Introducing Me.

Cinderella's Best Friend



" Thanks, Mr. Lee," Choi Jae Lin closed the limousine's door after thanking the chauffeur. He just simply grinned back and drove off. Jae Lin puffed out her cheeks, exhaling as she looked at her over-sized school. Pushing open the tall, wooden double doors with the bronzed handle, she entered the air conditioned school. The school was never over crowded. Walking by the lobby, she made her way to the classrooms in the North block. The hallways were extremely wide, most likely able to fit four cars side by side. The high ceiling made the place look even bigger.

Jae Lin was cool. She was always calm, never panicking except for rare situations. She had long brown hair, a hereditary trait from her grandmother , that reached the small of her back. She had long side fringe that was always tucked neatly behind her left ear. Jae Lin had big doe eyes that suited her high cheekbones. She was slender and a little too skinny but not to the point of anorexic. She was just born that way. She wore the school uniform - A white short-sleeved blouse and a grey pleated skirt that reached just above her knees. She wore black converse hightops but folded the edges down, unlike everyone else who wore white low cut sneakers.

" Jae Lin-noona!!" Came a cute young boy in the same white blouse but short grey pants,  running towards her, pen and paper in hand. He had jet black hair and big brown eyes like Jae Lin. He was chubby but not oversized. He stopped just in front of her and she bent down to his height.

" De?? Aigoo.. You're so cute!" Jae Lin cooed and ruffled his hair. She loved young kids. " How may I help you?"

" I want your autograph," He smiled brightly and pushed the pen and paper into her hands.

" Bwoh?? Autograph??" Jae Lin gaped.

" De," The boy grinned. " Hyung said that he'd give me banana milk if I get your autograph. "

" Ah," Jae Lin smiled. " Sure, sure. " She signed the blank paper and was about to pass it back to the boy when he continued.

" Hyung also said that you needed to write: You're the handsomest oppa ever," He grinned.

Jae Lin stared at the boy. She loved the kid but seriously.

" Ah, cutie, who's this 'hyung' your talking about??" I asked sweetly, looking above his head.

" That one," He grinned giddily and pointed to a guy standing a few lockers away, grinning.

It was Kim Jonghyun, heir to the Kim and Kim enterprises. He had brown hair with side bangs, just above his eyebrows. He had high cheek bones and an angular jaw. His teeth were straight and perfect. He had the built. Around him would be a clique of girls, wanting to date him and whatnot.

Jae Lin stood up to her full length as Jonghyun approached her, leaving the group of girls behind. She handed the paper over with a scowl as she saw Jonghyun hand the boy a bottle of banana milk and a plastic straw.

" Anneyong Jae Lin," Jonghyun grinned. "Meet my 6-year-old cousin, Jung Sang Kyung. " He ruffled Sang Kyung's hair affectionately. Sang Kyung looked to his hyung and grinned.

" Kamsahamnida, Jae Lin-noona," Sang Kyung bowed and ran off to the classrooms, in search of his friends.

" Anneyong, Sang Kyung," Jae Lin waved. She looked back to Jonghyun just in time to see him shove the paper and pen into his compulsory school brief /sling bag. It was slung from his left shoulder. Jae Lin hitched the bag further up her shoulder and walked straight ahead with Jonghyun beside her. Their fathers were good friends.

" I can't believe you made him do that," Jae Lin told Jonghyun, rolling her eyes in the process.

" I thought it was a good way to start the day," Jonghyun grinned and his arm slithered across Jae Lin's shoulder, causing many of his 'fan girls' to scream. Jae Lin slinked away from his arm.

" What?" Jonghyun looked at himself, thinking he did something wrong.

" Nothing," Jae Lin shrugged. " Just that I don't wanna be killed in my sleep by that herd if girls. " She added sarcastically, pointing to the group of girls behind.

" What are you talking -" Jonghyuns defense was cut off by two loud shoutings - Ji Hwang and Jo Hwang came parading in, chatting noisily about the new Prada design.

Ji Hwang and Jo Hwang, Jae Lin calls them JiJo, both had dyed blonde hair that was just and inch shorter than Jae Lin's. To be honest, they had the outer beauty but not much of the inner beauty. They were a rather petite size and always went for the cute and adorable look. Ji Hwang always wore blue degree-less contact lenses while Jo Hwang wore green. They'd rolled their skirts until up, way above their knees and had altered their blouses' sleeve to something like half the actual length.

" Ah, anneyong, oppa," They pair giggled giddily. They gave Jae Lin a look of disgust and she waved back, smiling way too sweetly. Smiling at Jonghyun once more, they stumbled off to their lockers, still intoxicated by Jonghyun's... Jonghyun-ness.

Jae Lin rolled her eyes. Making her way to the classroom, Jonghyun followed her.

" Aren't you supposed to be in the class next door??" Jae Lin questioned as he followed her into her class.

" Thanks to my private tutor, I've transferred to your class," Jonghyun grinned, taking the seat beside Jae Lin.

" Hey, smarty-pants," Jae Lin teased. " That's not your seat. "

" Oh, really?" He waggled his eyebrows.

" Yeah, it's-"

" Ah, there you are Jae Lin. I was- Eh?" Lee Hye Yong, Jae Lin's best friend ever since Hye Yong had transferred from her old boarding school.

Hye Yong was under fed. She was almost till' just skin and bones. She had a jet black straight cut long hair. It ended at her hips. She usually cuts it herself, seeing as her step mother doesn't pamper her like she does with JiJo. She's a Cinderella, greatly bullied by her older step sisters JiJo and her step mother. She was simple and fairly nice to everyone except that they don't like her. Her clothes were JiJo's old clothes - dirt here and there with the skirt torn at the sight. Jae Lin hated to see Hye Yong in that state. She'd always offered to help but Hye Yong's new bags and clothes were always taken by JiJo, convincing Jae Lin to stop giving Hye Yong items.

" Her seat," Jae Lin caught Jonghyun off guard and pushed him slightly, making him fall off the seat.

" Ah," Hye Yong had taken a mid step forward, to help Jonghyun up. " Jae Lin-ah," Hye Yong sighed.

" Don't Jae Lin-ah me," Jae Lin helped Jonghyun up anyway. He brushed the sea of his pants. " You don't have to be good all the time. Especially to this guy." Jae Lin stuck her tongue in an unladylike manner to Jonghyun who glared at her.

" I'm Jonghyun," He outstretched his hand to a new found friend. To be honest, he didn't even know she existed until a minute ago.

" Hye Yong," She introduced herself timidly, bowing slightly and politely. Jonghyun brushed the seat of his pants again before taking the seat in front of Hye Yong and Jae Lin. Hye Yong spent the entire time staying silent. Jae Lin noticed that Hye Yong kept staring at Jonghyun and blushing to herself.

Why does she keep staring at Jonghyun?? Don't tell me..

" Hye Yong-ah," Jae Lin asked her once Jonghyun and the class had cleared out. " You like Jonghyun-sshi??"

Hye Yong's head snapped up to look at Hye Yong.

" ... Does it show so obviously??"


Whoa.. Hahaha. Sorry for the uber long wait.. This chapter's in a third person's point of view because I wanted to describe how the main character looks. Hope it wasn't too boring..

Hope y'all like this chapter :)

Thanks for reading :)


P.S: Please check out my best friend's story :) It's but whatever right?? We're all old enough for some bowchikabowow :) Here's the link:

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update update!! :)<br />
It's soo interesting.