“………FINE.” She gave up. She put on the clothes I gave her and frowned at me. I just bring her back into my room and tuck her in my bed. I then go to my kitchen to get some medicine for her. When I get back to the room, I saw her already fast asleep. I just chuckled to myself and put the medicine next to the bed. Before leaving the bedroom, I gave her a goodnight kiss and left.

I wonder what she’s gonna say tomorrow?…

My eyes open and it’s all blurry. I rub my eyes a little bit and I realize that I an am in Kyuhyun’s home in his bedroom. How did I get here? I look around and see my dress on the floor……Wait…..how did it get there?….and how am I wearing pajamas when I didn’t even remember puttting it on……All I remember is going to the bar with the girls and getting drunk…..Oh ….DID I HAVE WITH KYUHYUN WHILE I WAS DRUNK??!!!! OH MY SHISUS. I sit up on the bed and widen my eyes. 

“Awake already?” someone said at the door. I turn and see Kyuhyun at the door. He approaches me and sits on the bed next to me.
“Me?! Take advantage of you?! HAHA~ You were the one who was getting .” He told me. 
“……..Wait, so….ACK! I’m confused. Tell me the whole story!” I demanded him,
“Well, you got super drunk and I had to take you home to my house. You called me y and wanted to do it with me. I said no. You ignored that and took off your clothes and started kissing me and undressed me. We were on the bed and you then started everywhere on my body. I said stop, but you didn’t listen. I then had to force you off the bed, make you dressed, and go to sleep. Then you knocked out right away.” He explained everything to me.

“Oh my god…….So, I was the one who wanted to have with you?” I asked him. He nodded.
“Why didn’t you want to? You’re a guy right?” I told him.
“Haha, I didn’t want to take advantage of you while you’re drunk. I’m not that kind of guy, Sungmin.” He said.
“Awhh~ Thank you sweetie~” I kiss him.
“But why didn’t you want to sleep in bed with me?” I ask him more.
“You’re still that huh?” He laughed. I glare at him.
“No! I meant like literally sleep with me.” I said.
“Yeah, I was afraid you were gonna me.” He said. I just punched him in the shoulder.
“Yeah, whatever…..OMG. IT’S FRIDAY. WE’RE MISSING SCHOOLL!!!” I yell as I start to get up but Kyuhyun stops me.
“Sungmin! Relax. Look outside.” He told me calmly. I just gave him a dumbfounded look and did what he said. 

I approach the window and saw that it was……SNOWING! Oh my gosh, it looked so beautiful. Everything was covered in a white blanket.
“School got canceled due to the snow storm. We still have to go to the sleepover tonight though at Eunhyuk’s house.” He told me. He then hugged me at the back. “Hehe~ It’s our first snow together~” He said. I just smiled.
“But too bad we have to shovel it all out today….” He suddenly said. I turn around and frown at him.
“………I wanna go play though~” I said with my aegyo. He sighed.
“…………….fine.” He said hesitantly.
“YAYY~~ LET’S GOO~” I yelled. After we both got our coats and other warm clothes on, I grab Kyuhyun’s hand and run outside.

The scenery was absolutely beautiful. It was snowing lightly and it looked like a winter wonderland. I bent down and felt the snow. Since it was still fresh snow, it was very light. I take some of it and throw it in the air to let it fall down on me. I laughed and turned around. All I see was Kyuhyun already concentrating on shoveling out all of the snow, starting at the front of his door. *sigh* 

“KYUHYUN!” I yell at him.
“Hm?” He said as he looked up. I saw that his cheeks were already red from the cold. He looked so cute.
“Okay, Sungmin. Wait till I’m done shoveling.” He said as he went back shoveling the snow. Seeing that he won’t listen to me, I sneakily bent down to the snow, and formed a snowball. I got back up and I immediately throw it at him. Boom, headshot. Seeing that I chucked a snowball right at his head, he looked back up to me.

“….Oh you’re going to get it, Sungmin.” He smirked at me evilly and threw his shovel out the way. Uh oh….Immediately, I run away hurriedly but I was too late. He caught up to me and slapped a chunk of snow, right into my face. I glare at him, and saw he was laughing hard.

“HAHA~ KARMA’S A . ISN’T IT SUNGMIN?!” He said out loud, laughing. Just after hearing that line, gives me back memories when me and Kyuhyun first met. It’s funny how we use to hate each other’s guts and wanted to kill each other, but now, it’s completely different. I snap out of it, and turn to him. He was still laughing at me. Without him noticing, I get the shovel and scoop up and huge amount of snow.
I then pour it all over him making him startled. There was so much snow that I didn’t even see him when it was being poured on him. After that, he stopped laughing and immediately turn to me. Looking at him, he was all covered in snow now, with chunks of it sticking on to him. I laugh at the sight.

“……..Okay. I give up. Let’s seal it all of with a hug, shall we?” He said as he began approaching me. Oh no. I do not want to be covered in snow right now. I try to run away again, but as expected, he gave me a big bear hug on the back.

“AHHH! KYUHYUN~” I scream, feeling all the coldness on my back. I try to struggle out, but we both end up stumbling onto the snow, with Kyuhyun now on top of me. Seeing that we’re on an awkward position right now, I blush.

“K-Kyuhyun. Please get off of me.” I slowly say.
“…What if I don’t want to?” He says ily. ARGHH. WHY MUST HE BE SO Y AT THIS TIME?!
“Kyuhyun. Seriously. Get off. I’m gonna get sick.” I say to him.
“….Well, we don’t want that, do we?” He said as he immediately gets off of me and pulls me up.
I get up and slip a little on the slippery icy snow.

“AH!” I scream. Luckily, Kyuhyun held onto me. I look up to him and he suddenly kissed me. I was surprised at first but I responded too. Ahh~ It was so sweet. We slowly release the kiss. I looked at him and hugged.

“…I wish it can be like this forever. Only you and me.” I sighed.
“Yeah me too. But it’s okay. We’re gonna get married, have kids, and die together right?” He said. I giggled a little bit.
“Keke~ Yeah~” I say.
“Sungmin. I love you. I really do.” He says to me. It just feels so nice when he says that.
“I love you too Kyuhyun.” I reply. “…Hehe~ It’s funny” I said to him.
“….huh? How? Loving each other is funny?” He questioned.
“No! It’s funny how we used to hate each other.” I said.
“Yeah, but we were stupid at that time. Actually, I was stupid. I shouldn’t have been so rude to you when you first came.” He confessed.
“It’s okay~ it was the past. But I kind of miss the names Sun Chip and Q-Tip…” I said. We both laughed.
“Haha~ Anyways, we should go inside now and eat.” He said. We both agreed and went back inside the house.

“Sungmin. Stay here. I’ll buy us some food, okay? I’ll be right back from the grocery store.” Kyuhyun said to me. I pouted at him.
“So I have to be alone?~ Why can’t we go together?” I whined at him.
“I don’t want you to be sick Sungmin. It’s very cold outside and it will be quick.” He said.
“Fine~ But hurry back~” I say to him.
“Thanks, sweetie.” He said as he kissed me goodbye and left the home.

I sighed and sat on the couch. After a few minutes, I heard the doorbell ring. He’s back already? I guess he really means it when he’ll be back quick. I shrug it off and head to the door.

“Kyuhyun!” I said as I open the door. To my surprise, it wasn’t Kyuhyun…..but this one girl………Seohyun.

“Seohyun? What are you doing here” I said to her as I frown.
“Where’s Kyuhyun?” She said to me with a slight atitude in her tone. Without me offering, she stepped into the home. I just let her in and closed the door. Seohyun then tossed her purse onto the couch and sat down.
“Kyuhyun went to the groceries……..why do you need to know?” I ask her slowly.
“Oh. ………I’m gonna make him get back with me.” she said looking at her nails. As soon as she said that, my blood boiled.
“Uhm…..you do realize me and Kyuhyun are together, right?” I say firmly to her.
“Tch. Kyuhyun doesn’t love you.” Seohyun said. Oh my gosh. I really want to punch her right now.
“Excuse me?” I say, trying to calm down.
“I said Kyuhyun doesn’t love you. Kyuhyun just wanted a toy when I got together with Yonghwa. Also, Yonghwa and I are over now. Anyways. you’re just an excuse.” Seohyun told me. After she said that, I started to get hurt. Is it really true? No! I can’t believe this .
“T-That’s a lie…..I know Kyuhyun loves me and I love him back…” I say to her.
“Hm. Really? Kyuhyun have always loved me. If I wasn’t with Yonghwa at the dance, Kyuhyun and I would still be together, and you would still be the loner.” She said. Tears were now dripping off my face. Why the hell am I falling for this stupid trick of hers?
“……..Get out of this house right now.” I demanded her.
“No. How about you?” She said to me. Without even knowing, I slapped her right across the face. She immediately touch her face and glared at me.
“GET OUT OF THIS ING HOUSE.” I screamed at her.
“….You’ll pay for this Sungmin. You’ll see.” She said, still glaring at me, while I was dripping down tears. She immediately grabbed her bag and left, slamming the door closed. I threw myself on the couch and started crying. What she said…..was it true? No, it can’t be. Kyuhyun said he loved me. Why am I believing this anyways?

Suddenly, I hear the door open. 

“Sungmin~ I’m home~” I heard Kyuhyun say. Oh no. Why does he have to come at this time? He saw that I was crying and immediately ran over to me.
“Sungmin! What happened?!” He yelled. He gently touched my face and wiped my tears.
“….Kyuhyun…..Do you love me?” I sobbed.
“What? Sungmin. I love you so much. I could say that all day if I had the chance.” He said to me.
“Really?….Are you sure?” I ask hesitantly.
“Min. Why are you doubting my love to you?” He says. He then kisses me on the lips. Ugh, why am I listening to Seohyun? I should be trusting Kyuhyun.
“……….Sorry, Kyuhyun. I was just being--yeah.” I say to him. “Listen Kyuhyun. Let’s promise not to lie to each other okay?” I said.
“Yes, I promise. So anyways, that’s the reason why you were suddenly crying like that?” He said.
“Uh, yeah. But that’s over now. Let’s go eat” I told him as I was getting up. Wow. I was lying already.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KYUHYUN’S POV

I watch her as she slowly gets up from the couch. She looked so sad while doing it. Why was she suddenly being like this? I just follow her to the kitchen.

“So Sungmin. I thought that we should just eat spaghetti today. I’ll prepare the pasta while you start on the sauce, okay?” I directed her. She just nodded and started right away. I just shrugged it off and got the pasta and put it in the pot with boiling water. I turn around and saw that Sungmin cutting the vegetables silently. I went back to overlooking my pasta. A few minutes later, I check on her again. I see that there was blood all over her hands and working space.

“SUNGMIN!” I yell as I hurriedly go to her. I realize that she just cut her fingers a little bit while slicing the food. 
“You’re bleeding!” I tell her.
“….Huh?” She looks to me.
“Sungmin, you cut yourself while cutting the vegetables” I say as I run her over to the sink to wash her hands.
“I did?…..” She says to me. Did she not realize that she cut herself?
“How can you not see this? What were you doing?” I question her while drying her still bleeding hands.
“Oh…….I was probably too concentrated on thinking of some things…..” She said. 
“Sungmin, you can’t do this from now on. Pay attention in what you’re doing.” I say while putting bandages over her injured fingers.
“Sorry…” She apologizes. What’s wrong with her? I need to ask her. I bring her to the couch to talk.

“Sungmin. What’s wrong with you today? Did something happen while I was at the grocery? You suddenly cry, and now you can’t realize what your surroundings are? Spit it out. Now.” I demanded.
“There’s nothing Kyu….Just hurry and finish our food.” She says dully as she gets up. I quickly pull her down.
“No, you’re not working in the kitchen with that injury. Just sit down and relax. Now tell me what’s up.” I say.
“The ceiling.” She says blankly.
“No! I’m serious Sungmin.” I said.
“Kyuhyun, there’s nothing wrong, okay? I just need some space.” She said.
“….Fine. I’m going back to the food. But you’re gonna have to tell me later or I‘m gonna have to find out, Sungmin.” I said as I get back to the kitchen.

Ugh, why does Kyuhyun have to be so uptight with me? I can’t tell him that Seohyun came over here and demanded him back. I just sit there and watch Kyuhyun cook. Does he still have feelings for Seohyun? After about 30 minutes, he was finally finished cooking. We just ate silently for the whole time. It wasn’t awkward but dull. 

After we finished eating, he finally talks.
“Are you ready to go to Eunhyuk’s house for the sleepover?” He asks. I just nod. The silence began again.
We both started getting ready and head out to Eunhyuk’s place. During the walk, he says something again.

“So Sungmin. You haven’t told me anything yet?….” He says. Ugh, not that again.
“Seriously Kyu. It’s nothing.” I said without looking at him.
“I don’t believe you.” He said.
“Okay, whether you believe me or not, I’m telling the truth.” I said to him. Nope, I was lying. Ugh, I’m breaking the promise so much right now. But the promise is for Kyuhyun’s own good. I want to prepare for the worst. Is he lying to me? Does he not love me? I don’t know.

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137darkpinku #1
Chapter 19: Mood swing !! But I Love it !! Thank you for made this fanfict ^^
Chapter 19: Aaaaw! This is so sweet :'(

I read this is one go and now my eyes are hurt but it's totally worth it. You wrote this very good Author-ssi. Good job, I<3it XD

Continue to write KYUMIN okay'?

CallMehhBubz #3
Chapter 19: Awwwwww~~ second time reading this..!!
Chapter 19: Damn! I just read them on all go! OMG! This fic is so sweet! It made me smile, cry and feel hot too! Hahaha great job! <3
Chapter 19: Istg i can not stop giggling jbskxbwseswkhxwkjw i love this so much /sobs
akxshi #6
sungminfan #7
waw I loved this fiction, with happy feelings and bounce just like I like. well done to the writer of the story and I encourage you to write more fiction. Congratulations once again
Great Story.
ElfVipBlackjack #9
So so so cute!!!! I loved it! I stayed up til 3am to finish it :)
AWWWW THIS STORY IS SOOOOO CUTE~!!! i read it all in about 5 hours!!! I LOVE IT!!!!