First love



            The next day, Donghae went to school as always and he found the group again. They were in the dance room; all of them were there this time. Eunhyuk, Junho, Jia, Fei, Key, Yesung, Seungri, Shindong, Min, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Xiah Junsu, Kikwang, Yosoeb and DooJoon.

“So everything is planned out, meet me at the airport at 6PM on Saturday, don’t be late” Donghae said.

“Sure” Min said, “How were you guys even able to convince our parents” Min asked.

“Jonghyun has an interesting way with words” Donghae stated, “But anyways, for those that were at the ball this year, wear the same clothes and those that weren’t...talk to the people there were there to know what to do” Donghae said.

“So explain to me again why you’re being so nice” Junho asked.

Donghae sighed, “I guess I’m just going crazy” Donghae said. He walked out of the room and went back to class to continue taking notes. At the end of the day Donghae went to Eunji’s house again to talk to her uncle because he was the last person to talk to.  When Donghae got there, he went to the office and saw he was there.

“Hello Donghae what brings you here” He asked.

“I need to ask your permission for something” Donghae said.

Eunji’s uncle raised an eyebrow, “What’s that” He asked.

“I think I have a way to get Eunji’s memories back, but to do so I need to take her to America” Donghae stated.

“Why would she need to go to America” Her uncle asked

“Because...Because she has an important memory there, if she can just go and see what I have planned I’m sure that she’ll remember everything” Donghae said.

“What kind of memory” Her uncle asked.

Donghae was getting frustrated with the questions because he didn’t feel like telling her uncle that secretly she and Donghae have been in a relationship. “It’s just important. It’s nothing inappropriate, I promise. You have my word, she’ll come home safe” Donghae stated.

Her uncle let out a long sigh, “Alright fine, I’ll take your word for it” her uncle said, he booked Eunji’s plane ticket. Donghae bowed his head and went up to Eunji’s room; she was just staring out the window.

“Hey” Donghae said, Eunji turned her head and looked at Donghae.

“Hi” She smiled.

“What are you doing” Donghae asked.

Eunji turned back to the window, “Nothing, just looking at the sky” She said.

“Oh, are you that bored” Donghae asked.

Eunji shook her head, “I’m not bored, I just like the sky” She said.

Donghae sat down at her desk again, “Anyways, I want you to come on a trip with me” Donghae said.

“A trip” She asked.

“Yeah to America, it’ll be fun” Donghae stated.

Eunji looked at Donghae for a bit and then turned to the window, “Where’s that” She asked blankly.

“It’s across the ocean” Donghae said.

“Why do you want me to go” Eunji asked.

Donghae sighed, ‘This family has too many questions’ he thought to himself, “I just thought that it’d be a good chance to get you out of this room and let you see the world, maybe your memories will come back” Donghae smiled.

“How do you know they’ll come back” Eunji asked.

“You’ll see. What do you say, you want to come” Donghae asked.

“I don’t know” Eunji said.

“Come on it’ll be fun” Donghae said, he went to Eunji’s closet and packed some of her clothes into a bag, he found the dress, shoes and the mask that she wore and he put that in too. Once he finished he walked over to Eunji and gave her the back. “This is your bag of stuff” Donghae said.

Eunji looked at Donghae, “So I guess I’m going” Eunji said.

Donghae smiled, “You won’t regret it, I promise” Donghae said.

Eunji sighed, “Ok, I guess I don’t really have much of a choice now do I” Eunji smiled.

“Nope” Donghae said, Donghae looked at the time and figured it was about time for him to go home. “I have to go but I’ll see you this weekend ok” Donghae smiled.

“Ok bye” Eunji said, she turned her attention back to the window. Donghae went home, when he got there though he ran into something unexpected.

“Hey Donghae” Yunho was sitting in the living room waiting for Donghae.

“Hey Yunho” Donghae said, walking over to him.

“So I heard you’re going on a trip” Yunho said.

“Yeah” Donghae raised an eyebrow.

“Since when did you go on trips and not tell me or even invite me” Yunho asked.

“I don’t have to tell you all the time” Donghae stated.

Yunho got up, “But you did” He said, “On top of that, since when did you want to go on a trip with Eunji” Yunho asked.

“I want to help her ok, it’s sad to see someone in her state” Donghae said, “And since when were you so nice to her” Donghae asked.

“Well I want to help her too, what’s wrong with that” Yunho asked.

“Everything is wrong with that, you never help people” Donghae stated.

“Maybe I want to change, have you thought of that” Yunho asked.

Donghae laughed sarcastically, “You want to change, yeah that’s hard to believe” Donghae said.

Yunho was getting frustrated with these questions, “Why do you care about Eunji” Yunho asked.

“Why do you care” Donghae asked. There was an awkward silence, and then they both finally screamed.

“Because I like her” They said at the same time, for a second they stood still and listened to what just happened. Eventually they just calmed down.

“I’m coming” Yunho stated.

“Fine” Donghae said, he didn’t feel like arguing with him anymore. The days went by fast, finally it was the day Donghae was waiting for he. After school on Saturday, Donghae went to Eunji’s house to pick her up. When he got there, Eunji was sitting in the living room with Yunho.

“So you’re coming too” Eunji asked.

“Yeah” Yunho smiled. Eunji smiled and hugged Yunho.

“That’s good” She said. Donghae walked up to them.

“It’s time to go” He said, he grabbed her bags and put it in the car, Yunho and Eunji came outside, they got into the car along with Donghae, and were off to the airport. At the airport, everyone was there so they got their tickets and went to the plane. Once the flight was over and they were in LA again, they went to the hotel. Eunji stayed in her room with Min, and everyone else got the ballroom ready for the next night.

“I don’t see why I couldn’t have just stayed with Eunji” Yunho grumbled to himself while setting up the tables.

“Stop whining and just work” Donghae said, put everything else up. “Tomorrow night has to be like that night” Donghae said to himself, “I want the old Eunji back”.

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YEAH ~! Go GO soulfulheart ;) like it so much !!
OWWMAYGOSSHHY >w< you make me cry for almost 20 times ..yeah , i am a crybaby , but this story is full of tragedy , so for me it was so awesome , that's why i like it .jumping from a happy and lovey~dovey moments to tragic , was really fantastic :3 imma looking forward to the next chapters .. more power ;))
I'm hoping her uncle will call Donghae oppas dad to call Donghae himself to make him go to the hospital.

Kyu: 50/50 chance. I would like to think of it more like the glass is half full and has a 50% chance to be full.

Neh! *hugs Kyu* Thinking positively in every situation is a good thing! <3 I'm glad she had a chance to talk to Hae.

Kyu: *hugs back* We're not arguing anymore because Teukie umma got mad at me for being mean to her ^ ^ It's my playful side! Right?!

Don't shout at me.

Kyu: I'm not shouting at you!

Yes you are!

Kyu: Aish you're such a brat!

I'm not a brat! You're just plain rude!

Leeteuk: *walks by the room* Hows it going here guys? *smiles at the sight of us hugging*


Kyu: Fine umma. ^ ^ *pinches my arm*

*winces and smiles* N-Neh!

Leeteuk: :D Kay then! *runs to Kangin*

... *jumps on Kyu and hits him*

Kyu: YAH! Baibesjvsidsh

Avgwahahwakshe *accidently kicks post comment*
Oh! I get it now ^ ^ And this wonderful story will soon take its end-- really amazing, love. Whether a happy ending or a sad-- I'm hoping everyone will have their closure.

Kyu: Mm. *nods*

We hope you update when you can!

Kyu: *clicks post comment*
I told you she was supposed to die Kyu > >

Kyu: Really? And tell me-- why are you not concerned with what type of illness she has? Yet shes still alive and able to walk with 10% chance of living?

It's a fanfic. You can make up whatever you want.

Kyu: Psh. Whatever. *grumbles*

Anyway-- I hope you update soon! :D
SIXK? Is she going to die?! What happened?! Omg! ; - ; She's going to die!!

Kyu: No she isn't. =_= How did you get Internet?

I stole it. ^ ^ I hacked the neighbors wifi. =w=

Kyu: *blinks* .... that's my girl =w=

Update soon! *waves*
Whoo! I think Donghae's plan might work out! This is getting really exciting! I hope that it does work out or... Donghae will be depressed... But on the other hand if it does... Yunho will be depressed too...

Kyu: *noms on a dumpling* I think... Yunho is doing it because he feels guilty for doing bad things to her.

...? He just said he liked her though. *blinks*

Kyu: There's something called, "mixed up feelings". That's obviously what Yunho is doing! He feels bad that he did those things to her-- so he wants to help her. HELP her-- but he's getting it confused with falling for her.

Oh! And because he feels bad-- it gives him more motivation to work on getting her memories back... But.. he's changed. Donghae and the others said so...

Kyu: Guilt does that to you.

You seemed to have changed a bit yourself. What did you do to feel guilty? O_o

Kyu: ...nothing...

Geng: *in the other room* Aish! Donghae I told you not to play with your bruise! It'll hurt more!


Kyu: .... *clears throat* I hope you update soon. *clicks post comment*