First love



            I was admitted into a hospital and I was staying there till the doctor could get my operation ready. I sat on my bed and looked out the window.

“Never thought I’d have to be in a hospital again” I said, “Especially for my illness” I sighed.


I was eight years old when I was first admitted into a hospital for my illness; I sat on the bed and looked out the window and my parents walked in.

“Hahaoya, how much longer do I have to stay here” I asked, “I don’t like the hospital” I stated.

My mother smiled, “I’m sorry, but you have to stay here for a little longer so we can see what’s wrong” my mom said.

“Appa, I wanna go home” I whined.

“Sorry, but like your mom said you have to stay here longer” He said. I sighed, my parents stayed for a little bit and then left. Since the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me, they told me I could only stay in the room till they figured out why I was so sick. The only thing that kept me comfort was the window in my room, so I could see outside. I felt so trapped, I hated the hospital. A few weeks later, the doctors told my parents what was wrong and that they couldn’t help because they didn’t have a doctor that could perform the operation I needed, so I was discharged from the hospital and sent home.

-End of flashback-

Now I was in the same situation from before but the difference was the operation has a 50-50 chance of working. That means I have a 50-50 chance of dying or living. I kept staring out the window and did nothing else but look out the window. All of a sudden I had a chest pain, it wasn’t normal chest pain like having a heart burn, and it felt like someone was stabbing my chest. I fell on my bed and started to scream; I gripped my shirt and screamed. I arched my back and couldn’t stop moving, eventually nurses came.

“She needs some anesthesia” one nurse said. One of them ran out and came back with a needle; the nurse put some anesthesia in one of the tubes hooked to my arm. I kept moving around for awhile but eventually I stopped and fell asleep.

When I woke up I sat up in my bed, I really hated being in the hospital. I was wearing my necklace and I gripped it in my hand and sighed. I kept looking out the window and sighed.

“Donghae” I said to myself.

-Donghae’s view-

Donghae was sitting at his desk, but he wasn’t paying attention in school anymore. He actually was continuing his previous habits and was sleeping while class went on. He had a strange chill down his back; he woke up and looked around. Nothing was around him, so he put his head back down on and fell asleep. When class ended all the guys came over to Donghae’s seat.

“Donghae get up, class is over” Yunho said.

Donghae lazily got up and looked at them, “Oh hey guys” He said.

“Donghae, you might want to clean up the puddle of drool on your book” Sungmin stated. Donghae looked down at his book, and shrugged his shoulders and closed the book.

“I really want to know what Eunji sees in you” Yunho sighed, “I still don’t get it” Yunho stated.

Donghae looked up, “I really don’t know” Donghae smiled, Donghae turned his head to see Eunji didn’t come to school again.

“She hasn’t come to school the last two days” Wooyoung stated.

“Do you think something happened” Jonghyun asked.

Donghae shook his head, “She’s probably just resting at home, I mean she just got her memory back” Donghae looked up.

“Why don’t you call her” Sungmin suggest. Donghae nodded his head and dialed a number.

‘Hello?’ The person said on the other line.

“Hey Eunji, I was wondering why you’re not at school today’ Donghae asked.

There was a pause, ‘Something came up’ Eunji respond.

“Is something wrong, you sound weird” Donghat stated.

‘I’m fine, listen I have to go; I’ll talk to you another time alright. Don’t fall asleep in school ok’ Eunji said.

Donghae laughed, “I don’t sleep during school, and I’ll talk to you later” Donghae said, he hung up the phone.

“Way to lie to your girlfriend” Wooyoung smirked.

Donghae put his phone away, “I didn’t lie” Donghae stated.

Sungmin rolled his eyes, “Well anyways, what did Eunji say” Sungmin asked.

“Well she said something came up but that’s all she’s telling me” Donghae sighed.

They looked at each other, “Do you think she’s hiding something from you” Jonghyun asked.

“No, why would she” Donghae aksed.

“Well for starters” Yunho stated.

Donghae cut him off, “That was a rhetorical question” Donghae glared.

“Well I mean how she did sound when you were talking to her” Wooyoung asked.

Donghae sat there for a bit, “She sounded tired” Donghae said.

They all looked at the clock, “It’s the middle of the day, why’d she be tired” Jonghyun asked.

Sungmin patted Jonghyun’s shoulder, “You’re too innocent to know” He said, Jonghyun looked at Sungmin a bit confused but shrugged his shoulder and brushed it off.

“She’s not like that guys, she’s a loyal person” Donghae said.

Yunho shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t know, she was nice to me before” Yunho said.

Donghae glared even more, “That’s because she didn’t remember anything” Donghae pointed out.

Yunho smiled, “I’m just kidding, but I believe you. Eunji doesn’t seem like someone who’d cheat on people. Even though” Yunho started agian.

“Enough” Donghae laughed, “She’s probably just doing some things at the hospital, to see if she’s completely ok” Donghae said. While he was in school, he couldn’t help but feel a little chill down his back; it was annoying and freaked him out.

-Normal view-

I was still sitting in my bed, and my uncle and aunt came in.

“So are you scared” My uncle asked.

I sighed, “A little bit” I said.

“It’s ok, we’re going to be here with you” My aunt said, “We’ll visit you everyday” She smiled.

 I smiled, but even though I was smiling deep down underneath I was freaking out. The phone call I got from Donghae made me even more nervous to go through with this surgery but I knew that either try the surgery and hopefully live or not do it and probably die pretty soon. I didn’t have many options and either way I was scared.


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YEAH ~! Go GO soulfulheart ;) like it so much !!
OWWMAYGOSSHHY >w< you make me cry for almost 20 times ..yeah , i am a crybaby , but this story is full of tragedy , so for me it was so awesome , that's why i like it .jumping from a happy and lovey~dovey moments to tragic , was really fantastic :3 imma looking forward to the next chapters .. more power ;))
I'm hoping her uncle will call Donghae oppas dad to call Donghae himself to make him go to the hospital.

Kyu: 50/50 chance. I would like to think of it more like the glass is half full and has a 50% chance to be full.

Neh! *hugs Kyu* Thinking positively in every situation is a good thing! <3 I'm glad she had a chance to talk to Hae.

Kyu: *hugs back* We're not arguing anymore because Teukie umma got mad at me for being mean to her ^ ^ It's my playful side! Right?!

Don't shout at me.

Kyu: I'm not shouting at you!

Yes you are!

Kyu: Aish you're such a brat!

I'm not a brat! You're just plain rude!

Leeteuk: *walks by the room* Hows it going here guys? *smiles at the sight of us hugging*


Kyu: Fine umma. ^ ^ *pinches my arm*

*winces and smiles* N-Neh!

Leeteuk: :D Kay then! *runs to Kangin*

... *jumps on Kyu and hits him*

Kyu: YAH! Baibesjvsidsh

Avgwahahwakshe *accidently kicks post comment*
Oh! I get it now ^ ^ And this wonderful story will soon take its end-- really amazing, love. Whether a happy ending or a sad-- I'm hoping everyone will have their closure.

Kyu: Mm. *nods*

We hope you update when you can!

Kyu: *clicks post comment*
I told you she was supposed to die Kyu > >

Kyu: Really? And tell me-- why are you not concerned with what type of illness she has? Yet shes still alive and able to walk with 10% chance of living?

It's a fanfic. You can make up whatever you want.

Kyu: Psh. Whatever. *grumbles*

Anyway-- I hope you update soon! :D
SIXK? Is she going to die?! What happened?! Omg! ; - ; She's going to die!!

Kyu: No she isn't. =_= How did you get Internet?

I stole it. ^ ^ I hacked the neighbors wifi. =w=

Kyu: *blinks* .... that's my girl =w=

Update soon! *waves*
Whoo! I think Donghae's plan might work out! This is getting really exciting! I hope that it does work out or... Donghae will be depressed... But on the other hand if it does... Yunho will be depressed too...

Kyu: *noms on a dumpling* I think... Yunho is doing it because he feels guilty for doing bad things to her.

...? He just said he liked her though. *blinks*

Kyu: There's something called, "mixed up feelings". That's obviously what Yunho is doing! He feels bad that he did those things to her-- so he wants to help her. HELP her-- but he's getting it confused with falling for her.

Oh! And because he feels bad-- it gives him more motivation to work on getting her memories back... But.. he's changed. Donghae and the others said so...

Kyu: Guilt does that to you.

You seemed to have changed a bit yourself. What did you do to feel guilty? O_o

Kyu: ...nothing...

Geng: *in the other room* Aish! Donghae I told you not to play with your bruise! It'll hurt more!


Kyu: .... *clears throat* I hope you update soon. *clicks post comment*