Chapter 2

Irritating life.

Next week....


"Wake up! Wake up!" your mom shouted slapping your . "Mmmmm" you said, half-asleep. "If you don't get up. I'll splash water in your face!" She threatened, so you quickly get up because you know she's freaking serious because she already done it to you last time. "Now go take a bath, sleepyhead" she ordered, pointing the way to the bathroom. "Okaaaaaaay" you said and lazily walked to the bathroom.


After taking a bath, you weared your white t-shirt, maong shorts, pink doll shoes and your hair was tied in pigtails. And weared your favorite dolly contact lens. "Psssh, childish" your mom commented. "Whatever mom" you said, pouting. "Sweetie, you still want to bring this to Korea?" she asked, holding your worn green jersey but still your favorite clothes. "Of course, mom!" you answered. "Okay" she said putting the jersey in your green polkadot luggage. "Mom, you're really sure you want me to go in Korea?" You asked for the nth time. 'YES. Sweetie, 101% sure' she answered. "I'm going downstairs" your mom said then leaved in a flash. "Weird" you commented, looking in the mirror. After 5 minutes, you stopped complenting yourself in the mirror and decided to go downstairs. As you were going down, you heard sobs and you saw your mom. Crying at the corner, so you quickly go to her. "Mom? Why?" You asked worriedly. "It's just, i'll miss you sweetie~" she said in sobs. "Mom! You said no one will cry, right?" you asked. 'I just can't help it" she sanswered. "Mom, stop crying" you said, wiping her tears. She cried even more for few more minutes then she began to wipe her tears. "Gosh, stop this drama, we will be late" she joked, now laughing.


At the airport...


"I'll miss you mom" you said, hugging your mother tightly. "Awwww, i'll miss you two, sweety" she answered, patting your back. Tears started forming in your eys but you already wiped it before it fell in your cheeks. You pulled back from the hug. "Mom, where's dad?" you asked, looking around hoping to see your father. "oh, not coming. Too busy" she answered. "WHAT? really? He's not gonna see me for a long time then he will not come?" you bursted out in anger. "Sweetie, it's for you" your mom explained. "For ME? He just come home twice in amonth, I don't even feel my dad is still alive!" You said angrily. "5 minutes before FLIGHT 1315. Philippines to Korea. Philippines to Korea" a woman's voice said twice. "Mom, that's my flight. I need to go" you said. She just hugged you tightly and quickly pulled away. "You'll be late. Bye sweetie I'll miss you and I love you so much" she said sincerely. "I love you too omma, byebye" you said and plastered a smile on your face. "Be a good girl, okay?" she said, patting your head and you just nod, gave her a kiss on the cheeks and waved goodbye. You turn around and started to walk, pulling your green polkadots luggage then suddenly hear a voice. "Daughter!" the voice said, it's your dad. You kept walking like you didn't heard anything. "Daughter!" your dad said louder. But you still don't mind him, but before going to the departure area. You took a last glance to your father, he seems weak and pale. But no way, he can even work for 24hours straight.


At the airplane.


You seems so bored, it takes 6hours before reaching Korea. So you listened to your IPod and drifted to sleep~

"Ireona, ireona" a voice said. You were still half-asleep so you thought it was just a dream. "Ireonaaa~" the voice said again, but now tapping your shoulders lightly. you can't understand what he's saying but you're sure he's waking you up.  So you quickly opened your eyes realizing it was reality. In front of you, you saw a charismatic, handsome boy. Everything about him is just perfect. You stared at him for a few more seconds, so he got confused and waved his hands in front of your face 'Exshuus meh?" he said, with a korean accent "Not everything was perfect, He's a korean -___-" you thought to yourself. So you stopped staring at him and get out from your tiny little trance. "Thank you~" you said. "No puhhrablehm" he answered, still with his korean accent that almost makes you annoyed but can't because his face was so perfect. "Your name name?" he asked with a broken english. "Oh, Yza Fundal. My korean name is Jung Yeonra" you answered.  "Oh okay okay. Nice to meet chuu. Annyeong" he said goodbye and leaved. But you stayed for few more seconds and the stewardess noticed you "Miss, you'll just live here?" she joked and laugh. So you quickly leaved being so embarassed.




"Oh okay okay. Nice to meet chuu. Annyeong" I said goodbye then leaved. Gosh am I that stupid? I don't even said my name to her x( Jung Yeonra, what a pretty name. Her face was just perfect. Angel face. I wish to see her again. :'>




How's chapter 2? Still so short? :( And sorry for  still not putting Jongup in the fic. He'll be in the next chapter, I promise! Well, enjoy reading. And hmmm. Who's that boy ehhhhh? :DDDD Lovelots evryone ! :'* Comments are appreciated~ <3

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sezzzz #1
Chapter 4: yes please update this! i need more awesome jongup fanfics! :D
Please updatee~~ its getting interesting :D
amyzanaLovesTaeTiSeo #3
omagod the OC hates kpop o_0

wonder how she will deal with Jongup....

update !!!!!
AwkwardAyegoBAP #4
Haha, pretty nice start~