to her soul.

Mira gasped as Tiffany threw herself to her father’s arms.

“D-Dad, h-he’s getting m-married,” Tiffany said in between her sobs. She always felt secured in his father’s arms but it seems ineffective tonight. The pain doesn’t seem to fade for a bit.

Mira her daughter’s back & said, “You’re a strong girl and I know.. we know that you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”

Tiffany freed herself from his father’s hug & stared at her lap; her jeans wet from her own tears. “I-I don’t think I c-can.. I don’t think I can love s-somebody else as much as I l-love him. And it’s so hard b-because I still do.. I s-still love him,” she confessed.

“Oh no no,” Haeyoung soothingly cooed, “Just believe, dear.”

“Believe in what, dad?! Believe that Donghae still loves me?! Believe that the wedding won’t push through?! Believe that I still have a chance?! Because that’s like telling me to believe in the impossible!” Tiffany spat in frustration, questioning the world. In a second, the intensity of her emotions dropped as her voice turned hurt and vulnerable once again. “I don’t think I can risk loving him any further. It’s bad enough that I already lost him twice. Maybe I should start dealing with the fact that we’re really not for each other. Losing him for the third time will really be the death of me so tell me, mom.. dad.. What’s there left for me to believe in?” she asked, sounding completely hopeless.

Mira lifted Tiffany’s chin & wiped the tears. “Believe that you can move on. You can heal and start anew,” she said, half-smiling.

“Yes,” Haeyoung agreed, “Believe that someday, in some way, you’ll have your happy ending, too.”

Tiffany started wiping her tears with the back of her hands, trying to absorb each word that left her parent’s lips. She can really use some words of wisdom now.

For the first time in seven years, she felt a boost inside; like she’s now really ready to conquer life again, to seize tomorrow again and fall in love again.

“Believe in yourself,” Mira touched the tip of Tiffany’s nose which made the latter smile.

“And most of all,” Haeyoung poked Tiffany’s chest right where the heart is and said, “Believe in love.”





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HER HEART'S HAVOC: Yeyyy! A sequel! Am I the only one who's happy here? Kekeke!~ ^^ I hope you'll support it and wait for it patiently, too, my beloved readers!


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
k-popsone1116 #2
Chapter 4: Please post the sequel! I hope Tiffany will marry Donghae!! ^_^
Chapter 4: AHHH, it's not posted up! But I'll wait for it :D Anticipating another good story from you ^^
Chapter 4: Nice, I'm moving over to your sequel now ^^
You did a great job with this story, love it!
.,'add heesica unnie~..kekeke
Tzarista #6
suzukayamato26 #7
i want a sequel too!!!
maybe SiFany?? keke~
it's sad to leave the one you love whole-heartly behind :(( anyway, sequel. many readers had been requesting it.
Tzarista #9
i really want more
IamVIP88 #10
I know its too late to comment, but SEQUEL Please !! :D
hyukfany maybe ? or Topfany ???!! hahaha
i'm just topfany shipper after all