First love



            I stood there shocked, “What do you mean” I asked.

“The doctor called, there was something that they missed when they were running tests on you after your accident, you have some sickness and it could kill you” my uncle looked like he was about to burst into tears.

“I’m sorry, I was going to tell you” I said, I didn’t want to keep it a secret or anything; it’s just hard to talk about.

“When were you going to tell me, when you’re dead” My uncle screamed.

“I’m sorry” I said.

“What’s going on” Aunt Min Jee came walking down stairs.

“Did you know that Eunji was sick, she has an illness that can kill her” My uncle asked.

Min Jee looked at me, “Is that true” She asked; I looked down at the floor and nodded my head. In a few second I could feel her arms wrapped around me. “It’s ok” she said.

I hugged her back, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you guys anything” I said. She let go of me.

“It’s fine, but now we need to know what to do with you” Aunt Min Jee stated.

“I’m not sure” I said.

“Ok well we’ll go to the doctor tomorrow and see what we can do” Aunt Min Jee said; “You should go to bed, you’ve been on a long flight” Aunt Min Jee smiled. I nodded my head and went upstairs and went to bed. The next day I went to school pretended that everything was fine, I went to class, took notes, danced a little bit during lunch and went back to class. At the end of the school day Min turned around in her desk and smiled.

“So why didn’t you tell me” Min asked.

I raised an eyebrow, “Tell you what” I asked.

“You and Donghae have a thing for each other” Min asked.

I laughed, “Like I’d ever tell you about that, but now that you know” I said pausing for a little bit, “I’m still not going to tell you” I laughed, I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the class room. I went to the front and waited for Hyung-seok, since I didn’t have my motorcycle anymore. Donghae walked up next to me and smiled.

“Hey” Donghae said.

“Hey yourself” I smiled and looked at him.

“So are you going home now” Donghae asked.

‘Actually I have a doctor’s appointment for an illness that can kill me but I can’t tell you about it’ I thought, “Ye..Yeah” I said smiling.

“Ok, make sure not to get into anymore accidents alright” Donghae smiled, he left and Hyung-Seok pulled up. I got into the car and went to the hospital so I could go through many checkups. Once I finished the doctor, told me and my aunt what was going on.

“Well she’s in a critical stage, she should be having a lot of chest pains and such” The doctor said, “She actually shouldn’t be alive right now, with how bad everything is” The doctor stated.

“How’s that possible” My aunt asked.

“You see, her illness actually progressed so much in her body that her body is physically weak, by now she should be so tired that getting her to move is a problem or she should be died” The doctor said.

“What do you mean, she got here just fine and she doesn’t have any chest pains” My aunt stated.

“Why she doesn’t have any pains or why she is alive, I don’t know” The doctor said, “All I can tell you is that there is a doctor here that can perform the surgery that can cure her, it won’t be gone completely but enough where you’ll live for a long time” The doctor said.

“She’ll do it” My aunt said, “you’ll do it right’ She asked me.

“Yeah I’m fine with it” I nodded my head.

“Ok that’s fine, but know that there are some risks to this procedure” The doctor informed.

“Like what” My aunt asked scared.

“This procedure has a 50-50 rate of success” The doctor stated.

“So you mean my niece only has a 50% chance of living through it” My aunt asked.

“Actually with her condition now, I’d say 10%, her body is just so weak now” The doctor stated, “Do you still want to go through with it” he asked.

I nodded my head, “I will, I couldn’t have this procedure back in Japan but now that I have the chance, I want to take it” I stated.

“Eunji think this over, you could die” My aunt said.

“Well I could die from the sickness too, either way I could die. At least with the surgery I tried to overcome this illness even with small chance and if I do live then everything is fine” I said, I tried to persuade my aunt for awhile and finally she just gave up and signed the papers.

We went home; my aunt told my uncle everything. He was shocked at first and disagreed with the operation too, but then I said the same things I said to my aunt and he calmed down a bit. He eventually agreed. After were finished discussing everything, I went to my room and laid down on my bed.

“I can’t believe that this is happening again” I sighed.


I was 9 years old and I was sitting at home.

“Hahaoya, when can I go back to school and play with my friends” I asked.

My mom turned to me, “I’m sorry but not for awhile” She said, I was being home schooled, and it’s been a year since I started. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know what the problem was. My dad came running and he seemed to be really happy.

“The doctor just called and said that there is a doctor in korea that can perform the surgery and save our daughter” He said excited.

“Really? Then what are we waiting for” my mom said getting up.

“There’s only one problem, it’s new and there isn’t a certainty that it’ll succeed” My dad said sad.

“We’re not going to do it then, I’m not going to lose my only daughter” My mom said. Then a few years later, they found out I was suppose to die but I didn’t.

-End of flashback-

I lied on my side and looked down at the floor, and then I looked at my night stand. There was a drawer there that I don’t remember.

“I don’t remember this being here” I said, I opened it and there was a little book. Then I remembered, I put my old diary in there. I flipped it open and read it, this wasn’t a regular diary, it was a diary of when I was 8 till up to the month I was supposes to die.

I was sitting in bed; I flip through the pages of my little diary. I didn’t know the name that well, but I knew that it was supposed to kill me awhile ago because doctors in Japan couldn’t do the operation I needed. I was supposed to actually be died a few days before my parent’s accident. For some reason, I’m didn’t die and I’ve lived this long, which was really surprising.

In my diary, I talked about how, I hated staying at home and how pain the illness was because sometimes I’d have bad chest pains, cough blood, weakness, trouble breathing, etc. I didn’t understand why I didn’t have the same problems now. I took out a piece of paper and started to write a note. I had tears in my eyes when I finished writing this note; I folded it up and put it in my diary. I put my diary back in my night stand and I fell asleep.


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YEAH ~! Go GO soulfulheart ;) like it so much !!
OWWMAYGOSSHHY >w< you make me cry for almost 20 times ..yeah , i am a crybaby , but this story is full of tragedy , so for me it was so awesome , that's why i like it .jumping from a happy and lovey~dovey moments to tragic , was really fantastic :3 imma looking forward to the next chapters .. more power ;))
I'm hoping her uncle will call Donghae oppas dad to call Donghae himself to make him go to the hospital.

Kyu: 50/50 chance. I would like to think of it more like the glass is half full and has a 50% chance to be full.

Neh! *hugs Kyu* Thinking positively in every situation is a good thing! <3 I'm glad she had a chance to talk to Hae.

Kyu: *hugs back* We're not arguing anymore because Teukie umma got mad at me for being mean to her ^ ^ It's my playful side! Right?!

Don't shout at me.

Kyu: I'm not shouting at you!

Yes you are!

Kyu: Aish you're such a brat!

I'm not a brat! You're just plain rude!

Leeteuk: *walks by the room* Hows it going here guys? *smiles at the sight of us hugging*


Kyu: Fine umma. ^ ^ *pinches my arm*

*winces and smiles* N-Neh!

Leeteuk: :D Kay then! *runs to Kangin*

... *jumps on Kyu and hits him*

Kyu: YAH! Baibesjvsidsh

Avgwahahwakshe *accidently kicks post comment*
Oh! I get it now ^ ^ And this wonderful story will soon take its end-- really amazing, love. Whether a happy ending or a sad-- I'm hoping everyone will have their closure.

Kyu: Mm. *nods*

We hope you update when you can!

Kyu: *clicks post comment*
I told you she was supposed to die Kyu > >

Kyu: Really? And tell me-- why are you not concerned with what type of illness she has? Yet shes still alive and able to walk with 10% chance of living?

It's a fanfic. You can make up whatever you want.

Kyu: Psh. Whatever. *grumbles*

Anyway-- I hope you update soon! :D
SIXK? Is she going to die?! What happened?! Omg! ; - ; She's going to die!!

Kyu: No she isn't. =_= How did you get Internet?

I stole it. ^ ^ I hacked the neighbors wifi. =w=

Kyu: *blinks* .... that's my girl =w=

Update soon! *waves*
Whoo! I think Donghae's plan might work out! This is getting really exciting! I hope that it does work out or... Donghae will be depressed... But on the other hand if it does... Yunho will be depressed too...

Kyu: *noms on a dumpling* I think... Yunho is doing it because he feels guilty for doing bad things to her.

...? He just said he liked her though. *blinks*

Kyu: There's something called, "mixed up feelings". That's obviously what Yunho is doing! He feels bad that he did those things to her-- so he wants to help her. HELP her-- but he's getting it confused with falling for her.

Oh! And because he feels bad-- it gives him more motivation to work on getting her memories back... But.. he's changed. Donghae and the others said so...

Kyu: Guilt does that to you.

You seemed to have changed a bit yourself. What did you do to feel guilty? O_o

Kyu: ...nothing...

Geng: *in the other room* Aish! Donghae I told you not to play with your bruise! It'll hurt more!


Kyu: .... *clears throat* I hope you update soon. *clicks post comment*