Chapter Two

What If...

Girl POV:

The show was beginning to come to an end sadly. I wonder if I’ll get the chance to see him again before it’s over. Probably not…


Donghae POV:

Okay, everything was ready. Yesung was dressed in much less flamboyant clothing, donned in a t-shirt, jacket, jeans, and a baseball cap that partially covered his face. We had tried to change his hair some so that it wasn’t as noticeable. As long as you didn’t see his face straight on, you weren’t likely to know it was him. We also washed the makeup off of his face, making him look much more like a normal guy, like we all did when we took off our makeup. Also, we had properly distracted our manager. He had gone to get drinks. We had sent Aegyo King Sungmin, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to say no. He would be gone for awhile before he would even have a chance to notice Yesung was gone. But it would probably be awhile even after that since Yesung had been so quiet lately. If we were lucky, he wouldn’t even notice at all, since there were so many of us. But if he did, we had a plan.


Yesung POV:

I was ready to go. I grabbed my phone and headed out. I heard the guys shouting encouragements as I headed towards the door. I smiled and waved at them as I left. I walked out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I tried to keep my head down and avoid eye contact with anyone. Luckily it was so busy that no one even noticed me skulking past. I headed towards the outside door that would lead me out into the main lobby. I reached out and turned the knob. It opened and I snuck out. Yes! Freedom at last!

The show should be nearing its end. Soon people would be filing past to exit. Hopefully, she would be the type that would linger, because otherwise I don’t know how I was going to be able to pick her out of the mess of people filing past. I made my way to the door that should be at the end of her row to wait. I leaned against the wall and smiled. I’m so close. Just a little bit farther.


Girl POV:

The lights slowly dimed as the last act left the stage, and then they returned across the whole hall. People began to move and the room was filled with peoples voices and the rustle of clothing and belongings being moved. I sighed and remained in my seat.  I wasn’t ready to leave. People all around me quickly left, but I remained seated. I wanted to take my time. I was in no hurry. I sat there and stared straight ahead. Soon people came back on stage and began moving things around. It was fascinating to see them work. I smiled as I watched them. I looked around me. I was one of few audience members left. There were a few groups here and there around the room. I sighed and looked at my watch. I should probably get moving soon, before they start kicking us out. I stood up and turned around. When I looked up, there was a guy standing a few feet away, seeming to stare at me, although I couldn’t see his face. I stood up straight, looking at him, with my jacket slung over my arm in front of me. He seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I tilted my head, trying to figure it out, when he took a slow step forward. The light was able to reach his face now and I gasped. Although part of his face was hidden by a baseball hat, I knew exactly who it was. I just stared at him and blinked, trying to take it all in. What was he doing here? What was going on? Oh my gosh! I was speechless. He slowly began to make his way towards me, stopping behind the chair I had been sitting in. He watched me cautiously. I was stunned; unable to move. He seemed unsure, but he smiled softly. Suddenly, seeming to draw courage from some unknown source, he bowed,

“Annyeonghasseyo! Chonun Jongwoon imnida!” He stood back up straight and looked at me again. I smiled. This seemed to encourage him. “Can I ask your name?” I started. My name? Oh my gosh, he wants to know my name! Ottokae!

“Oh… Chonun Heerin Imnida…” I said, bowing politely. He smiled,

“Heerin,” He said softly. I smiled back at him. “Well Heerin, I have something I need to tell you. I hope it doesn’t seem weird…” I just watched him in amazement. He looked down at the floor in front of him, then back up at me. “When I walked past you earlier and saw you for the first time, I couldn’t believe it. You seemed so perfect; so beautiful. And somehow, in those few moments, I… I think I fell in love…” He looked at me, straight in the eye, never letting his gaze falter.

“Oh!” I took in a gasp as he said his last few words. I didn’t know what to say! I didn’t know what to do! What can you do when someone like Yesung comes up to you and confesses? I mean, I‘ve loved him for so long, but as a fan. And here he was confessing his love for ME? This was real love; true love. Not fan love. What was I supposed to do? What could I say? Instead I just stood there and blinked as my brain worked overtime to try and find something to say quickly. But all I could come up with was,


“I’m sorry. That was weird wasn’t it…?” He said.

“What? Wait! No!” I said, reaching out slightly. “I just-I was just surprised. I mean, I don’t know what to say. I’ve been your fan for so long, so to have you confess to me suddenly is slightly overwhelming.”

“Oh,” He said, beginning to comprehend what I was saying.

“I love you, but as a fan. But you don’t. What you’re talking about is LOVE. I want to be able to love you like that…” He smiled,

“Come on,”

“What?” I asked.

“Come on. Let’s go. I have somewhere I want to take you. Maybe then you can begin to get to know me in a way other than just a fan. Then maybe you can really love me too.” He held out his hand to me. I looked down at it and smiled. I took it and he led me through the doors and out into the chilly November air.

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I read through the first chapter really quick again and noticed a few spelling errors, but I'm going to go ahead and post it before I go. I'll fix it later. :)


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maxine1513 #1
Chapter 3: Nyaw, baby Yesung! Sorry, I'm just going through all your stories like I said I would do a while ago, so expect lots of random comments and yeah. :P
Nice ending! :)
awww hehehe i can't seem to get over how cute you made them be especially donghae XD the ending was nice too not too abrupt hehehe XD
Wohooooo!!! This is so cool ^^
it's cute hehehe aegyo king sungmin hehehehe thisis adorable uppdate soon :D
daniiaangel #6
Please continueeeeeeee D:
I wanna see wha happen:)
hehehehe they're so cute XD I love them!!! XD Yeye is so cute with his daydream XD yeye hwaiting! XD
omg hehehee can't wait to read this. seems interesting :D