
Reacquainted Love


Kyuhyun woke up to the loud and annoying sound of his alarm clock. It was 8 in the morning- Kyuhyun almost jumped out of his skin. "I'm gonna be late for work!" He quickly jumped out of bed and ran to his bathroom. He stripped himself of his stripped blue pajamas and got into the shower. After washing up quickly and doing everything that could only be done in a bathroom- Kyu ran to the kichten. He took a glance at the clock and instantly regreted it. "! I'm late!" He decided to skip breakfast, but before he could run out the door his phone wrong. 
"Yoboseyo?" Kyuhyun answered.
"Kyuhyun? It's Park Joongsoo." 
"Oh, Joongsoo huyng! I know I'm late, but I will be there soon."
"NO! Kyuhyun stay home."
Kyuhyun was surprised by the harshness of his boss/friend's tone. "Hyung...your not firing me are you?" Kyuhyun heard a laugh from teh other end of the line. "Of course not Kyuhyunnie." Joongsoo said happily, as if it was obvious and Kyuhyun could almost see his smile. Suddenly  Joongsoo's voice was serious again. " However I do feel it best that you take some time off."
"What? But Hyung, I know you said not to go in late again but-"
"Kyuhyun! This is not about your tardiness, or even your resent foul behavior."
"Then what is it about?" Kyuhyun felt very ignorant for not understanding right away. "I heard what happened." Joongsoo whispered so low that Kyuhyun barley heard it. "I heard about Sugnmin-ah's accident. And i want you take a couple weeks off to be with him." Kyuhyun was greatful for such a kind and understanding boss, but how the hell had the man known about the accident? 
"Thanks Joonsoo hyung, but how-" 
"Did I know? It was on the news last night. Kyu I really think it best if you just take it easy. And it's not favoritism because I'm giving Changmin a few days off as well."  "Hyung I'm glad you care, but I dont need any days off, really i'm fine."
KyuHyun heard Joongsoo sigh. "Kyu i tell you this as not only your boss, but as your friend- your not ok. You almost lost your lover for good, you need time to heal. Sungmin is not the only one who was damaged by that care accident." From the background Kyuhyun could hear Kangin calling Joongsoo. "Leetuek! Key and Jonghyun are fighting again. Alrigth I'll be right there!" Joongsoo sighed once more before speaking. "Kyu- will you just rest for a while?"
"Yeah, but-" 
Before Kyu could even finish his sentance Joongsoo hung up, but Kyuhyun kept speaking to the dialtone. "I can't be alone. I dont want to think about it." Kyuhyun hung up the phone and decided to call Changmin. Maybe being with his best friend would make him feel better? Kyuhyun doubted it, but tried to keep the hope alive. The phone continuously rung and just as Kyuhyun was gonna give up, Changmin answered. "Yoboseyo." 
Changmin sounded dead, not like he had just woke up, but more like a robot. Kyuhyun grew worried. "Changmin-ah? it's Kyu, are you ok?" At the sound of the others voice, Changmin became happier and almost sounded human again. "Neh Kyu. I just heard about Sungmin-hyung, why didn't you tell me?" 
Kyuhyun suddenly felt guilty. "I'm sorry Changgie, i was so shocked and worried I forget to tell anybody." Changmin sighed on the other line and Kyuhyun assumed he was nodding his head. " Want to go visit Sungmin with me?" Changmin was sounding human again, but he also sounded sleepy. 
Kyuhyun figured he was t concerned about Minnie to sleep, he understood. "Yes, of course." 
It was 10 am when Changmin picked him up and the car ride was quiet. After 40 minutes of complete and utter silence, they reached the hospital. They went t to the front desk, spoke to the same rude woman from the last time and then headed to room 213. Before entering Changmin knocked lightly. Sungmin turned to see who ws there and smiled upon seeing his friend. "Changminnie!" He said happily, brightly smiling. His smile faltered when he saw the same man from yesterday behind Changmin. "Kyuhyun-shii." Sungmin said politely. It stung Kyuhyun a bit, but he gave a small smile anyway. "Hi." 
 Both males sat in one of the chairs. Kyuhyun almost kissed Sungmin's forehead out of habit, but stopped himself before it could happen. The rest of the time they were there Sungmin and Changmin chatted away with minimal input from Kyuhyun. the only time Kyu said anything at all was when Changmin tried to get hime to join the conversation. Which ultimatley lead to Kyuhyun saying one to two sentances then keeping to himself again. He felt left out and unwanted and he started rethinking coming to the hospital at all. It was clear to him that Sungmin did not want him their. It was clear his hopes of ever getting Sungmin back were foolish and in vain. Kyuhyun tried to convince himself he was happy just knowing Sungmin was alright and being around him, but it wasnt enough. He had gone from seeing this man in his worst and best, having all of Sungmin to himself and thousands of precious memories to having the man not even remember who he was. 
To say he was hurt, was an understatment. Kyu stood up suddenly and pretended to stretch. Both Sungmin and Changmin looked at him. "Changmin, I'm going to go get some hot chocolate. Would you like some?" Changmin nodded his, smile in place. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin. "Are you allowed to drink chocolate?" Sungmin found it rude that the man didn't even address him by name, but he simply shook his head. "I didn't think so. i'll be back."
Kyuhyun felt relieved when he finally got outside. The cold wheather felt alot better than the suffocting air in Sungmin's room. Kyuhyun started walking to the nearest store, he knew he could've just bought the drinks at the cafeteria within the hospital. However he wanted to be away from Sungmin for as long as possible. Kyuhyun paused in his trip and thought about that. In the 3 years that him in Sungmin were together not once did he want to be away from the man. That thought bothered him more then anything else could've. Trying to forget that he started heading towards the stores again.
i think this is my longest chapter so far and i update yesterday too. feeling quite prideful. anyway next chapter is going to start off at Changmin's point of view. Yay!  but it will finish with Kyu's 
Anyway hope enjoyed please comment and let me know what you think. Comments make me giddy :) 
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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 11: Wow, sungmin is really upset without knowing the reason, i guess his memory is kicking in? Will he remembers soon?
zuttoo #2
Chapter 11: I like fast paced stories:-) ...I'll eagerly wait for your updates authornim!
Just read it...and I like the plot! Keep it up!
Just read it.. and I loved it.. The plot is good and you have new subscriber.. :P
Chapter 10: Omg i love this story pls update it pls
PeekyDoll #6
Just read it today, and I love it! ^^
Chapter 10: please update the following chapter!!!
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 10: Well at least now min is eager to know more about kyu and their past. But will min's parents finally visit him and maybe talk more harsh things about kyu? What will happen next? I am so curious....
Chapter 9: Whoa kyumin has never been one of my favorite couplings but this story is so good it made me love them together!!!
fygaeming #10
Chapter 9: omg, it's make me sad ;aaaaa; my poor kyumin i hope sungmin get his memories with kyu soon
waiting for the next update