Chapter Three - Let's Go!

Better together

" Ish .. the airport is cold. I'm freezing~" Gwiboon whined. I turned to look at her walking slowly behind me, tugging on to her luggage. I chuckled and pulled out my jacket and draped it around her shoulder. Why am i treating her so well? She's a partial-stranger. Ahh, Jonghyunnie is just being a gentleman.

" Wae? Aren't you cold?" she asked, adjusting the jacket on her shoulder. I smiled and pulled her luggage over to my side, " Well, i'm used to it. So , no i'm not. " What a liar Kim Jonghyun. You already have goosebumps. She nodded and reached out for her luggage, before she could do so, i jerked her luggage away from her and walked towards the exit. She 'tsk-ed' and followed behind me.

"So .. where do you live?" I asked. She retrieved a piece of paper from her back pocket and passed it to me. I read it and smiled. We're living kinda close. " Ahh, my house is just a few houses away from yours. Why don't we settle and place your stuffs at your house first before going off to explore?" Ehh.. wait. I am tired.. okay, i guess not anymore. She nodded and we waved a cab.

" Wahh! I didn't know Korea houses are so huge! It's giving me the creeps at the thought of living here alone! Where do you live? I can visit you sometimes!"

" No way, i should come and visit you." I laughed and pulled her luggage in to her room. Her house is already well-furnished and nicely decorated. Her room is pink and white, i guess she really is feminine. She pouted and followed behind me. I turned around , face inches away from her. She looked at me in shock and i snapped back to reality.

" Sorry. Erm.. do you want to pack now or shall we go to my place first?" I asked. She looked into my eyes and eye-smiled. " GO to your place. Is your parents living with you?" She asked.

I nodded and we headed to my house. It was a 5 minutes walk from her place to my place so it isn't that far and the school is just a few metres away from here. We walked in silence until she broke it. " Where is our school?"

" Well, just a few minutes of walking away from here. I'll bring you there later. Then to the famous mall." Her eyes gleamed in enthusiam and she jumped around like a three year old kid. Ahh, this girl. So cute. I smiled before turning to my left and opening a gate. " This is your house? Wow.. it looks like a mansion!" she exclaimed. This girl can be so .. curious and.. fine, cute at times. No. Maybe everytime.

" What do you think? I'm breaking in?" i chuckled and she pouted. " Don't pout. Cause my mother is walking my way." her pout was removed from her face immediately before she turned around and saw my mom walking towards us. She wore a dress and wore her hair bun up. I smiled and she hugged me.

" Aigoo~ Jonghyunnie ! Umma missed you so much ! I haven't seen you in 3 months! How are you? I can't believe you went for three months just for a holiday." She exclaimed and whined at the same time. My mom can be so childish sometimes. She looked at Gwiboon and looked back at me. Repeating this 3 times before asking, " Aii.. i see.. who is this cute little girl , Jonghyunnie ah?"

" She is-"

" Hello! I am Kim Gwiboon. Nice to meet you aunty." She bowed a ninety degree bow and smiled to my mom.

" Is she your girlfriend Jonghyun ah?" . Everytime my mom uses Jonghyun, it means business.

" No aunty i'm-"

" Yes she is umma. " I faked a smile before wrapping my arm around Gwiboon waist and pulling her closer. I met her in America and she is half American half Korean. So.. can i go up to my room now or should i stay here?" I felt Gwiboon tensed up a little and tried to struggle out of my hold but too bad, i was too strong for her. My mother lead us back in before heading to the kitchen and i went up to my room.

" KIM JONGHYUN oppa! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!? SECOND TIME OPPA! SECOND TIME!" Gwiboon shouted. I cupped and shut the door behind me.

" Shhh.. my mother doesn't like me to bring girls back home unless they're my clost girl-friends or my girlfriend. Geddit? So we got to put on an act."

She nodded and slumped on my bed. " Now.. let's go to school?"


" So this is it. Can you remember the route here?" I asked. Gwiboon shook her head a little. " Then i guess i got to bring you to school everyday until you remember how." I said. Leaving the school.

" But, okay. Fine. " Dont worry Gwiboon, even if you remember, i'll still follow you to school.


We headed to the mall and Gwiboon held my hand, pulling me in all sorts of directions, entering shops and trying on different outfits, asking me if those are pretty. Seriously, doesn't she know that whatever is on her looks pretty? Aigo..

" Jonghyun oppa? Is this pretty? Should i choose white or pink? Does school allow black? Oh wait, those beanies are cute. Should i get the bear or the puppy one. Oh.. these bags, yellow or blue?" she spammed me questions and looked at me. Holding on to her stuffs in both hands.

" Pink is sweeter," I said, pulling out the white shirt from her hand. "Yes, school allows black." " You should get the puppy one. Cause its cuter" I removed the bear beanie. No, seriously, the puppy one reminds you of me. " Blue is cooler but yellow is trendier. I guess yellow should be better. " I said, removing the blue one from her hands. Seriously, we already spent 3 hours in the mall and we already have 9 bags of clothings and acessories. This girl. One lesson learnt today Jonghyun: NEVER FOLLOW A GIRL TO THE MALL. NEVER."

She nodded and headed off to the cashier to pay for the stuffs. I sat down on the chair infront of the counter, waiting for her. Pshh. We hardly know each other for a day and she already treat me like i'm her best friend. That's a good sign.

" Done. Oppa. I guess you're tired. Let's go back already." she said, picking up another 2 bags. Leaving me with seven bags. But, what can i do? It's my fault for bringing her here.

" Oppa, can you lend me your phone?" I nodded and fished my phone out of my pocket.

She fiddled with it for awhile before handing it back to me and smiled slyly. What did she do?


We went back home , yes. when i say went back home, i mean she went back to hers and i went back to mine. It was already dinner time and we had a lunch-dinner just now. And there should be food at her place. So, there's nothing to worry about. Seriously, Jonghyun. Why are you so worried about someone you hardly know and treats you like a best friend? Why would you tell your mother that she is your girlfriend? Why do you like to see her pout and tries to make her do so? Urgh.. your mad.


[From: Kim Gwiboon :D:D]

[To: Kim JongHyun oppa :D:D]

Hey Oppa! Since tomorrow is a Sunday, should we go somewhere and play? :D


Hahaha. She's so cute :) So that's what she did to my phone.

[From: Kim JongHyun oppa :D:D]

[To: Kim Gwiboon :D:D]

Hahaha. Sure cutie (: I'll go to your place tomorrow at 11am? :D


[From: Kim Gwiboon :D:D]

[To: Kim JongHyun oppa :D:D]

YES! HAHAHA. OKAY! DONT BE LATE! ^^v Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite 'cha! MUACKS!


She just created butterflies in my stomach. Damn Gwiboon, damn. The butterflies aren't going because of you.


[From: Kim JongHyun oppa :D:D]

[To: Kim Gwiboon :D:D]

Haha. Okayokay. I wont be late. Good night. chu~


A/N: Okay, so how was it!? :D

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before reading that last line i really thought Jonghyun was a jerk, but then he fanboyed.... so cute.... so please update soon.^ ^
agito_kanon9 #2
I LOVE THIS STORY! please continue this~
SHINing_Exotic #3
Update soon! This story is just too cute
agito_kanon9 #4
he fanboyed wahyahshs noona i'm so happy you updated:))))))
agito_kanon9 #5
update soon`
ahh cant wait for school life ..they really cute !!
omo jongie and gwiboon text message so cute :)
blue_asian24 #9
I really like it! :) Lol, Jonghyun. Can't wait for the next update!