from February to July


characters; Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Donghae

pairings; past!HaeMin, KyuMin, minor EunHae 
length; one shot || 2706 words 
genre; angst, au, romance
rating; pg 
summary; when sungmin's gone, Kyuhyun's lost and he doesn't know why. yet when donghae shows up and shows him the missing piece, every thing falls into place. 
warnings; character death. and cussing from Kyuhyun. 


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yeah, I know ): I was wondering, "should I kill Sungmin should I kill Sungmin should I kill Sungmin hmmmm." xD thank you so much! you don't know how happy that's made me :D:D
sweety23 #2
I read this in LJ and I love it so much... pity that Min died and Kyu wasn't able to tell him his feelings but I still love this... hope you write more :)