Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.

10 Million Baozi



I stared at the young master’s doe like eyes; my tongue dry of words.

“I expected a thief’s son to be more on the intimidating side but you’re so…..Fluffy.”

What did this kid just call me?

I did nothing but gawk at him in return.

He took one brief glance at me before he hopped into the back of the cab leaving the door wide open.

“Well come on! Let’s not wait for the grass to grow! Get in!”

I looked back to see if there was anyone behind me and then back at him.

“Yes you!” I could feel the Irritation creeping into his tone.

You know those moments when you ask yourself “what the am I doing.” Yeah… this is starting to be like one of those times.

I hopped in the car silently, kind of like when you bring home a new puppy and he takes small wary steps into the front door trying to decide if it’s safe or not.

“You’re not going to stop by the bakery?” I hear the taxi driver call out to him.


He reached over me to close the door since apparently I was too starstrucked to do it myself; A little too close for comfort if I may add.

He swiftly buckled in his seat belt and I quickly followed before he does it for me.

“Did they cut off your tongue too?” He asked in a serious tone.

I shook my head as a ‘no’ avoiding eye contact and kept my direction at the empty passenger seat in front me.

“Sounds like it.” He said bluntly.

He stuck in both headphones in and closed his eyes; Music blasting in the air.

How is he not deaf yet?

After a few minutes of riding in complete silence I managed to recover a little bit. Slowly feeling like myself again.


I don’t like him.

In fact I despise him, and now I have to be conscious of his presence as I work.

He’s just another spoiled brat who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Everything about him just pisses me off.


I looked over him who was still motionless.

How can someone sleep with music that is one high note away from exploding their ear drums!?

I took in the familiar streets of the one place I hate the most.

Great, apparently I don’t already spend enough time here.

The cab soon came to a halt in front of the gate that has long been added to my ‘I hate you, you need to just go away’ list.

“We’re here.” The driver called out impatiently; probably desperate to go home to his wife and kids.

I sure know how that feels.

The brat was obviously still sound asleep and I really hate being the one responsible for waking him up.

I tapped his leg a little harder than necessary and his doe-like eyes immediately capturing mines along with a smirk.

It’s happening all over again, I’m losing myself….

He let me go of his strong hold and looked through the window taking in the full view of the house.

“Nice.” He said simply said as if he was only looking at a mere scarf.

Yeah no it’s nice! I work my off to get it this ‘Nice’!

“Bags are in the trunk.”

“o-okay”…….WAIT WHAT!!

 Before I could stop him he was already making his way to the gate.

This. Jerk.

Yup, He is definitely being added to my hate list right when I get home.

I made my way to the back of the car and started taking out the two slightly heavy bags from the trunk. Sending him death glares as he waited for the gates to open.

“Oh and don’t forget to leave him a good tip” He called out before heading towards his mansion.

NO. Just No! This is not happening!!

Of course I didn’t do anything but freeze; Jaw hanging low and fury bottling up inside me.

I wanted to throw his stupid luggage to his face! Does he not know how poor I am!? And I am not his personal slave who the hell does he think he is!

Just cause he’s a little pretty shouldn’t give him the right to boss me around.

….But maybe the fact that the Lu family basically owns me might.

He’s still an ! I already have enough handling his parents and little sister (even though she’s not half bad, a little spoiled yes but not bad.)

Anyways I don’t need HIM on my plate.

I’m sick of this!!

I jumped at the loud horn of the taxi. 

Guy probably just wants his money.

I rolled my eyes as I took out my wallet and fished out what I THOUGHT was the amount.


I know I should not let my anger out at this poor guy but he was the only one within a two meter radius from me so….

“Sorry man, that’s what it costs.”  He said apologetically.

….Do I even have $60 bucks on me?!

No I don’t, how lovely.

Luckily he was nice enough to accept my $40 or he was just that desperate to go home.

Whatever, I’m now flat broke and I can’t even ride the bus home.

I still had his dumb luggage sprawled over my feet so I thought I should take care of that first.

I made my way through the gates and walked what seemed like 8 miles to the grand doors of the house.

I stood their contemplating whether or not I should knock…..

I never even dared to step foot near the doors since I wasn’t allowed to and it wouldn’t surprise me if they really did try to cut off my tongue if I ever go inside.

But the thought of actually going in never even crossed my mind once.

I wonder what it might look like though…Must be great.

Maybe leaving the luggage on the doormat is good enough…..He wasn’t very specific with his order so…

I did what a 10 year old little boy would do.




I ran as fast as my short legs could take me almost tripping over a sculpture and through the gates I went.

I didn’t look back to see if they opened the door, too much of a chicken for that.

I didn’t know where I was going but I’m sure if I follow the city lights I would find a way to go home.

This is HIS entire fault!

 Why the hell did he decide to come back from China anyway?!

 Who wants to come home to a controlling of a mother and a father who gives him as much attention as my stepfather?

The city lights grew brighter and you could now hear the faint sounds of the busy traffic that surround the streets.

My dumb bandages were slipping off as I ran so I slowed down to a soft jog.

I was about 4 meters away from the Lu hospital where my mother was spending the last of her life in…




I picked up my pace as I passed it, Not looking back once and letting it fade in the distance as I ran.

I got on the bus after giving the bus driver what sounded like a thousand apologies for not being able to pay him.

Luckily he let it slide but the passengers made sure to send me dirty looks as I made way to my seat.

I was dropped off about 6 blocks away from my apartment but I faced the other way and headed to the café that reeked of burnt pastries.

“What happened here?” I laughed as I covered my nose with my shirt.

Tao was too busy trying to clear up the smoke from the oven by waving his mittens in the air.

“Oh, you’re here early” He said jokingly as he spotted me a smile creeping up his face.

It was almost 2am

I rolled my eyes as I opened all the windows.

“Why are you still doing working?”  I questioned.  He usually is upstairs where his room is at this hour.

“I wanted to get a head start on these but you know how that turned out” referring to the smoke.

He poured us some green tea and motioned me to sit on the round wooden table at the back.

“Spill.” He said as he sat down on the opposite end of the table.

He looked at my puzzled expression and sighed.

“You look like you have about a million things to tell me” A cocky smile forming on his lips.

How this kid can read me like a book, I will never know.

“Well, guess who decided to visit me.”


“I said guess! Why are you no fun?!”

He sipped his tea as he waited for me to continue.

“Okay I’ll give you a hint….He’s visiting me all the way from China.”

He almost spurts out his tea as he got the hint. Which made me laugh at his expression.

“You’re kidding!!”

“I know, isn’t that so nice of him?”

It was his turn to laugh now.

“Wow. Your life really does . Have you met him? What’s he like?” He asked in between spurts of laughter.

“He’s everything I hate. Spoiled, rude, conceited, annoying, a complete dickhe-”


“Gorgeou-….” I glared at his arrogant smirk.

He kept looking at me as If he caught me red handed, and he did.

“Okay maybe he’s a LITTLE pretty…”

He cocked an eyebrow at my words.

“Okay maybe a-lot”


“OKAY HE’S HOT! BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT HE’S. AN. ASSSHOOOOLLLEEE!!! First he made us fall and he didn’t even bother to help even though I was obviously hurt! Second, He made me get in his car! Thir-”

“How did he make you get in his car? Did he kidnap you or something?” He asked suspiciously.

Okay….maybe that was kind of my doing. I could have just ignored him or run away… Why did I get in?”

“Uhh…Because I work for them duh.”

He didn’t buy it.

“Did I mention he called me the thief’s son?!” I shouted quickly to change the subject.

“Everyone calls you that.” He stated simply.

True….I don’t bother correcting them that I’m not actually his son but only to protect Yoogeun who actually is.

I sent him my best death glare which ended up not affecting him one bit. Why do I even try?

“Not. The. Point!  So then after that he made me get his dumb luggage out of the trunk and the-“

“But you work for them duh.” He mimicked me in a high pitched voice.

Why did I ever befriend him?

“WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME!?” I was about to smack him upside the head.

“Go ahead.” He said as he motioned his hand for me to continue.

“I left the best for last. So then….” I paused for dramatic effect.


I watched him as he took another sip of his tea.

Can’t say anything to that huh smart ?

“So how ‘pretty’ did you say this guy was?”

I am going to kill this stupid panda!!!


I made my way to the door but before I opened it I was cut short.

“Alright but before you go, take this.” He called out as he threw a small plastic box my way.

I caught it with one hand nicely and believe me, I wasn’t expecting that.

They were just rolled up clothed bandages with Barney imprinted on them…..I guess he noticed that mines were pretty tattered up from the fall. 

I rolled my eyes at him for the millionth time and muttered a thanks as I pushed open the door.

I wrapped up my Barney bandages as I passed the cherry tree that indicated I’m almost home.

He’s still a dumb panda but I really am grateful for him.

I brushed away his bangs from his face to give my little brother a kiss on his forehead.

He wriggled around on the couch at the contact and buried his head in his plushy.

I glared at the disgusting deer. Did I mention it is completely covered in tear?! The cotton is falling all over the place!

Weird….It’s like every day my hatred for that thing grows.

I didn’t take Yoogeun with me upstairs; I hope Halmoni doesn’t mind (even though I know she’s thrilled at his company)

I woke up to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock and turned to glare at it. Probably my best one yet.

“One of these days….you just wait.” I threatened it and slammed the snooze button a little harder than necessary.

I groaned as I let my face fall back into the pillow dreading the next following hours to come.




I stood in front of the opening gates of the house; anxiety washing over me as I pushed down the button of the speaker.

“Kim Minseok”  Please god don’t let it be HIM to answer me!

The grand gates suddenly began to spread apart without a word.

Okay….That works to. Oh god! Please don’t let him be waiting for me

I waited ‘till the gates to open which seemed to take a lot longer than usual. Is it so hard for them to fix this?

I took wary steps as I made my way near the entrance to the house; my heart beating slightly faster than normal.

Why am I so nervous?! He’s just another punk I have to work for!

Please don’t let him be waiting for me!!!

I scouted the place and….well, Nothing.

The familiar face greeted me with his usual smile but other than that, there was no sign of that brat.

I laughed myself humorlessly. What was I expecting? Of course he wouldn’t be wasting his time trying to torture me.

Good. I can work peacefully now…..But why do I feel so disappointed all of a sudden…

I passed the flowers that looked like they desperately needed watering and got to work.

I wonder what he’s doing, must be pretty weird for him to come back from china after all these years.

What if he’s lonel-

I stopped myself when I realized what I was doing.

What am I doing thinking about him!!? Am I that stupid!

“babo babo BABO BABO!” I repeated to myself as I shook my head furiously.

“And don’t we all know it.”

I froze. I know that voice. It was as if it was engraved into my brain from the first time I heard it. I would even recognize it from miles away without even trying. That warm but dangerous voice that belonged to him. Lu Han!

“Don’t worry they won’t kick me out of the house if I talk to you.” He winked.

“I-I-I” Crap not this again!

“You on the hand- I’m not so sure of.” He smirked at me as he circled around me as if rounding up his prey.


“Ah. This won’t do.”

The is this kid talking about!? I stared at him in confusion.

“My source of entertainment cannot be this mute….”

I widened my eyes at him in shock. Is this kid mental?

He grabbed my hand and led me to the back of a tree. All I could do was follow along as I was under his spell.

He shoved me against the tree forcefully which made me wince in pain at the contact.

I wanted to protest but his spell was too strong for me to break.

He let out a smirk and looked into my eyes seductively; his voice like warm honey as he spoke-

“I think you’re going to be my new toy.”


It was too late.

He leaned in closer to me; our chests now perfectly matched; His lips mere inches away from mines.

He smiled deviously as he grabbed a chunk of hair on my head and pushed it back against the tree.

He placed his lips on my ear and whispered into it sending chills over my spine.

“Didn’t daddy ever teach you not to get into cars with strangers?”

He grabbed the collar of my shirt aggressively and his lips leaving me in trance as my eyes followed his tongue.

“Hmm….I wonder..”

My cheeks burned at the words and suddenly lips crashed onto mines; his tongue fighting for entrance. His hands slowly slipping under my jeans and I gasped at the sudden contact of his fingers on my hips which gave him the opportunity for his tongue to slip inside immediately beginning to claim its territory.

 He continued to explore my mouth his tongue swirling around mines as I stood motionless-too much in shock to respond.

His fingers gently began to slide deeper into my jeans and into my boxers; His hand getting closer and closer to my bulging length.

And then….

I did it.

 I let out a soft moan…It was silent but he heard it none the less.

 It took all the power in me to break away from his hold- a string of saliva connecting our lips together as I untangled our bodies.

“Well well, guess they didn’t cut off your tongue after all.”

I looked into his lustful stare with tears in my eyes in risk of spilling as he eyed me wanting more.

I wasn’t thinking….I raised my fist and it immediately aimed for his cheek with a sharp blow, leaving a red mark in its place and an impending bruise.

He turned back his head eyes searching for my teary ones.

He shot a breathtaking grin as he caught a hold of them.

“Now that wasn’t very nice was it?”

If it wasn’t a wolf in a lamb’s clothing I would have thought that smile to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

But it isn’t like that.

Far from it.

“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!” I shoved him away with as much force as I could and ran out of the house but not fast enough to escape his last words that still rung inside me.

“You can never run from me cutie….Toys are meant to be played with, that is until they break.”








Finally finished it!!! The story is now getting interesting! (I Hope)

Sorry it took a week for me to update my internet at my grandparents really .

Anyways, Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writting it :D.

I have not yet proof read so I may edit some things later.

I was actually going to update tomorrow but I wanted to do it on Taemin's birthday so....



(oh and I'm preparing for B2ST, B.A.P so their might be some delay in the next update) ;)

Thank you to all of you who send me really sweet messages on tumblr I really appreciate each and every one of you. <3

(don't forget to tell me what you thought of this chapter) :D

(I didn't know wheather or not to mark it Rated M or not so...)



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Chapter 9: omfg this taomin is killing me T__T
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 9: I like Tao! He's so funny!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 6: Interesting haha nice drawing btw;-)
Chapter 27: authornim, when are you going to update this fic? update it plsss...... :)
Chapter 27: this story is really interesting. XiuBaek is cute and funny, XiuHun is adorable and sweet, XiuTao is sincere and sad, XiuHan is all combined.

well done! looking forward to the update
ChickenLicker #6
Chapter 27: so good (sorry i have no idea how i sent the first one) but really please update :)
ChickenLicker #7
Chapter 27: omg this is
Chapter 27: Is that Baekhyun declaring his love towards Minseok.??

Oh.. I hate you.. I like Xiubaek interaction and now I don't know whether to ship Xiuhan, Xiuhun or Xiubaek..

Update.. I'll be waiting~~
Chapter 7: i knew it!!!
Chapter 6: ah, i think i got something about the plushies *grins