
I'm right here !!


‘Did you read the latest chapter?’ Victoria asked , her friends, Sunhwa and Hana , also known as Zinger.

‘Yeah! It was so cute.’ Sunhwa replied , squealing a little,  remembering the story.

The three girls giggled off , as Jieun walked towards her seat , which Hara was sitting on .

‘Um... Errr... Um... ‘ Jieun stuttered .

‘Anyways, whose seat is this?’ Victoria asked .

‘Who knows. Maybe he or she isn’t here yet.’ Zinger replied.

‘Behind you..’ Jieun squeaked.

‘Huh?’ Victoria turned .

‘WHOA.’ All three girls screamed .

‘Um... I need to put my stuff down...’ Jieun replied, showing them her books.

‘If you’re here just say so!’ Victoria replied , getting off from her table.

 ‘Um. You can use it if you want!’ Jieun said softly.

‘It’s okay.’ Victoria dragged the other two out , ‘Sorry bout’ that.’

Jieun sighed , she looked at the three going to another seats .

‘Hey. I didn’t even realise she she was there.’ One of them whispered .

‘Yeah. She’s creepy. Like a shadow.’

~~ Jieun’s pov 

I’m not very noticeable... No one cares. No on knew my name or face in middle school so in high school, i wanted to change.


‘I’ll make at least 1 friend!’ Jieun said to herself at the pedestrian corssing, waiting for the green light.

‘Meow!’ A cat had ran past her .

‘Hey! Mr cat! That’s dangerous!!’ Jieun chased after the cat , going in front of it to protect it from a oncoming car , ‘STOP!’

Jieun sighed in relief as the car stopped , however , she got hit by motobike from behind, the biker saying that he only saw the cat.

So i missed school for 2 months. By the time i started school , all the groups and cliques have been formed , i had no friends.

~end of flashback~

It’s not like they were doing it on purpose, i wans’t laughed at or bullied , but-

 ‘Hey look! It’s YongGuk and Youngjae!’ One of the girls in front of Jieun squealed , looking out the window.

‘They’re late! The teacher is gonna come at any moment!’

Yongguk and Youngjae are really popular , just having them around make the room shine. They’re like the sun..

No one’s pov(?) 3rd person

Jieun looked up , her eyes and Yongguk’s met for a moment, they both looked away blushing.

My eyes just met his.. Jieun blushed.

‘Hey , out of those two , who do you think is gonna win the popularity contest?’ Someone asked.

‘I think it’s Yongguk oppa~!  He’s a good fighter and he may not look like it , but he’s actually really nice!’

‘Nah! I think it would be Youngjae oppa, He holds the top scores for all the tests and he’s funny too!’

‘Eh? We’re missing one vote from the class.’ A girl spoke , counting the votes once more.

‘I wonder who.’

Jieun snapped out of her trance , THAT’S ME. B-but ... would it be weird if i asid it was me ? I really want to take part...

Jieun opened to say something , but was interupted.

‘oh well! It looks like you guys are tied !

Jieun looked down, May be it’s my fault that i’m to unnoticeable...


Jieun’s pov.

Maybe it’s always gonna be like this... Let me change my mood. Let me update my blog~!

Depressed... Everyday is the same for me... That’s why i haven’t posted anything in a while. (>_<)  I wonder if i’ll make friends at this rate.


That’s not true! You have to keep trying! You’ll be alone if you give up!

‘Ah. Kuroneko is always so powerful.’

Don’t worry! If it’s you , You’ll do fine! You’re trying really hard so i’m sure someone’s watching you.

‘Jokomato is so... nice...’ Jieun smiled .


‘Ah. It grew leaves!’ Jieun looked at the sunflower she planted at the school garden , ‘Let me post a picture of it on my blog.’

Jieun smiled at the picture, giggling abit.

‘HEY! Give it back!’ Yongguk yelled at Youngjae , who is currently running away , holding Yongguk’s bag.

‘Ha. Try to catch me then.’ Youngjae replied , laughing.

Jieun looked at where the noise was coming from. Eh? Yongguk and Youngjae?

‘EH?!’ Jieun squeaked in surprise when Youngjae grabbed her shoulders, pulling her in front of him as a shield from Youngguk , shifting to the left when yongguk went left, or shifting to the right when yongguk went right.

‘T-that’s not fair!’ Yongguk complained.

‘Heh heh.’ Yongjae laughed , Jieun blushed, feeling his breathe behind her neck .

‘This!’ Yongguk reached out ,anger evident in his voice, grabbing Jieun’s shoulders as Youngjae ran off.

‘ah..’ Jieun blushed.

‘HAHA. Tricked you!’ Youngjae ran off.

‘A-ah..’ Yongguk blushed, realising what he was doing , ‘S-sorry.’

‘i-it’s okay..’ Jieun nodded , that.. surprised me.

‘A-ah. Your taking care of this plant?’ Yonguk asked, touching the back of his neck.


‘I can never take care of plants. They always die. You’re amazing.’ Yongguk said, smiling.

‘EH? No.. i-‘

‘No. I mean it. Jieun, you’re amazing!’

‘Yongguk oppa! We’ve caught Youngjae!’

Yongguk went over to the group , Youngjae was complaining.

‘Um.. You know my name..?’ Jieun spoke , but seeing no reply from anyone, she looked down , I guess they didn’t hear...

Yongguk look back , ‘Your name? Of course i know it. Song Jieun .’

He.. knows my name... 

Jieun’s pov

Guess what? I talked to two godlike , popular guys for the first time! They even knew my name! I’m so happy!

They realy are like the sun.

You can do it! There’s always a good chance near you. Even with a little power , you can change the world.


‘Don’t complain. We must clean the courtyard after school. Please make groups of 3 to 4.’ The teacher said.

Whenever we make groups , i’m always left out.. Maybe this is a good chance. I don’t even have friends.. Jieun thought.

‘Um. Excuse me!’ She said loud enough for victoria, Sunhwa and Zinger to hear , ‘Can i be in your group?’


‘Why do we have to clean the gym storage area... ?’ Sunhwa complained.

‘You’re really bad at rock paper sissors , victoria.’

‘You’re not the ones working hard .. Like jieun.’ Zinger said.

 ‘Eh.. me? No um , i made you be in the same group as me so...I wanted to work hard.’ Jieun replied .

‘Hahah. You’re so weird.’ Victoria giggled.

‘You look like you were about ot cry .’ Zinger laughed.

‘Maybe your a natural at cleaning?’

‘Well. We’ll work ahrd too. We’ll go wash the rags.’

Just now.. i spoke to them. Jokomato-san! Maybe you’re right. Maybe the world did change. After cleaning, i’ll try talk to them. If it goes well , I’ll have my first friends! I’m so excited. Jieun smiled.


‘Huh? Why are you locking the door?’

‘The teacher said we could go home now.’

‘Isn’t Jieun still inside?’

‘Who knows? Maybe she went home already.’

W-wait! I’m still here. ‘ Jieun ran towards the door, pushing it , why won’t it open?!

‘Maybe she likes being alone.’

‘No! That’s not true!’ Jieun banged on the door.

‘Maybe if we hang out with ehr, it might bother her.’

‘That’s not true! Hey! Why won’t you realise..’  Jieun banged the door once more.

Jieun gave up and sat opposite from the door , I remember when i was small and played with the neighbourhood kids, we play hide and seeks like this. All the time , i waited and waited for someone to find me. No matter how long i waited , no one found me and i went home crying.

‘It’s just like before..’ Jieun sighed , ‘No one would bother to find the forgotten person. There’s no one. No one who’ll find me.’

Jieun buried her face in her knees as tears rolled down .

 ‘ But , it’s lonely...’ she said as she muffled a sob. 


(A.N How's he first chapter? leave a comment ? subscribe~! ) 


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eine08 #1
Chapter 3: Noooo! I only came her for bangxsong!!!
Please dont make it into a 'you' story >_<
Chapter 3: Wah! Make it BangSong again please :))
Chapter 3: I thought that it would be a bangsong fic?
But read the 3rd chapter... well.. didn't subscribe --"
Ah and anyway, did you write it based on a comic book? I know there's one of comic with a plot like this ._.
Chapter 3: i agree wif jjcouple686. If you turn tis fic into a You fanfic, i might not subscribe to ur fic. to think tat i almost subscribe. luckily i read chap 3.
minaohmina #5
Oh oh soo does youngjae like jieun also then ? And yongguk didn't help jieun because he knows youngjae likes jieun ??! Omg so many unanswered questions!!!!
Update soon
aw no why did those girls have to ruin it for Jieun! ;~; So sad ><"
I feel like Youngjae made it worse but at the same time it was good that he came. Why didn't Yongguk stop them? Wait does Yongguk really like Jieun though? :D
Sorry ><" Anyways thanks for the update~! :D
Awww~ The ending of the chapter was so saaad~ I really like your story, update it soon, please :D Your Yongguk is so cute :3 and.. that story of JiEun's reminds me of some dorama or anime, I don't know why xD
aw poor Jieun :( hopefully everything will get better soon.
Update soon k~!
Hwaiting ~! ^^