
Aren't We Friends?

Almost a month had passed. Himchan was still in the hospital. The doctor said he wasn't fit for school so he had to stay in the hospital. And for the past weeks, Yongguk would always come and visit Himchan in the hospital along with Jongup. He would always bring the school work to Himchan or buy him food. Yongguk had started to pay attention in class ever since Himchan told him off saying that he should listen in class. Yongguk would always stay in the hospital till night to accompany Himchan. Yongguk had been doing this routine for almost a month. He was always looking forward to visit Himchan. He was happy seeing Himchan. Yongguk love accompnying Himchan. Yongguk thought that Himchan was getting better and he was looking forward to race Himchan again at the arcade.

One morning, Yongguk was in class when he recieved a phone call from Jongup. 

"Yongguk hyung..." Jongup voice was shaky. 

"What is it Jongup-ah?" Yongguk had to lower his head and cover his mouth and whispered into the phone. 

"It's Himchan hyung...He...He..." Jongup voice got shakier. Yongguk frowned.

"What about him? Is he okay?" Yongguk was getting worried.

"Hyung, I think you should come to the hospital immediately." Jongup said and hang up. Yongguk heart was now beating fast. What was going on? What happened to Himchan? Negative thoughts came to his mind. Without any hesitation, Yongguk quickly packed his bag ran out of the class ignoring the teacher that's calling out his name. 

Yongguk ran as fast as his legs could carry, No..It can't be.. He thought. He ran and finally came to the hospital. He finally reached Himchan's ward. There was a middle-aged lady sobbing onto another middle-aged man's shoulder. Jongup was ther standing. They were standing and crowding around Himchan's bed. There was also a doctor and a nurse. Yongguk was breathless as he walked into the ward. Jongup turned.

"Yongguk hyung." Jongup was in tears. Yongguk came closer to bed. And there he was, Kim Himchan, lying on the bed. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Yongguk knew what this meant. 

"Himchan hyung, he passed away last night when he was sleeping. They said that the medication couldn't control the blood cells that was running through his body. Apparently, there were more white blood cells in his body." Jongup looked down to his feet. 

"Andwea..." Yongguk whispered to himself. Yongguk had a tear slipping down his cheek. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to hear it. Himchan was fine yesterday. It couldn't be. It's not it. Kim Himchan, is not gone. Yongguk thought. But he couldn't deny. The cold hard truth was just in front of his eyes. Yongguk couldn't take it. Yongguk left the ward. He stood outside and slammed his back against the wall. Yongguk immediately started crying. He places his hands onto his head. He cried as hard as he could. 

"Yongguk hyung," Jongup came towards him. Yongguk immediately wiped his tears away. He stared at Jongup for a moment and hugged him. Yongguk knew that Jongup is having a much tougher time. After they pulled away, Jongup searched his pocket to give Yongguk something.

"This is for you. Himchan hyung wants you to have this." Jongup said passing the folder paper. Yongguk took it. 

"He wrote this?" Yongguk said looking at the folded paper.

"Nae." Jongup nodded and walks off. 

Yongguk unfold the paper and sat down at an empty chair. The letter wrote:

Annyeong Bang Yongguk~ 
Have you been eating well? Sleeping well?? Have you been studying as well? Yah, you better start paying attention in class and get good grades.
Aren't we friends? So friends have to listen to each other, right? Haha.
Yongguk-ah, by the time you read this, I'm probably already gone...
You..You are really something you know that? Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse, you came to me.
Is this what they call fate?  
Though I haven't been friends with you for a very long time, there is just something so comforting about you. I like being with you. 
I am glad that I finally had a friend, you, Bang Yongguk.
For the past month, you made me so happy. You taught me the true meaning of friendship. And for that, I'm grateful to you.
I... will never forget you, Yongguk-ah. Don't forget me as well arraso? Or I'll haunt you in your sleep. Kekeke~
Yongguk-ah, don't stop, alright? Keep moving, keep walking, keep smiling. 
I'll be with you till the very end. You just got to believe it. I'll be in your heart. 
Whenever you're upset, think about me and call out my name in your heart, I'll be there, I promise.
I will always be with you, Yongguk-ah. That's what friends do, right? Haha.
Yah, smile. Because you have a beautiful gummy smile, you know?
Stay strong, for me, nae?
Your good friend, Kim Himchan. 

Yongguk cried again, covering his face with the paper. Aniya..He thought. He's not gonna cry anymore. He's gonna stay strong, and keep moving for Kim Himchan. Yongguk stands up and held on to the paper tightly. Himchan is here with him, he could feel it in his soul. Himchan will always be here. Yongguk took a long deep breath and took a step foward. Watch me, Kim Himchan, I will keep walking till the very end, for you, my good friend.




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Chapter 4: OMG I CRIED ;AA;
Chapter 4: sobbingggggggg~~~~