
Lef† to the Dust

Your pov.

I dodged my way through the school hallways avoiding Young Pyo. It wasn’t that I wanted to avoid Jiyong either, but the two were always together. Additionally, I skipped all the classes I had with them. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I even thought about leaving Korea altogether. I just wanted to forget everything and start new again. I probably even lost any last trace of standing relationship with Mblaq. I stumbled quickly through the hallways looking down, feeling glares and looks shot towards me along with nasty comments and whispers. I gave death glares back at those who looked at me with a sour face and pushed my oversized glasses up in place again as they kept falling down. I huffed out a sigh of annoyance from all the negative attention and made a quick right turn leaving school premises. I don’t think the teachers would care if I skipped one day or two.

“Where are you going?” someone asked behind me.  I turned around. It was Thunder. I seldom saw him at home because all of us went home at different times and I’d go straight to my room. “You look different.” I said slowly. He looked thinner than he was already. His brilliant pale skin turned to a sickly pale. He began to have eye bags like Seungho. I felt so bad. Was this all my fault? I wanted to go up to him and hug him and apologize to him a million times. But I doubt he’d take me back after all I had done. “Where are you going?” he asked again. “Class is that way, not outside of school.” His hand began to quiver ever so slightly. I felt so bad for him. “__.” he changed the subject. “Thunder, I really should go--” “You look pale today.” Look who was talking. I gave a small smile. “N-No, I’m fine, I just skipped dinner yesterday day that was all.” I said quickly turning away and trying to cut off the conversation. “Why did you skip dinner. Don’t do that. Please.” I didn’t understand why he was asking me so many questions. “How’s you and Young Pyo?” he inquired. I wished he’d stop asking me little things like that. I stopped in my tracks. I honestly really did wish he’d stop asking all these questions.

Thunder’s pov.

“W-We’re okay. Yeah, we’re okay.” she replied looking down at the floor. What a liar. I thought. She looked so unwell. I wanted to hug her. But I knew she wouldn’t like it. I doubt she liked me anymore anyways. We were both supposed to forget about each other. At least that’s what I thought was how it was supposed to go. “Listen, um I’m going to go.” she said awkwardly. She turned around once again and headed out of school. “I’ll see you at home. I miss you.” I mumbled inaudibly. Her head slightly tilted. “I’ll see you at home too.”



WOW OK GUYS IS THIS STORY TOO LONG. IM SO SORRY :'( I'm also running out of ideas ; ____ ; Idk, I keep changing the storyline and then when I change it, it's so hard to end the story! I need some creative sparks or something like dat OTL. 

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MBLAQGirlAplus #1
Chapter 47: Omg soo love this storyy! Pls update sooon:)) LOVE ITT~
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
TaeRAWW #3
Chapter 46: you must continue writing this story!!!! :3
Chapter 46: continue please. just message me if you need help
bianka1 #5
Chapter 46: please continue~~ ^^
Chapter 46: come on continue this one it is sooo not boring me :)
Chapter 45: Haha what will happen later on? Please update ;33
Chapter 44: Nice update!
Short and sweet. Can't wait for your next update now!
Chapter 44: Haha... wasn't expecting an update so quickly. But glad you did! ^^
Update soon!