What I Want

What I Want

Choi Siwon was a member of the biggest boy group in Korea, the legendary 'Super Junior. There were 15 members in total. 13 members of Super Junior and 2 members of Super Junior M. Even with all those other flower boys around him, Siwon still stood out of the group. And not to the surprise of anyone, he was soon dubbed by fans the 'Most Handsome Member Of Super Junior'. They made so many comments on his outward appearance.

"You're so handsome."

"Definitely the most good-looking out of all of them."

"How is it possible to look so perfect?"

At first, these words were completely loved. Siwon liked to be praised by others, even if it were about his mere appearance. I mean, if someone told you that you were handsome or beautiful, of course, you would be very happy about it. Everybody loves to hear such things beinhg spoken. And that's how it started; loving the comments that the other people told him. At the time, the only thing that Siwon cared about was such things. Nothing else. Being handsome or being considered a flower boy.

Soon enough though, like a sickening yet sweet taste. The words became bitter in his ears. Siwon simply grew sick of it. It was like having a loved meal every single day. Sooner or later, it would simply become sickening after eating it so much. Those words no longer became loved. Instead, they simply grew troublesome for him. As they say, too much of a sweet thing simply isn't good for you. Why you ask? Simply because the words they spoke about him were completely false.

"You have a perfect life."

"You could get anyone you want."

"You have everything."

These words were simply false. Siwon's life was not perfect. He could not get just anyone he wanted. He didn't have everything. Of course, he had the necessary things for living. Siwon had a rather large income of money which wasn't running out any time soon. Siwon had very good friends which would go to the ends of the Earth for him. Siwon had very loyal fans who would be with him, even through all his hardships and even his scandals.Siwon had a happy and loving family. Still though, he didn't have one thing.

He didn't have a lover.

Let me explain since my words are a little confusing. Siwon had someone who he loved very much, but that someone didn't love him in the same way. Siwon couldn't have this someone, because this someone didn't love him back. Of course, there was always the option of trying to make that person fall in love with him, but that was futile.

This someone was Cho Kyuhyun. Yes, Cho Kyuhyun. The so called 'Evil Maknae' of Super Junior. Somehow, for some odd reason, Cupid stupidly decided to shoot him with that damn arrow. Siwon had no idea how he had come to love Kyuhyun. He began to notice everything about Kyuhyun. The way he bit his lower lip nervously, the way he put his hand over his mouth to hide his embarrassed smile, the way he would spend all hours of the day gaming away in his room, the way he sang so strongly and proudly.... Sadly for him, Kyuhyun already had a lover.

Lee Sungmin. That was Kyuhyun's lover. Siwon noticed, there was a difference in the way he looked at Sungmin and him. When Kyuhyun looked at Siwon, there was a feeling of a friend. Simply an older brother. Kyuhyun cared for Siwon, but not in the way Siwon wanted. When Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, the change was so noticeable. Instantly, Kyuhyun's eyes would soften at the sight of his older yet shorter hyung. The way his eyes would begin to shine like diamonds. Only for Sungmin.

Ironic, isn't it? Siwon had everything except the thing he wanted the most.

Cho Kyuhyun.


"Hyung!" Siwon heard someone call. By the way it was deep and soothing, there was no doubt in his mind that it was Kyuhyun. Nobody could ever mistake Kyuhyun's voice.

Siwon didn't bother turning around to see the young maknae's face and innocent smile. He didn't want to see it. Why you ask? Simply because he didn't want to feel it. He would just feel his heart begin to break over and over again. It hurt to much, even for a somewhat strong man like Siwon. Besides, Siwon already knew it well. The person who Kyuhyun was calling wasn't him. Kyuhyun simply did not wish to have his attention, Kyuhyun just wished to have another's attention.

Kyuhyun walked fast paced past Siwon, with his eyes whining like diamonds and his toothy grin showing. Kyuhyun didn't spare a single glance at Siwon's somewhat disappointed figure. As Kyuhyun's eyes were filled with the sight of someone else, he didn't realise the almost desperate look in Siwon's deep and dark eyes.

Siwon didn't know why he felt a sudden stab of disappointment. Siwon already knew that Kyuhyun wasn't looking for him, Siwon already knew that it wasn't him who was being called, Siwon already know his feelings wouldn't be returned... so, why did he feel like this? Why did he feel so miserable at the moment?

"Kyuhyunnie~" Siwon heard someone say. Siwon looked up and regretted it with all his heart. It was Sungmin's voice, his voice lit up and happy as Kyuhyun approached him joyously.

Kyuhyun smiled gently as he felt Sungmin give him a tight and safe hug. Kyuhyun quickly returned it as closed his eyes for four seconds before opening them once again. Sungmin tilted his head up slightly, seeing his dongsaengs smiling face.

"Sungmin hyung, I missed you so much!" Kyuhyun exclaimed happily in the arms of his hyung. Sungmin smiled back at Kyuhyun, raising his hand to straighten Kyuhyun's slightly messy hair.

"I missed you too. Did you have fun without me?" Sungmin asked as he saw Kyuhyun blush slightly as he touched his hair. Kyuhyun shook his head with a slight pout.

"Of course not, I was so bored hyung." Kyuhyun whined as Sungmin laughed slightly. Well, who was the real king of aegyo? It was either Kyuhyun from the beginning, or, Sungmin taught him well.

"You were bored? Didn't you have all those games to play?" Sungmin asked almost rhetorically as Kyuhyun pouted at him once again. Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun gentle.

"I did, but there was no-one to play with. I was lonely without you, hyung." Kyuhyun replied childishly as Sungmin stared at him. Kyuhyun really must have been bored without him.

"I was lonely without you too." Sungmin smiled.

Sungmin brought his pink lips up to Kyuhyun's. A gentle and love filled kiss was exchanged between them. Not passionate or rough though. It was simply filled with much love.

Siwon simply watched in the close yet somewhat far distance, envious of seeing such a sight. He wished he were in Sungmin's place, even though that would never happen. While him and Kyuhyun were still kissing, Sungmin's eyes trailed to Siwon. Slowly, his lips parted from Kyuhyun's. A small blush was on Kyuhyun's face.

"Sungmin hyung, let's go." Kyuhyun smiled as they let go of each other. Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun's hand.

"Okay, come on Kyuhyun-ah." Sungmin spoke. As they walked, Sungmin turned his head and looked Siwon in the eye, mouthing something to him.


Kyuhyun's mine.


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Min teach aegyo to kyu very well...
and kyu teach ming to being a evil bunny....
Multiverse97 #2
Chapter 1: wahh Sungmin so mean to Siwon >.<
ohmysuperjunior #3
Chapter 1: i'm both a kyumin shipper and wonkyu shipper but i can't help but feel terrible for siwon here :/ dang, if only they could both have him :b
so possessive of sungmin at the end though xD
Chapter 1: SEQUEL I BEG YOU.

Chapter 1: ooohhhh cute kyuhyun and evil sungmin.. they're learn from each other for sure :D
hhhmmmm i felt sorry for siwon ><
sashi91112 #7
LOL! LOVE THE LAST PART! HAHAH Minnie, possessive boyfriend! but i like it anyway! :D
bedhairrrr #8
waaahh evil min! kyumin <333 poor siwon :(
Eviiill Minnie <3