Cool Off.

Lef† to the Dust


Your pov

“__-ah, we’re gonna be late for school if you just keep sipping your banana milk!” Mir cried out loud. I sat at the kitchen table with a carton of banana milk, my fingers tracing the edge of the mahogany table. I looked at my watch and slumped in my chair, having no motivation to get up. “Ugh, why am I even awake. Getting up everyday got me used to it “ I made a face (similar to -.- ) and trudged over to my room still holding onto the milk. I kept thinking about what G-Dragon had said yesterday. Don’t you think it’s time you start drifting away from them? Mir pulled me out of bed and threw my backpack to me. “Yahhh, the least you can do is get ready! You’ve already forgot to cook dinner for us last night!” he whined. I threw my backpack onto the ground. The contents of it spilled out, but I didn’t bother to pick it up. “Where were you guys yesterday?” I asked in a muffled voice putting my face on my pillow. “We were out with some girls, why?” I threw my pillow at Mir fiercely. “Yah, what was that for!?” “That is considered an errand?” He scratched the back of his head and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so.” “Aish, you can’t even tell from an errand to a date.” “Well, I don’t think Thunder counted it as a date. He didn’t enjoy it.” he obliviously said. I rolled my eyes, and pointed at the door. “Out, get out of my room. I’m not going to school.” I pushed Mir out of my room trying holding back the tears that wanted to come out. They ditched me for dates and told me to cook them dinner. Okay, that hurt a bit. I tried to go back to sleep, and grew frustrated when I couldn’t. I put on my combat boots and a blue windcheater, instead of the black one I often wore , carelessly and didn’t bother to fix my hair. I kicked aside my backpack and jumped out of my window, easily landing on my two feet. I began walking towards school, and decided to make a turn to a small street filled with arcades, small boutiques and cute eateries. Clearly a tourist attraction. A sigh slipped out from my mouth as I went into an arcade. I just have to cool off, and think about everything. I thought to myself. I pulled out a small slip of money and inserted it into the coin machine. It fed out a few dozens of coins and I scooped them up, placing them in the right of my jacket pocket. Every step I took, the coins would jingle up and down in my jacket, and my fingers would try to hold onto them to make the noise stop. I halted at one of those racing games, and took sat down in the artificial car seat and gave the machine four of my tokens. It must’ve been an hour or two before I noticed all my coins were gone, and dozens of guys crowding around me in awe at my high score. I tossed my hands in the air and yelled ‘Yes!’ as I beat the highscore by a large gap. A great sense of pride washed over me, and I high fived a few of them. As the crowd dispersed, some still talking about the new high, somebody tapped my shoulder. I turned around, and gave a loathing look. Young Pyo gave a smile. “Long time no see!” he said happily and sarcastically. “Yah, shut up. I skipped school today specifically to not see you or your hyung or anyone I knew.” He ruffled my hair, and my heart began to beat faster again. “I skipped school too. Being a kingka is annoying, I wish I could be like you. Always trying to keep their head low.” “You know, it’s like you have split personalities.” He shrugged and looked at me as we began to walk together side by side. “Just like you. You’re only cold and heartless to those you don’t care about. And to those you love, well that’s only a select few so you don’t worry about it too much.” he replied. Young Pyo’s eyes lit up when he saw a ramen shop. He took my hand and lead me there urgently. “Come on, lets go eat ramen! This is my favorite place!”   
haha okay!~ double update again C: enjoy!
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MBLAQGirlAplus #1
Chapter 47: Omg soo love this storyy! Pls update sooon:)) LOVE ITT~
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
TaeRAWW #3
Chapter 46: you must continue writing this story!!!! :3
Chapter 46: continue please. just message me if you need help
bianka1 #5
Chapter 46: please continue~~ ^^
Chapter 46: come on continue this one it is sooo not boring me :)
Chapter 45: Haha what will happen later on? Please update ;33
Chapter 44: Nice update!
Short and sweet. Can't wait for your next update now!
Chapter 44: Haha... wasn't expecting an update so quickly. But glad you did! ^^
Update soon!