First love



-Donghae’s view-

Donghae sat in the hall with Eunji’s uncle and aunt; he was trying so hard not to cry. Donghae stood up and started to pace around.

“Donghae calm down, I bet she’ll be fine” Eunji’s aunt tried to force a smile.

“I hope” Donghae said quietly, Donghae started to fuss around and couldn’t stand or sit still.

“It’s ok Donghae, Eunji’s a lot stronger than you think, and she’s always been able to fight against the odds” Her uncle stated. Even with her family saying all those things, he could get the sinking feeling out of his stomach. It’s almost been 5 hours, and there hasn’t been any notice yet. Then a nurse came out, Donghae went to her.

“Is she ok” He asked scared.

“She’s stable for now, but right now we need more hands so if you’ll excuse me” The nurse said.

Donghae walked back and leaned on the wall and fell to the floor, ‘Eunnji come on, pull through this’ Donghae thought. Donghae just stayed there for the remaining time, he gripped the necklace so hard. He put his head between his legs and started to breath pretty hard.

“So Donghae I wanted to ask you this awhile ago, but since when did you take an interest in my niece” Her uncle asked.

Donghae’s head shot up and looked at him, “Excuse me, I don’t think I heard you right” He said.

“When did you start liking Eunji” Her uncle asked again.

Donghae looked at them, “It was awhile go” He said.

“Does Eunji feel the same way about you” Eunji’s uncle asked.

“From what she told me, yeah she does” Donghae smiled.

Eunji’s aunt laughed a little bit, “That’s a bit surprising, I remember when Eunji first came here she told me that you and you’re friends were just evil” She stated.

“Really she said that” Donghae laughed.

“Yeah, she actually said that and she pouted when she found out that you guys come over to our house from time to time” Her aunt said.

Donghae laughed more, “Eunji sure knows how to express herself doesn’t she” Donghae asked.

“Yeah, she definitely does” Her aunt said. It was silent for a bit and then Eunji’s uncle spoke up.

“Take good care of her ok” He said.

Donghae looked at him; “I will” he smiled. He uncle smiled and turned back to look at the door. After another hour the operation sign turned off and the doors swung open. The doctor along with at least 7 other nurses came out. The doctor walked over to Eunji’s uncle and aunt and smiled.

“Your niece is a very strong willed person, she’s still alive” He smiled. Both of them let out a sigh of relief and started to cry. “She’s going to be out for a couple more hours but, in a few days she’ll be able to leave the hospital”.

Donghae let out a sigh of relief as well, and silent tears poured out of his eyes, ‘You made it’ He thought, he smiled and cried. A few minutes later they wheeled out Eunji’s bed and put her back into her room. They all went to her room, and saw Eunji still had an air mask but she was breathing just fine. Eunji’s aunt started to cry again and her uncle was just standing there. Donghae cried a little bit and noticed that in her hand was the necklace he gave her and he started to cry even more.

“We have to head back home, I think my wife could use the rest” Eunji’s uncle said, “You should head home as well” He stated.

Donghae shook his head, “I want to be here when she wakes up” Donghae said.

Eunji’s uncle smiled, “If that’s what you want, watch Eunji for us alright” He said, Donghae smiled and nodded his head. They left and Donghae pulled over a chair and sat down. Eventually it became so late that Donghae ended up falling asleep.

-Normal view-

I felt like I was still alive, but everything was dark. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in the hospital room. I slowly sat up and looked around, everything was the same. I checked myself to make sure this wasn’t a dream or I wasn’t dead and just seeing myself as a ghost. I was fine and I let out a sigh of relief. I looked around and then I looked down to see Donghae, he was softly holding my hand. I smiled and touched his cheek, he moved a little bit and I couldn’t help but laugh. Donghae slowly woke up.

“Hey” I smiled.

Donghae shot up, “Eunji!” He said, he hugged me

“Ah that’s hurt” I laughed, he let go.

“Sorry” He said.

I laughed, “Just because I said it hurt didn’t mean I didn’t like it” I smiled.

Donghae smiled, “I’m so happy you were alive, you know that letter you wrote scared me” Donghae stated.

“Oh that, yeah you weren’t suppose to get that unless I was dead, sorry” I said.

Donghae looked at me, “So what you said in the letter is true right” Donghae said.

I began to feel embarrassed and turned the other way, “I don’t really remember what I wrote in the letter” I stated.

Donghae laughed, “Oh yeah, well I remember perfectly especially this part” Donghae started, “Sorry I can’t tell you this in person but know that you’re my first and last love. Goodbye Donghae, I love you.” Donghae smiled.

“AH don’t say it out loud, it’s so embarrassing” I said pulled the blanket over my head. Donghae laughed and pulled the blanket down.

“It’s ok because I love you too” Donghae said.

I looked at him, “Really” I asked.

“Really” He smiled, he started to lean in.

“Hold it” I said, poking his forehead, “I just got out of surgery, let’s hold off on romance for a bit till I’m out of the hospital” I laughed.

Donghae sighed, “Fine” He said.

I laughed, “Thanks” I smiled. For the days that I was there, Donghae came and visited everyday along with everyone else. Some people stopped in at different times but I got to see everyone. I was really happy to be alive, and I’m happy I took that 10% chance of living. The second to last day, I was sitting at my bed and looked out the window. For some reason I couldn’t shake the feeling that I need to go back to Japan. Donghae came in and smiled.

“Hey only two more days till you can be released” He smiled.

“Yeah I’m excited, I don’t have to come to the hospital ever again” I cheered. “Donghae, can I ask you something” I asked.

“Sure” Donghae smiled.

“What if I left one day, like to a different country, what would you think” I asked.


OH so just kidding, there is actually gonna be this chapter and one more and then the story is done. I'm doing this because my last chapter ended up being really long so I split it and made it into two chapters. BE EXCITED FOR THE END!!! hope you all enjoyed reading it and comment, subscribe and all that fun stuff. :)

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YEAH ~! Go GO soulfulheart ;) like it so much !!
OWWMAYGOSSHHY >w< you make me cry for almost 20 times ..yeah , i am a crybaby , but this story is full of tragedy , so for me it was so awesome , that's why i like it .jumping from a happy and lovey~dovey moments to tragic , was really fantastic :3 imma looking forward to the next chapters .. more power ;))
I'm hoping her uncle will call Donghae oppas dad to call Donghae himself to make him go to the hospital.

Kyu: 50/50 chance. I would like to think of it more like the glass is half full and has a 50% chance to be full.

Neh! *hugs Kyu* Thinking positively in every situation is a good thing! <3 I'm glad she had a chance to talk to Hae.

Kyu: *hugs back* We're not arguing anymore because Teukie umma got mad at me for being mean to her ^ ^ It's my playful side! Right?!

Don't shout at me.

Kyu: I'm not shouting at you!

Yes you are!

Kyu: Aish you're such a brat!

I'm not a brat! You're just plain rude!

Leeteuk: *walks by the room* Hows it going here guys? *smiles at the sight of us hugging*


Kyu: Fine umma. ^ ^ *pinches my arm*

*winces and smiles* N-Neh!

Leeteuk: :D Kay then! *runs to Kangin*

... *jumps on Kyu and hits him*

Kyu: YAH! Baibesjvsidsh

Avgwahahwakshe *accidently kicks post comment*
Oh! I get it now ^ ^ And this wonderful story will soon take its end-- really amazing, love. Whether a happy ending or a sad-- I'm hoping everyone will have their closure.

Kyu: Mm. *nods*

We hope you update when you can!

Kyu: *clicks post comment*
I told you she was supposed to die Kyu > >

Kyu: Really? And tell me-- why are you not concerned with what type of illness she has? Yet shes still alive and able to walk with 10% chance of living?

It's a fanfic. You can make up whatever you want.

Kyu: Psh. Whatever. *grumbles*

Anyway-- I hope you update soon! :D
SIXK? Is she going to die?! What happened?! Omg! ; - ; She's going to die!!

Kyu: No she isn't. =_= How did you get Internet?

I stole it. ^ ^ I hacked the neighbors wifi. =w=

Kyu: *blinks* .... that's my girl =w=

Update soon! *waves*
Whoo! I think Donghae's plan might work out! This is getting really exciting! I hope that it does work out or... Donghae will be depressed... But on the other hand if it does... Yunho will be depressed too...

Kyu: *noms on a dumpling* I think... Yunho is doing it because he feels guilty for doing bad things to her.

...? He just said he liked her though. *blinks*

Kyu: There's something called, "mixed up feelings". That's obviously what Yunho is doing! He feels bad that he did those things to her-- so he wants to help her. HELP her-- but he's getting it confused with falling for her.

Oh! And because he feels bad-- it gives him more motivation to work on getting her memories back... But.. he's changed. Donghae and the others said so...

Kyu: Guilt does that to you.

You seemed to have changed a bit yourself. What did you do to feel guilty? O_o

Kyu: ...nothing...

Geng: *in the other room* Aish! Donghae I told you not to play with your bruise! It'll hurt more!


Kyu: .... *clears throat* I hope you update soon. *clicks post comment*