After the Confusion

Sweet Secrets

I walked back inside the apparement with a million thoughts running through my head. Iris looked up from where she was sitting with her computer and took in my expression with critical eyes.

"So how did it go," she asked cautiously.

" It was amazing then, then it wasn't and then it was. So now I'm completely confused and tired and happy," I sighed. 

" You aren't the only one whos confused," She laughed. " If you want we can talk about everything in the morning, even though I'm dying of curiosity," she offered. 

"That would be really awesome because right now I just need to think things over and sleep." 

" Alright, well good night then," She said pouting slightly because she didn't like having to wait for information. 


I got ready for bed slowly letting my mind wander. I knew when this whole thing began that I would never have a normal relaitonship with Minho. He was an idol after all. I was just concerned about what lengths he would go to keep me a secret or how willing he was to stand up for our relationship. I thought of how he had made it sound like our relationship wasn't serious and winced mentally.

As I laided down my mind blurred through everything that had happened tonight. Honestly it had been amazing and there was no reason I should be complaining. I fell asleep with his kiss replaying itself in my mind. 


I woke up late the next day having had the chance to sleep in after staying out late the night before. Iris was still alseep when I got up which is nothing unusual. I walked over to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at our super tiny dinner table to eat.  I was just finishing up when Iris walked out or her room looking something akin to a zombie or possibly a grumpy panda bear.  Rubbbing her eyes she grabbed poured herself a bowl of ceral and sat down across from me.  

We sat in silence for a little while until she seemed to have woken up enough for a conversation. "So what exactly happened last night?" Iris asked me, still sounding groggy.  I sighed as I set down my spoon. Slowly I explained everything, from the wonderful dinner to the awkward back entry to the movie. When I told her about what Minho told me about staying a secret I paused and waited for her to say something. 

She looked at me with a look that seemed to say well duh. "Whats that look for??"I asked feeling suddenly like my reaction had been dumb.  

" He's an idol. He has crazy fans and gets followed by people all the time. Of course his company is going to be hesitant to let a relationship go public when you just started dating. And on top of that he's probably just trying to protect you," she finished seriously. 

I sat for a moment letting that sink in and looked back at the night before. It seemed to make so much more sense and I felt so childish in the way I reacted. 

We finished eating in silence. 

"So what do you want to do today?" Iris asked. 

" I didn't have anyhthing planned ," I replied.

"Well why don't we go shopping?" she suggested, " If you are dating an idol then I think some new clothes are in order." 

" Am I the only one in this appartment dating an idol?" I asked nudging her. 

" No you are not," She said blushing as she grinned from ear to ear. 

I squealed with excitment and gave her a giant hug. 

"Well I kind of already saw the writing on the wall but did Key offically ask you?" I said.

"Yeah he did when he called me last night," she told me unable to keep the smile off her face. 

"Well this definitely deserves a shopping trip," I said smiling.

With that we got ready and headed to the mall where we spent the day laughing and shopping together. 

When we got home Iris ran over to her computer and looked up SHINee's interview from the day before. It was in English amazingly so we didn't have to wait for it to get subbed. The boys talked about what they were doing and how they were enjoying America. Then they got asked a question that had me leaning in close to hear the answer. They got asked if they were dating anyone, which is a very typical question to get asked in the states. 

They all said that no they weren't dating anyone, which I had expected but still I felt a little pang in my chest. I did catch Key and Minho share a glance after they answered though.  

The rest of the interview where some more funny questions and then the boys gave a short performance. 

As we were finishing up watching the interview I heared a small beep and saw Iris check her phone. She smiled and looked at me with a sly smile.

" Ummm I'm a little scared. What just happend?" I asked with a laugh. 

" We are going to the boys' house tonight for dinner. Just Key and Minho the other boys went out for the evening," she said with a squeal, "Our first double date!!!" 

A/N: Well I'm sorry It's been such a long time since my last update. I've been rather busy. I also appologize for how short this chapter is. i really didn't have a plan for what to write when I started this chapter. Anyway the next update will not take such a long time. I promise! 



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readingglass #1
Chapter 10: Write more. DO IT. Pleeeeeeeeeeease!
AWW cute update soon
@miso_grace I am calm...I just get excited easily. XD And I did eat well! YAY! Thanks for the concern :D
@wolfgirl221 I'm so excited for the story to continue. :)))
WRITE MORE!!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!


I'm hungry. >_\