Take One Last Breath


Jiyong is on in his last year in college. He just wants things to go well, so he can graduate with a good job.

Trustfund baby Seunghyun just wants to gets done with this year without any baggage.








This the first fic I have written in six years.

Weekly updates seem do-able. More frequent looks probable.

I don't know how long it is going to be or the amount of  or lack of.

Thank you so much for reading.

Enjoy :D

This story takes place in a made up town.



T/W: Self Harm

Sorry its been so long this semester has been busy


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Ooooh how they will deal with their past, personality, & biology project..... Eager to read more!!! That's really interesting / & can't be too long lol
Top's eye stare would freak me out too. Lol.
I am awaiting an update with the first chapter. 8)