Why am i feeling guilty?

I'm in love with you

*stupid mess! today is my rest day!* i groaned

"rest day?! today is 'cleaning the dorm' day. and, is that the potato chips that i ate yesterday? pick it up."  I heard Onew hyung voice out from nowhere.

"Bwoyaa?! Am i your CLEANER or what?!" i said, emphasizing the word 'cleaner'.

"Yeah,why?" he said, smirking.

i just ignored him.

"pleasee?" he kept pleading with his 'aeygo'.

"Eww hyung, you 'aeygo' would never work on me. It's disgusting." i said, pretending to puke,

"Yah! How dare you?! get out of my rooom!" he shouted.


"Humm, this is OUR room. So, i had the right to get in or out this room.. PABO!" i said. emphasizing the word 'pabo' and leave the room since i have finished cleaning the room.

Muahahah! i swear i saw him being shocked. I guess it's because i called him pabo. I laughed at the thought of onew hyung's shock face.

Jonghyun's POV

"Yah! How dare you?! get out of my room!"

"What is it now?" I rolled my eyes as I heard Onew shouted.

I went to Onew's room. On my way there, I saw Minho laughing by himself.

"Has the soju he drank last night just affected, now?!" i thought.

"Yah! Why are you laughing by yourself? Crazy is it?" I asked Minho.

"Mind your own business."

"Yah! I'm older than you! How dare you speak to me like that?!"

Minho just ignored me and started to clean the messy living room.

Minho's POV

"How can I be rude to hyung?" i thought while feeling guilty and cleaning the living room.

"Aiissshh!! Sometimes he also being rude to Onew hyung. So, what for i wanna say sorry?"

" Wait, should I?"

"Aisshhh! But why am i feeling guilty? Questions started to explode in my head.



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CoffeeJjong #1
Chapter 6: Why key have to come at that moment =(
Onew miss his chance~!
Sariita #2
Chapter 5: Good :3, update soon
Sariita #3
Miss this story please update soon!
Chapter 3: Update~ :DD <3
Unnie! Faster update xP
aegihunnie_ #6
=) Update soon, pendek naah?