Doing the Dirty Work Today.

Lef† to the Dust


Your pov.

Jiyong handed me a gun. I blinked at his action and gave a “what?” face. It was getting late and I had to get back home before anyone realized I was out and about all day long. I didn’t understand how Jiyong managed to have a gun nicely concealed somewhere within him wherever he was. I wasn’t scared of him. A loser like him probably didn’t even do the dirty work, more or less could aim at a trash can. I combed through my hair with my hands and let out a sigh. “Lets see if you’re really up to it.” Jiyong said. I shrugged. I didn’t know why I even joined the gang. Perhaps it was to be with Young Pyo. Or perhaps it was the part when he said we’d be more like family that got me into this mess. Did this mean I was getting a bit desperate? I thought not. More of trying out my options. Young Pyo stood next to Jiyong silently staring at the gun in my hand. He looked a bit irritated. I gave a devious face. “What, you can’t handle that leader let me have a gun?” I joked. He cleared his throat and rolled his eyes. Jiyong tensed a bit when I called him leader and shook his head as if trying to get a weird thought out of his mind. He pointed at a figure across the street that was walking towards us. “What, do you want me to shoot the guy?” I asked. “Precisely.” I swayed the gun back and forth with my finger in the trigger part. “Give me a reason why.” I told him. “I thought you were heartless.” “Ugh, you’re getting on my nerves, don’t make me shoot you instead.” Jiyong groaned in annoyance. “Young Pyo just do it.” he said. I gave a face and pointed the gun in the distance without looking. I shot the trigger and I heard the man land on the ground with a thump. Jiyong smirked and waved for us to leave. “Good job.” I gave the gun back to Jiyong pushing it to his chest roughly. “Whatever, I just need to get home.” I began to walk. “That man committed a dozen crimes you can’t even imagine if that makes you feel better.” I laughed. “I told you leader, I’m heartless. I really just have to go home.” He patted my back and gave a smile. Since when was G-Dragon the nice boy?

Thunder’s pov.

I looked at my phone again. It was 1am. Everybody was asleep by now. Where was __? I didn’t see her during lunch or afterschool today and that worried me deeply. I flinched when the door opened, __ walking in as quietly as possible. I tapped on the counter next to me and she jumped at my sight. She gave an apologetic smile. “O-Oppa! I thought you were asleep!” she said nervously. “Did you give the valentine gift to your friend today?” I ignored the question. “Why are you home so late?” She waved and apologized a million times not giving an exact reason. “I was just out and about and lost track of time!” she said. I knew she was lying. For the first time I was actually mad at her. And I didn’t understand why. “Do you like Young Pyo?” I asked. She looked puzzled. “W-What? Why would I like anyone opp--” “Stop lying, I saw you gave him something today!” I began to yell. “How could you base something so little off of that?! That thing I gave him meant nothing like that!” she yelled back. Joon came out of the hallway and shuffled lazily about the house. “Why are you guys yelling?” he asked yawning. He had on a pair of pink pajamas and a white t shirt. “Then what was it? What did it mean then? Have you been hanging out with them?” She avoided eye contact with me and looked to the ground. “I can’t tell you.” I pushed past Joon and slammed the door to my room shutting my eyes close the second I went into my bed.
Another double update C: okay ! you guys are all almost caught up to my own writing pace =^= im starting to write slower and slower oijfwoaijefoiajwiefjaiwjef please bare with me LOL. OTL 
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MBLAQGirlAplus #1
Chapter 47: Omg soo love this storyy! Pls update sooon:)) LOVE ITT~
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
TaeRAWW #3
Chapter 46: you must continue writing this story!!!! :3
Chapter 46: continue please. just message me if you need help
bianka1 #5
Chapter 46: please continue~~ ^^
Chapter 46: come on continue this one it is sooo not boring me :)
Chapter 45: Haha what will happen later on? Please update ;33
Chapter 44: Nice update!
Short and sweet. Can't wait for your next update now!
Chapter 44: Haha... wasn't expecting an update so quickly. But glad you did! ^^
Update soon!