
Lef† to the Dust

Your pov.

Young Pyo handed me a plate. On it was a funnel cake. It was topped with an abundance of blackberries and strawberry sauce. Whipped cream was sprayed all over the already diabetes inducing treat. “Yah, you think I can finish this by myself?!” I said offended. “I’ve seen you eat, you can finish it.” I rolled my eyes and took a bite knowing he was right. A girl slightly elbowed me as I was sitting on the edge of the bench and apologized. She had deep almond colored eyes that matched her hair color. Her hair was perfectly curled and she wore a simple plaid skirt , stockings and grey sweater. “Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to elbow you!” I gave a smile. “It’s ‘kay.” She walked off with her friends and she looked back at me smiling. “She’s really pretty, her eyes especially. You’d probably like girls like her huh.” I felt a bit sad realizing that. Young Pyo stabbed his funnel cake with a plastic fork and yanked off a piece. “Why would I like girls like her if I’m here on a date with you.” his mouth was full of cake, and some whipped cream smeared on top of his mouth. I munched loudly and talked with my mouth full. “Because you’re lying about this date. You don’t like me. You’re just a huge flirt... like G.O.!” I threw a stack of napkins at him. “You got stuff all over your mouth stupid.” He wiped his mouth and scrunched the napkin into a little ball. He attempted to throw it in the trash but it missed so he walked over to throw it away properly.

Young Pyo’s pov.

“So tell me more about yourself gun boy.” she said digging into her funnel cake. I gave a half hearted smile. I wasn’t so into with telling people about myself. “You first. Tell me something about yourself. How did you meet the Mblaq boys?” I knew she wasn’t really in the mood of thinking about them but I thought it would be the appropriate time to ask and I was curious. She folded her finished plate in half and folded it once more heading to the trash can. I looked at the group of girls at the table behind __. They looked familiar. The almond eyed girl was staring intently at me and looked away quickly making quick conversation with her friends. To me, she wasn’t as pretty as __ thought. She just looked like any other school girl that tried to impress guys too much. They always had a generic personality. Her eyes didn’t even compare to __’s ocean ones. At least she had a different personality than all the other girls. __ had finished throwing away her trash and sat back at the edge of the bench and placed her hands on the table. “I met Mblaq when my parents left to the states. I told my parents I’d be fine. Hah, I was such a liar. I worked two jobs while juggling school and trying to pay my bills and so forth in this tiny apartment I lived in. I was working another late shift one of the days, and this one frequent customer always came once or twice a day. He had the cutest lips and chubby face. Ugh. He had asked me why I worked so late at the cafe. I told him it was because I had a bit of money trouble. And that day he just left with a huge tip for me. He came back even more and more and left me with a big tip after every meal. I thanked him and tried to refuse it but he only kept doing the same. But that one day I worked a late shift. It was raining really hard, and I always took bus home. But the bus never came probably because of weather circumstances. So I walked home...” she paused for a second. “Aish, this is so lame. Why am I even telling you this, it just sounds like those lame dramas people watch when they’re heartbroken.” I urged her to continue. “It was raining really hard and my umbrella had become no use. It flew away with the wind and I was soaking wet. It was probably a mile till I reached my house so I just sat on a bench in the rain. I thought how stupid I was to think I would be fine without my parents. I should’ve moved to the states with them. I was really tired and didn’t care about the rain anymore and just disregarded it. So I fell asleep on the bench perfectly content.” I began laughing at how insane she was to just sleep in the rain. She leaned forward and hit me in the head. “Yah! Don’t judge me! At least I can adapt and survive!” “Haha okay okay, just finish your story.” “Anyways, so I fell asleep. But when I woke up, I was in someone’s house. And I was a bit scared. I thought I was kidnapped. But actually I was in Mblaq’s house. I ran out of the room and was stopped by Thunder. He had a small smile on his face... and...” “And what.” “Oh my god, you better not tell anyone.” “What.” “I punched him in the face.” I began to laugh even harder than when she told me she slept in the rain. “Shut up! ANYWHO, I gave him a bloody nose and tried to run and Joon grabbed me. I flipped him over my back and jumped over the couch trying to head for the door. Mir jumped on me yelling something like ‘calm down!’ but of course I couldn’t, I was confused and scared. G.O. simply sat at the counter chuckling at how beat up the crew was. And then I saw the guy that used to come visit so many times at the cafe. Seungho. He had alarmed eyes and tackled me. He told me that he was on his way to visit me but the manager told him I left walking in the rain and he grew worried so he looked for me and on his way home he saw a limp figure on the bench. So he picked me up and took me home. After that he sorta made me live in their house after I told him about my circumstances and stuff..”  __ gave a small chuckle and covered with one hand as she began to blush a little. I rolled my eyes at her action. “Ugh, ew, you used to like him?” She shot her signature death glare. “You’re too obvious.” I said imitating her action sarcastically. “If you tell anyone I’ll kill you!” “Hah, like you could.” “Man, you’re so annoying! I told you my story so tell me a story of yours!” she argued. “Do you want to hear something?” “Yes!” “Okay.”

“I like you.”

Your pov.

I was unaffected with his words. How could he like anyone like me. I was a monster. He didn’t understand or know the countless number of kids I threatened or beat when they tried to pick on me outside of school. He didn’t understand that the nasty personality I showed now was truly my personality. “Hah! Liar! You ! I gave you such a good story and you just say something stupid like that.” “My feelings aren’t stupid.” he said smirking. “Yes they are. I’m going to the bathroom. Stay here.” “What if I leave?” “Who cares, I can walk home by myself I’m not hopeless.”

Young Pyo’s pov.

I scrolled through my phone waiting for __. I stared at the picture of my wallpaper. She looked especially happy in it. Her eyes were closed and was wide open showing a track a teeth. Her one dimple showed clearly and she hugged the life size teddy bear tightly like a little girl. Her burgundy hair was tussled a bit and the lighting hit her just right. I glanced around seeing the almond eyed girl and her friends still here. They looked at me for a split second and I nodded hello to them, a quick gesture. They responded with a smile and got up each of them heading to the bathroom’s direction. I gave an annoyed sigh figuring out what was coming next. “Are you serious. I knew I saw these girls before. Saesengs.”

Your pov.

I finished using the restroom and washed my hands in the cold water the faucet spat out. After drying off my hands I skipped outside wanting to ride another ride. The bathrooms were located in a hidden area of the park which I thought was a bit odd. I pushed the door open. The almond girl I had seen elbowed me earlier was with her friends a few feet away from me. “U-um, the restroom is open if you want to use it.” I said with a polite grin. All three of them looked at me bluntly. I raised an eyebrow. What was up with them? The almond eyed girl pointed at me with a grim expression.

“Stop playing around with our oppas.”

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MBLAQGirlAplus #1
Chapter 47: Omg soo love this storyy! Pls update sooon:)) LOVE ITT~
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
TaeRAWW #3
Chapter 46: you must continue writing this story!!!! :3
Chapter 46: continue please. just message me if you need help
bianka1 #5
Chapter 46: please continue~~ ^^
Chapter 46: come on continue this one it is sooo not boring me :)
Chapter 45: Haha what will happen later on? Please update ;33
Chapter 44: Nice update!
Short and sweet. Can't wait for your next update now!
Chapter 44: Haha... wasn't expecting an update so quickly. But glad you did! ^^
Update soon!