Hello Baby~


The Shinee boys are returning to fatherhood, unknowingly of course. Unaware of the seventeen year old girl currently on her way to meet her new 'Appas', and of course currently pissed. Being forced to learn French is one thing, being forced to learn Korean another thing but being raised by strangers is on a totally different level.

Olivia is getting ready to head off to study abroad in France where she's hoping to complete her studies away from her pressing parents who always seem to have a plan for her. Soon finding her self on a plane to Korea, unaware one, her parents have started another plan and two that she's about to become a daughter to a group of people.



It all started with ‘Hello Baby’…

The Shinee Dad’s returned to Hello Baby, unknown again just as it was the first time.


“Boys wake up!” Manager-Hyung yells waking up the five boys. “Don’t make me let the cameras record now!” He threatens and this seems to be enough to wake their leader, Onew.


“Come one Key wake up Jonghyun, I’ll get the other two.” Onew says as he walks across the hall to wake the maknae and their charismatic rapper up.

“Minho, Taemin wake up.” He says while shaking one and throwing something at the other.

“Noooo” Minho says faintly.

“We have a free day~” Taemin mumbles throwing the shoe off his bed to land with a soft thud.

Onew chuckles, “Manager-Hyung says there will be cameras coming.”

With that the maknae shoots up. “We aren’t supposed to do anything” He grumbles stumbling out of bed.

Slowly but surely Minho rises as well, walking out to the kitchen, followed by Onew, Jonghyun, Key and finally Taemin all upset that their free day has turned out to be not so free.

“Manager-Hyung we’re on break” Taemin whines sitting at the table.

Chuckling the manager answers, “We’re going to the airport get dressed.”

The boys obviously confused looked from one to another. “Do we need to pack?” Key asks.

“No, just get dressed.” Their manager replies sipping his coffee. “We’re leaving in half an hour if we’re late you’ll be doing a ton of cleaning.” He threatens the group of boys.

Suddenly they’re all running back to their rooms throwing on clothes, eating breakfast, brushing their teeth, doing their hair.


~30 minutes later~


“Good, good.” Their manager says as the boys are walking out of their condo, and on their way to the car to the airport for some unknown reason, camera crew in tow.

All about to become appas again.


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Chapter 13: I like to see Olivia with Minho ^^
Chapter 1: I love it! Just finished reading and I'm about to re-read again! ^^
nice fic~!
Silver9311 #4
hey there i was curious who does she end up with?
vanessa-95garcia #5
Hello, two days ago I did users here.And is the first story I read and its sooo good!
Its soooo good!!! I kinda wanted them to get together in this one though. lol O well. A sequel is welcome! :D Great story. I'm one of those quiet readers who only comment when I finsh the story :D okay, im done, bye :D
Sunshinegrave #7
@OnlyHope<br />
She's about the same age, younger than Taemin, but she's just their pretend daughter on the show, 'Hello Baby'<br />
I'm glad you like the story ^^<br />
<br />
@Everyone that's commented<br />
AND... Sorry for never commenting back at people but, thank-you for all the comments :D
OnlyHope #8
Hey, i just started reading this story and im a little confused about the ages. If she's about the same age as them, how can she be their daughter. Other than that i love love love love the story!!!<br />
hoshichii #9
SEQUEL!!!!! <333 THANK YOU *bows <br />
<33333 YAYYYYY <br />
kekeke. <33