
Cabin At Andong Lake

During the night Tiffany tossed and turned even though she was extremely tired she couldn't get to sleep. She had always been an easy sleeper, so she didn't understand why she wasn't asleep yet.

Deciding that sleep wasn't going to come to her she got out of bed and went exploring around the cabin. Looking out of the cabin window she could see that SHINee's lights were still on and someone which she assumed was Taemin staring out of the door. Her eyes followed Taemin's gaze and she could have sworn that she saw someone walking in the woods. She wiped her eyes thinking that she was seeing things, but when her eyes re-opened she noticed that the figure was coming towards her cabin.

She ran and jumped into her bed pulling the covers up above her head. Even though she was covered up she felt a cold chill and started shaking. Slowing she pulled the covers off of her head; regretting it immediately. Looking up she saw a women staring down at her. Her eyes were gone and her face free from any skin. Tiffany tried to scream, but she couldn't seem to find her voice. The women came closer to hre face.

"Sleep now and dream of me." Before Tiffany could even process what the woman said her
eyes felt heavy and she was soon fast asleep.

Tiffany opened her eyes and noticed that she was no longer in her cabin. She was in a dark alley. She hears screaming and sees someone running fast towards. She braces herself for impact but feels nothing. The women went straight threw her.

'This must be a dream.' Tiffany thought to herself. She then sees a man chasing after the
woman; he too goes right threw her.

Tiffany blinked and she was now in the woods and saw the same man from before, but this time there was a man who he was chasing instead of the woman. She blinked again and she was standing at the dock of a lake looking out at a woman who was struggling to get away from someone.

Squinting her eyes she noticed that it was the same man from before. Shaking her head trying to grasp the situation when she noticed that she was no longer at the lake. She was in the middle of Time's Square on what she assumed was New Year's Day, but she was the only one there.

Instead of counting down the screen was counting up and after every number was called out a different dead body flashed threw Tiffany's head. When the number 10 was shown Tiffany felt like something was clawing at the skin on her chest.

She dashed to the nearest window and looked at her chest. The number 10 was appearing out of nowhere. It was like her skin was tearing itself. She looked up and saw the same man smirking at her as he raised his knife up high ready to plunged it into her body. His hand came down fast and Tiffany squeezed her eyes together as tight as possible.

When she re opened her eyes she was in her bed again breathing heavily. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to a mirror to look at her chest. She touched the skin on her chest and winced in pain, but there was nothing there.

"But how?" She mumbled to herself.

"How what?" Jessica appeared out of nowhere scarring Tiffany even more then she already was.

"You scared me." She said putting her hand over her heart.

"What's wrong with you? You seem jumpy today."

"N-Nothing just a bad dream." Tiffany gave Jessica a reassuring smile hoping that she would drop it.

"Fine. We're having breakfast in the dinning room and everyone's waiting for you, so come." Jessica pulled Tiffany out of their cabin and starting making their way towards the dinning hall.

When Tiffany entered the room everyone was happily chatting to one another except for Minho and Taemin who seemed to be arguing. She sat down in the empty seat next to Siwon and strained her ears to listen to their conversation.

"I'm telling the truth hyung! I really did see something last night." Tiffany froze. So she's not crazy; Taemin saw it too.

"And I'm telling you that it's just your imagination again. Maybe a game of soccer would calm you down." Minho turned to face everyone. "Hey, who's up for soccer after breakfast?" The room erupted into hoots and hollers already talking about who would be on whose team.

"Tiffany you ok?" Siwon asked turning his attention to his dongsaeng.

"I'm fine. I just had a rough night."

"Does your chest still hurt?" Tiffany saw Siwon smirk and her eyes widened. 'How did he know that my chest was hurting?' She thought.

"How did you know about that? H-How did you know my chest was hurting?"

"About what? What are you talking about? Your chest hurts should we call you a doctor?" Siwon asked concerned.

"You just asked me if my chest was hurting." Tiffany said her heart beating widely through her chest.

"No I didn't I asked you if you wanted to play soccer with us to take your mind off of the rough night you had, then you started freaking out." Tiffany felt like she was going to cry. 'I'm not crazy. I'm just a little out of it.'

"Hey, Tiffany I'm sorry if I upset you." Siwon said his voice full of guilt.

"No it's cool. I-I'm going for a walk." Tiffany stood up abruptly causing all eyes to be on her.

"Are you ok? You barely even touched your breakfast. Is something wrong with it" Ryeowook asked looking hurt because he had made it himself. Usually everyone loves his cooking. 'Maybe I'm losing my touch.' He thought.

"No, it's fine. I'm just not hungry. I'll see you guys around." Tiffany starting walking towards the door.

"Wait. Noona I'll go with you." Taemin said with a knowing look on his face and followed her out leaving the rest of the singers confused.

They walked together for a while until they saw a bench and decided to sit. It was 5 minutes later that one of them decided to break the awkward silence.

"I know you saw her too." Taemin said looking around making sure they were alone. "I tried to tell Minho hyung, but he didn't believe me."

"She came into my cabin." Taemin snapped his head to face her.

"Are you ok?"

"I-I don't know. She was hovering above me and she told to be sleep and dream of her. As crazy as it sounds; I think she sent me a dream, but I have no idea what it means."

"What was it about?" Tiffany spent the next 5 minutes telling him about her dream. He was trying to understand and sort threw her dream. He couldn't see what one thing had to do with the other. He gasped when she told him about the number 10 appearing on her chest then disappearing and the pain it left.

"Do you have any idea what this means?" Tiffany pondered hoping that Taemin automatically had all the answers and was gonna tell her that everything was gonna be ok.

"No, but I do know one thing, no one's gonna believe us. We have to keep this a secret. Maybe everything will go away." Tiffany nodded agreeing with Taemin.

"I hope your right."

They walked back to the others who were playing soccer. Tiffany felt like a massive weight was lifted off of her shoulders when she saw how much fun her friends were having.

Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Onew, Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon were playing against Yesung, Minho, Yuri, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, and Shindong. Everytime Eunhyuk's team scored Minho looked as if he wanted to punch the nearest thing and vice versa.

Tiffany smiled at her overly competitive family-like friends. She let her eyes wander to the woods behind them to see that same women watching them. Suddenly the soccer ball was kicked in the women's direction and went threw her going further into the woods. She watched in horror as Shindong went to retrieve the ball; not knowing what was out there.

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I was only supposed to give chapter one a quick peep before subscribing! lol I read the whole first chapter!
I'm gonna read some more!