Some Tips to Help Weight Loss

Your Beauty Consultant

I'm pretty sure all of us are asking the same question. How do we lost weight in a week?! or something similar, right?

Well... To be honest, you can't, and if you were able to, it's either only a temporary loss which you'll gain back soon or it was unhealthy for you.

There are different types of "excess weight" There is muscle weight, which weighs a lot more than fat and therefore, gives you a high number on the scale even though you're extremely athletic or fit. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about that. Then, there's water weight. It is simply the weight of the amount of water you have in your body. Water weight is easily lost. If you go to the sauna for 1hr+ and weigh yourself when you come back out, you're likely to be a kilo or two less than when you were when you went in. However, that's not the weight you want to lose, because once you drink two glasses of water, the water weight is back and you'll just be back to where you started. There is also the bone mass. If you're unlucky and are big-boned like me... that puts extra weight on the scales as well. 

The main type of excess weight we want to lose is the actual fat. The lipid, the excess energy our body makes for us and stores in our thighs and stomach. This is of course the hardest to lose, as your body needs to burn these and turn it into energy.

This post will probably mainly contain thing on how you should eat and what you should eat. This post probably won't be useful for people that want fast weight loss in a week or something. Sorry~


NEVER skip meals                  

I know your parents probably tell you that all the time, but really, DON'T! Your body needs those 3 meals a day to stay healthy and to keep its metabolism going. ESPECIALLY BREAKFAST!! So for all you brekkie*-skippers out there, try to eat at least SOMETHING for breakfast.

If you skip meals, your body's metabolism (a chemical reaction your body needs to sustain life) will slow, which will in turn slow down the rate in which your body converts food into energy. And guess where that unused food goes into. Different parts of your body as fat stored for later use! And nobody wants extra fat that they don't want... So don't skip meals!You'll just pile the kgs back on when you start eating regularly again.

Plus... it's hard doing work on a day without food.... D: 


Eat smaller proportions

Pretty straight-forward, haha. If you're used to eating a whole bowl of rice, trying and cut it down by one third. Or if you really wanna lose weight, only eat half the amount you used to eat. I lost 3-4kg just doing that. 

I mean, I think we all know that eating till we're all stuffed is a bad thing. So the ideal amount of "fullness" your tummy should be feeling is around 80% full. So that means you're still feeling slightly peckish, but still satisfied. 


Drink more water & eat your veges

Yeah, yeah, your parents tell you that all the time and now, it's my turn, haha. Drinking more water will flush out the toxins in your body and will help with bowel movements (which is just a fancy way of saying 'Pooing'). And greens are good for you! 

Make sure you're going to the toilet (for your no.2) regularly, once a day would the the best. You should feel that your stomach would've flattened slightly. It is possible that you're carrying as much as 2-4kg of poop in your stomach if you're not regularly going to the toilet, which might explain your belly ;)

Not only does drinking water hydrate your body, it can also refreshen you in the morning when you drink it soon after you wake up, as well as help clear annoying acne.



Eat slowly

If you're a fast eater like me, it's the most painful thing to do... Seriously... I can shove a bowl of rice down my throat while eating the side-dishes as well in 15mins and that's super duper bad. Not really, but it doesn't give your brian enough time to respond and realise how full your stomach is getting. Your brain needs about 20 minutes to register how much you've eaten and tell you that you're full. And if you eat fast like me, you eat more food than you actually need, which adds to the calories. Scientists also say that you should chew your food at least 20 times before swallowing. 

I can never do that... But all the same, slow down the pace you eat!



Drink green tea

I know, weird, right? But believe it or not, green tea has many health benefits such as lowering choleserol levels, lower cancer rates as well as improve metabolism. Studies have also shown that it helps weight management! 

So go drink so green tea! :D It doesn't hurt. You'll get used to the taste soon, haha.


It's okay to snack

YES, EVERYONE! It is okay to snack. In fact, you should be having a meal every 3-4 hours, and have a snack somewhere in between to keep you from overeating at your meals. Mind you, if your kind of snacking is a KFC burger, that ain't gonna make the cut. Go for fruits or a handful of nuts, which is high in fiber and keeps you full. 

But eating too much fruit is also a bad thing. Although the fruit's natural sugars are good for your body, eating too much will earn you a pile up of sugars in your system, which will just get turned into fat and stored somewhere else anyway. So eat 2 fistfuls of fruit a day ^^




Yes... It is the best way to burn those calories. Even just taking a nightly stroll for an hour would be helpful. If you don't have an hour, maybe just spare 30minutes to jog on the spot and do some leg lifts if you want a toned stomach (they hurt so much, it's not funny).

Squats are very effective for thighs and legs in general, while leg lifts (lying down, legs together) and sit ups and crunches are good for hardening and toning your belly. Make sure when you're doing your squats, having your legs shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and don't let your knees exceed your toes. Stay in that position for 15 seconds and repeat. 

For "grandma" arms, butterfly arms or flabby arms, WHATEVER YOU CALL IT, instead of doing the standard push-up with your arms out, put your arms next to your torso and do them that way. It'll work the triceps. 




Okay, I think I'm about done today :L Remember, CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY! I'm sorry if this post disappointed those of you who wanted to lose qeight quickly, but it's just not possible (if you want to do it healthily). I feel like it's I'm disappointing you guys with this post coz it's not really teling you how to lose weight... LOLL.

Basics coming up next ^^


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