
One Minute One Second


Title: One
Pairing: YeWon! Broken, JaeSung, SiHan! Implied
Genre: Drama?
Rating: PG-13 
Type: Long One-shot, 2/2
Summary: Everyone deserves a second chance, everyone deserves to have a hero.
A/N: Adapted from Epik High's One. That song, is just too amazing for words. It's the first song that got me into Epik High, and the lyrics and melody is really beautifully crafted. Italics and Times New Roman font is lyrics, Italics is Siwon's past memories. Yay Siwon revived!



Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.
Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ away…


“Hankyung, are you ready?” Leeteuk stood at the door with his partner, Kangin, as they stared at the Chinese man.

“Yeah.” He adjusted his watch, setting the time right before walking towards them.

They pushed open the door, the white light of innocence blinding the dark hallway. Numerous forensic detectives roamed around the room, the three’s presence oblivious to the busy men.

Hankyung stared down at the man laying motionless on the couch. Uttering a few words, a spell was casted as recent memories of the lifeless man played before Hankyung’s eyes.

“Choi Siwon…” Leeteuk mumbled as he peeped over a detective’s shoulder, eyes latched on the clipboard.

I want to see your tears pour out, pour out without reason
No one knows inside your heart, the glass fragments raging a storm

“Why did you hide it all?” Hankyung murmured, shaking his head, gazing at the now deaf man.

The wounds become a sickness, all doors become a wall
I’ve become an enemy in the mirror, doesn’t it hurt?

Memories of Siwon and another man flashed before his mind, in sync with the human’s camera. They collected samples of Siwon’s blood silently, only drips that dried at the edge of his pale lips.

Siwon shuffled through his cupboard, eyes aimlessly looking for another piece to wear. Why was life so unfair for him? He cringed inwardly, venting his anger out on the numerous clothing, tearing them and flinging them harshly onto the ground.

Hankyung roamed around the room, picking up the torn pieces of clothing scattered over the floor.

I'll keep anyone from knowing about you, I'll leave the breath to tighten out
I’ll force you to choose the end, (aren’t I bad?), I’ll take away all reason in this world for you to stand

Kangin placed his hand over Siwon, draining out the remaining life essence buried in Siwon’s body. Hankyung immediately stepped forward, grabbing Kangin’s hand.

You are wandering through death, (I’ll save you…)
(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin


“Hankyung, what in the world are you doing?” Kangin hissed, confused at his acquaintance’s sudden unnatural actions.

“Don’t do it yet.” Hankyung mumbled, more remnants of Siwon’s past flashing instantaneously before the calm man.

Siwon’s hand froze as his hand landed on the last piece of clothing in the cupboard. He carefully and gently retracted the clothes, clutching them tightly in his hand. Apparently, Yesung had left a piece of clothing here.

Siwon brought the soft shirt up to his nose, breathing in Yesung’s sweet faded scent.

Wounds… Scars… Tears… Flowing
(When you cry. Though you try. Say goodbye. The time is tickin
You are wandering through death, (I’ll save you…)
(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin


Hankyung looked pitifully at Siwon, circling the couch. He watched as the specialists labelled more evidence, packing everything up.

Siwon rushed into the bathroom, eyes darting around frantically. Just the faded scent of Yesung made all the past memories flood back, and Siwon sniffed his hands, eyes widening in pure terror. The lingering scent of Yesung was still there, and he washed his hands thoroughly, only to have the scent memorized in his mind, a placebo effect.

He staggered out, painful remnants piercing his heart as he kicked the piano, toppling the large ornament.

“Hankyung-ah, don’t tell me…” Leeteuk looked up, eyes locked on the pre-occupied man. Hankyung merely glanced at Leeteuk, before his attention was arrested by the lifeless figure on the sofa.

You are the one.
When you’re walking in shadows
(When I’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same
You are my savoir
I’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close for me, I’ll support you with my hand)
You are the one. You are my savoir.


Hankyung felt a stabbing pain in his heart, his hands grazing gently over the mementoes of Siwon’s lover.

They cuddled in each other’s arms, Siwon nuzzling his nose into Yesung’s hair, smiling.

Hankyung gazed at the figure, sitting on the arm rest.

Time is tickin′. T…
Your hand set the world on fire, You closed everyone’s eyes
The suffering that was reflected in your eyes like stars become your city
Are your still dreaming, sleeping? Are you measuring all the tears you’ve shed?
Hope is a paper boat that sinks, isn’t it sad?

Their first kiss shared in the rain, a memoir of their beautiful broken relationship.

“A love story woven so beautifully, torn at its seams…” Hankyung read out a line from the torn page he picked up off the floor. He sighed, placing the book on the table, his hands crafting a rose out of the battered page, leaving it on the book.

Maybe you wake up drenched in sweat at night, is consciousness crawling on the floor?
Are you thinking it’s the end, are you ok? ’Cause I understand
I’m a scar on your broken body, I’ll erase the tears you’ve hidden away in your shattered marriage
I’ll grab your hand with mine and trust you


“Kangin, Leeteuk…Let’s reverse time.” Hankyung bit his lip, the numerous protests falling deaf before his ears. He walked over to the toppled piano, the inanimate object returning to its original position as Hankyung’s fingers danced across.

Yesung would sit on the bench with him, eyes closed, enjoying every piece Siwon played.

“He deserves a second chance.” Hankyung mumbled inaudibly, but Kangin and Leeteuk manage to read his lips.

Siwon poured the whole pile of pills into his mouth and gulped, a gentle smile on the man’s lips.

“We can’t go back.” He said softly, a tear streaking down as he felt himself wavering, followed by a soft thud.

You are wandering through death, (I’ll save you…)
(When you cry. Though you try. Say goodbye. The time is tickin
You are the one.
When you’re walking in shadows
(When I’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same)
You are my savoir
I’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close, I’ll support you with my hand)
You are the one. You are my savoir.


“We’re not going to change your mind, huh.” Kangin sighed, and Hankyung didn’t reply. “Fine.” Leeteuk mumbled, chanting out a soft spell accompanied with hand gestures. Time reversed, the scattered clothes flying through space back into the cupboard, the scattered broken objects repairing itself as it went back to place.

You are the one. You are my savior.

Do you have wounds, do you have scars, Are you wandering through shadows?

Do you have wounds, do you have scars, Are you wandering through shadows?
(Faith, Destiny, Love.)

Youre still beautiful to me.

Hankyung watched the things fly around the place, a small grateful smile flashed at his acquaintances.

He walked over to Siwon, leaning in on the still man’s pale face.

“One.” Hankyung whispered, as Siwon’s eyelids fluttered, eyes opening fully as he slowly sat up straight, his mind in a complete mess.

You are the one.
When you’re walking in shadows
(When I’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same)
you are my savior
I’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close for me, I’ll support you with my hand)

Siwon glanced around, a confused look etched in the man’s face and from the side of his eye, he noticed the paper rose sitting comfortably on the hardback book.

Time is tickin. T-Time is tickin, tickin.
Time is tickin
, T-Time is tickinaway…

My savior.


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402 streak #1
Chapter 1: wuah, this is my first time reading something about Yesung left Siwon for another man
memoire- #2
I wish this had a sequel! It was so sad that I cried(again). Siwon is so pitiful. I wonder why Yesung left Siwon for Jaejoong.
winterflowr #3
Did they reverse time so that Siwon could decide not to die??<br />
Poor Guy, he was still in love with Yesung--so did Yesung fall out of love with Siwon and in love with Jae??<br />
Keep writing!
babymichiie #4
Aww.. that's just so sad.<br />
Why did Siwon chose to die ? T__T<br />
Sigh... very well written. Do write more!<br />
<br />
Do read some on mine as well, if you're free. Thanks in advance!^^<br />
@maknaehariiex27: I felt sad while writing this too! D:<br />
@Vanilaice: Updated! :D<br />
@Jessieca: D: /gives tissue to wipe tears<br />
The next chapter, a miracle happens xD
update update....need to know what happens :)
AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I AM SO SAD!!!!!!!