We would never gonna say goodbye

Summer Paradise

His P.O.V

My heart is sinking

As I'm lifting up
Above the clouds away from you
And I can't believe I'm leaving
Oh I don't kno-kno-know what I'm gonna do


"Finally," I whispered, stepping outside the bus as I take in the surrounding that didn't seem to have undergone any drastic changes at all, not even after all those years. A few more steps and I'm pretty sure that I'd reach the beach in a matter of minutes. I wonder if the beach were still open for the public though. I'm afraid that some random businessman already bought the place and had it commercialized for profit earning. 


 But someday

I will find my way back
To where your name
Is written in the sand


Stretching my arms upwards, I inhaled a cupful of fresh air.  It's been a while, really. Drifting somewhere far away was too much. There was too little memories to take with me. Too little time to get to know her better. But that's life. I got no choice. I had to leave. I had to specially treasure whatever small encounter we had at that time. 

I lifted my right arm, blocking the sun's heated rays. Nothing much happened so I guess I decided that it's better to take a stroll and fixed my gaze on the sandy path instead.


Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye



"Am not saying goodbye! Never!" she whined, continuously stomping her feet on the sand, leaving tiny sand particles all over my pants. I poked her forehead, urging her to stop and she eagerly complied which made me laugh. 

"Am not too! Someday. On this beach, we'll see each other again. I know," I assured her. I don't know why but I have the strange feeling that we'll be seeing each other again, on this same beach. 

Tell me how to get back to

Back to summer paradise with you
And I'll be there in a heartbeat

And hopefully, this might be that day. 





"How's the speakers? Ready the revolving cameras! And oh, are the guests here already?" I was panicking like heck. So this is how things will work outside the college perimeter, huh? Tough, tiring, but really exciting. We had to exert much effort and produce something that'll be worth watching. 

"Doin' a fairly good job, aye?" EJ commented, slightly hitting me on my left arm as he handed me a bottle of mineral water. Nice. That's exactly what I need right now.

I grinned proudly. "Of course." For a split second, I knew something has changed in his enthusiastic, warm eyes. It was now sad and frustrated. Over what?

"Hey uhh..do you have a minute?" That voice of his sounded urgent. Something serious really is up. 

I nodded and went on with him as he guided me somewhere less crowded. 

"I'm sorry."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "For what?"

He seemed hesitant and for a minute there, I was afraid that he'd admit something horrible. "I lied to you." He did what?

I am not up for this game of his. "Lied about what EJ? Just spill it out."

"Half of my stories. I lied about them," he was breaking and it was getting harder for the both of us. But I couldn't let this off, can I? I didn't replied, crossed my arms, and prodded him to go on.

"That photo. Your name on that sand. That wasn't taken by me, nor written by me. I'm so sorry."

"What?" My arms slumped downward. 

"I...I made a mistake. And now I gotta pay. I'm...I'm letting you go."

I was seriously frozen on my spot, unable to react. What the? Was he playing with me? After staying here for longer than a month and developing a somewhat intimate, friendly relationship between us, this is what he'd do?


"Yes, we played together as kids and I did teased you a lot back then but you were forgetting something more than that. Someone aside from me. Even at a young age, I knew that I wanted to be a pastor when I grow up so I've decided to always tag along with my dad whenever he and his co-pastors would go on and help certain communities. And one of the church projects at that time was to rebuild this long forgotten shelter for the needy kids with families suffering from financial problems. They were allowed to stay there for a while in order to at least lessen the burden of their families. Okay, enough of that project. Thing is, there's this one kid whom I really got close too. It wasn't easy to get along with him...at first. He was probably what you'd call an introvert. But you know me. I was so talkative that he had no choice but to listen to me and let me have the chance to listen to his stories too. Apparently, he would never really say much about his family. Instead, he would, day by day, tell me stories about this young girl, whom he met just days ago before we got close, and how he appreciates her being straightforward yet affectionate. I wouldn't deny that. Her impact on his life is something really notable. Days after meeting her, he became more sociable, less awkward and soon enough, he was able to gain true friends. Such a remarkable change. Although, life really is tricky. Just when things are going smoothly within the shelter, his family also seemed to have bounced back economically, making him return home and leave the shelter for good. It was hard for the both of you. I know. But you know what? I wasn't able to ask him the girl's name until he took a photo of his handwritten on the sand. A photo of your name, telling me that you were the nicest memory if his summer. He gave that to me and told me to pass it on to you if given the chance and I'm not really sure why but I handed it over to your aunt instead and told her the story behind it," he confessed, stopping midway to intake some fresh air while I stood there trying to absorb everything that he just said. 

"I really am sorry but if fate really is on you two's side then am leaving it all up to him."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's here. On this event. I invited him but I certainly didn't inform him about you being here, nor you being a part of the organizing body of this event."

Jaw-dropped, I yelled, "WHAT?!"

"Yes. Now here's what you have to do; go back there and spot your 'the one'," he insisted, smiling genuinely as he lightly pushed me back to the crowd. Somehow, I felt bad for him. I'm not even sure why. Slowly walking back to the event area, I felt my feet getting heavier, stepping forward proved to be a bigger problem. My palms are sweating too, I feel so tensed! 

I was walking like a freaking zombie when I spotted a young man that, from my point of view, really stands out among that messy crowd. I stepped closer, my body moving on its own accord. Or maybe not. I stopped after reaching a fews steps away from him, my eyes fixed on the higher part of his torso. He was wearing a shell necklace and I knew from then that he was that guy. The one EJ's been telling me a while ago. Why? How'd I know?

I was just the one who made that necklace several years ago and even the one who helped him wear it. Memories then came rushing to me as tears started to form in my eyes. How could I forget about him? About those limited moments that we've spent together as kids?  That was so not nice of me. 


His P.O.V

Wow. What a well planned event this is. I wonder why I was invited by EJ in such events considering that we have different religions and that I'm not really the type to socialize with people from different walks of life. I mean, I do learned the ethics of getting together with people but I am sure that it's not the real reason why I'm here. That can't be. And I was right. Walking aimlessly around the area in hopes of bumping into EJ, since he didn't specified where I'm supposed to be staying here, I saw a young woman stepping closer and closer to where am currently standing. And just like that, everything seemed in slow motion, it's as if everything's in a blur except for the two of us. 


Now my heartbeat is sinking

Hope's shrinking
When I try to speak no words
Hope this is not just wishful thinking
Tell me that you care
And I'll be there in a heartbeat


"Hey. It's been a while," I greeted casually, looking like an idiot. What if she doesn't remember me anymore? Damn. Why is my brain malfunctioning at this very crucial point of my life?

"Andrew. I mean, yes, it's been a while indeed," she replied, blushing. She shifted on her feet uncomfortably and spoke again. "So uhh...what brought you back here?"

"Oh, that. I was hoping on giving you this," I said, trying to calm myself down as I held her hand and gave her a bracelet that I've been wanting to give her.

A bracelate that I bought for the sole purpose of being with her wrist.

Together we wore it as our hands found their way, clasping together with an unspoken promise not to let go of the other ever again.


And I'd give away a thousand days, oh

Just to have another one with you

Well real life can wait
We're crashing like waves
We're playing in the sand
Holding your hand

Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye

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