
Lef† to the Dust


Your pov.

I avoided Thunder and the Mblaq boys at home. It was like they had shunned me. Or I had shunned them. I stayed in my room. But I was perfectly content. I had Jiyong’s number. I had Young Pyo’s number. And I had text. But something deep down gave me a guilty feeling I tried to push aside. Whenever I passed by Thunder, he wouldn’t look at me or notice me altogether. I’d do the same as he did to me, but I knew how much I missed him. But I didn’t want to give up being with Young Pyo and Jiyong just to compensate for Thunder. Those two boys were amazing in their own way. I thought I hated them. Turns out I don’t now. The past few days, they had put so much thought into cheering me up, welcoming to their group. Jiyong made an effort to be nicer to me and smiled for the first time I’ve seen. Smirks didn’t count. I always ate lunch with them and talked to Young Pyo about the countless things I never talked about to Mblaq.

Today I waited again until everyone in the house was gone before I went to school. I still wasn’t a queenka at school, because I tried not to make it public I was practically buddies with the infamous GD and his best friend. I put on a pair of knee leveled galaxy shorts and my non prescription glasses. I wore my combat boots and took out a plain bright blue v neck out from my closet. As I finished wearing it, the doorbell rang. I ran past the hallway and the kitchen to the door. As I opened it, Jiyong barged in, the door nearly slamming in my face. “Yah! You’re late for school!” he yelled looking for me. Young Pyo calmed him down and saw me behind the door catching my breath at the near death happening. “She’s right here. Geez, stop yelling.” he said calmly, pointing at me. Jiyong sighed in relief. “Why are you always late for school. You don’t have to avoid us now. We’re friends. So start coming to class.” “Wait. You skipped class to come get me?” “Yeah, now lets go.” I stood there, my eyes wide in surprise as they pushed me out of the house towards the campus. I tried to walk back into my house, my head hung down. “A-Ahni... I don’t think I want to go to school right now. By the time I go there, it’d be passing period. And I usually pass by...” I trailed off my heart feeling heavy with guilt stabbed in every single corner of it. Young Pyo grabbed my arm and we began walking to school.

“Come on, just sing with me.” Jiyong said as we walked in the hallways , everybody’s eyes on me. I looked nervously and shook my head. “Yah, it’s bad enough I’m walking with you guys! And--” I saw Mblaq from a distance coming our direction. I flinched and turned around to walk (or run) the other way but Jiyong held my shoulder with his hand. “Come on, just try it!”

{The song Jiyong is singing is “Leaders”  btw :3}

“Wassup, Wassup, wassup wassup wassup!~~” he began singing. I sighed seeing no use in running or hiding and gave in. Young Pyo began singing too. So I sang with them.
My name is G G G G baby baby
GD GD baby baby
You wanna flame?
You want fame? Playin’ your stupid little game
You should check your girl’s phone
That’s my face in the frame” I laughed. “Those are really bad freestyle lyrics.” He hit my head. “I’d like to see you do better.”
“We, we, we da, we da leaders
You ain’t in the game
You’re just cheerleaders
My age is nineteen, vision is HD
I have good brains with a natural style
I was already cool, now I’m even cooler
I’ve burnt the stage a several times
‘Cos I’m hot, always the best
And this number 1 spot
Is my home sweet home
If you’re going to do it, then don’t ever follow me
See if you can do it naturally
I just do what I wanna
I’ve always knew how to keep it together lady-like
But I’m flipping and freaking it, for it’s not a habit”

We passed by Mblaq like dust and continued our rapping session. I was having a ball. Jiyong huffed in annoyance. “Those are actually good lyrics...” he complained. “Young Pyo, you try!” I said excited. He shook his head. “I don’t think I can beat you.” I turned back to meet eyes with Thunder. He had turned his head as well as he walked passed us. G.O. gave a sympathetic look and Mir gave a slight glare. I slumped my figure trying to appear smaller, trying to hide myself from the rest of the world at that moment. Jiyong and Young Pyo noticed my sudden quietness and unenthusiasm and turned around as well to face Mblaq from a distance. “Hey, MBLAQ!” Young Pyo yelled across the dusty hallways. The walls were a tan hue and the lockers were a plain dark red burgundy color. Every hallways was differently shaded. All the school kids watched in silence at the two rival groups. “Pyeon __ is a queenka of this school!” Jiyong declared. “Piyeon __ is a queenka of this school!” he repeated loud and clear.
Aish, gaiz, i;ve been way too lazy with the updates LOOL. I HAVENT BEEN WRITING FOR A BIT OIJOI;WEJJOIJOEIFOWEF SO LAZZYYYY UGGHHHH LOOL. and school starts tomorrow ; ___ ; man gonna be so sad so it's like 2am and im trying to write all i can tonight , enjoy the rest of the day and then sob cause i have school woijeojewo;joijfo;wjefowf
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MBLAQGirlAplus #1
Chapter 47: Omg soo love this storyy! Pls update sooon:)) LOVE ITT~
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
TaeRAWW #3
Chapter 46: you must continue writing this story!!!! :3
Chapter 46: continue please. just message me if you need help
bianka1 #5
Chapter 46: please continue~~ ^^
Chapter 46: come on continue this one it is sooo not boring me :)
Chapter 45: Haha what will happen later on? Please update ;33
Chapter 44: Nice update!
Short and sweet. Can't wait for your next update now!
Chapter 44: Haha... wasn't expecting an update so quickly. But glad you did! ^^
Update soon!