The Cotton Candy boy [part 2]

The Cotton Candy Boy[2-3 shot?/semi hiatus?]

omfg so sorry i dragged writing this.  It's hard writing. lol, but either way here is some sweet daehwa...or yongdae squishiness or whatever.


"Wow. Look at Yonghwa getting all touchy with Cotton Candy boy! Wooo~" Jungshin joked along on the passenger side as soon as they dropped off Daesung.  Everyone else laughing along and agreeing.

"Someone is crushing pretty hard, you player." 

"Shutup guys, I'm not a player."

"Sureeee" the members sang.

  "Daesung just has something about him that cheered me up tonight.  You know how I wasn't feeling all too good tonight? Well, I saw Daesung in the crowd and they way he smiled just made me feel good about myself.  He was really having a good time listening to our music and he really has a strong happy aura around him." Yonghwa was totally smitten with the smiling cotton candy worker who was able to lift his spirits that night.  Lately he was beginning to think he was a black hole with only bad luck following him everywhere, but meeting Daesung that night could lift his spirits.
He dropped off Jungshin and Minhyuk at their house and it was now only him and Jonghyun.

"You know it was really nice to see you smile again. You've been pretty depressing to hang around with since your father came back from overseas"
Yonghwa smirked because it was true, just thinking about going home and listening to his dad complain about his band and everything about his music being a waste of time got him really depressed and annoyed.

"Sorry about that Jonghyun, you know how he is"

"Yea i know, but you shouldn't let him get to you.  Try getting out of the house more and writing lyrics somewhere else.  How about you go visit Cotton Candy boy tomorrow and surprise him or something since you didn't even get his number,babo." Jonghyun knew Yonghwa too well since Yonghwa was already thinking about doing that.  Music and Daesung? Put them together and he would be in heaven.

"Yea maybe I will" he reached the front of Jonghyun's apartment which was only a few blocks away from his own. "Goodnight yeobooooo!" he yelled towards Jonghyun as he reached his steps and flicked off Yonghwa for being so annoying and loud in the middle of the night.

When Yonghwa got home at 10:30pm and got the usual lecture he would when getting home late from his dad.
"blahblahblah" was all Yonghwa heard and went upstairs to his room and fell asleep while planning his surprise date with Daesung tomorrow.  It might be a little too fast for others but for Yonghwa it was exactly his style.  When he likes something or someone he does whatever he can to obtain it no matter what.


The bell rang as Yonghwa waited patiently for someone to open the door. "What if he is busy today and I just came here for nothing looking stupid, aish I really need a phone of my own.." he rang the bell one more time and promised himself that he would leave if the door didn't open in the next 45seconds.

Just then the door opened and revealed Daesung who was squinting his eyes from the harsh sunlight bouncing of his messy blond bed-head which Yonghwa couldn't find more adorable.

"Y-Yonghwa? what are you doing here? and so early too?"

"so early? it's 10am sleepy head." Yonghwa stepped in and rubbed the top of Daesung's head messing up his hair even more.  Daesung was still sleepy and slightly confused seeing Yonghwa now standing in his living room.

"Is it just you here?"

"my parents are working, but they get home early since it's Sunday"

"cool" a bit of awkward silence, but Daesung couldn't help but smile at the fact that Yonghwa was actually in his home.  He continued to stare at Yonghwa who was looking around and decided to sit on the couch.  He walked over to the living room and sat across from him and started fiddling with his fingers on his lap.

"Sorry I came unannounced I had nothing to do today and I didn't your number to ask you if you wanted to hang out with me today. So are you busy today?" Yonghwa was smiling bright and Daesung blushed.  Yonghwa is quiet spontaneous. 

"Nope! I'm totally free, but if you could just give me 30 mins too wash up and then we can hang"

"ok, I'll be here. Waiting." before Daesung could look back at Yonghwa he missed his step and tripped on the stairs.

"are you ok?"

"oh...ummyea, ha, I must've forgot about that new extra step we added...ha.." then Daesung said nervously and ran upstairs cursing himself.  Yonghwa just laughed and the Daesung was so adorably funny and cute.  While waiting he decided to go into his van an bringing his guitar out and set up for what he planned in his head last night.

Once Daesung thought himself decent enough he went downstairs to greet Yonghwa.  For some reason he was much more nervous having Yonghwa in his house(alone), but he tried to shake it off and pray he didn’t embarrass himself more than he already had.  Before he reached that stupid bottom step that he tripped on earlier he was surprised to hear a guitar coming from the living room. 

It was Yonghwa playing his guitar and Daeaung had to catch his breath.  He could see Yonghwa sitting on the couch with an acoustic guitar on his lap. The strings being plucked by Yonghwa were creating butterflies in his stomach.  It sounded so sweet and charming just like Yonghwa.  He didn't want to interrupt him so he tiptoed behind the couch where Yonghwa was playing and listened for a while.  He could here Yonghwa humming along and the mixture of the guitar and Yonghwa's soft vocals almost made him melt into his shoes as he listened quietly from behind the couch.

“Do you like it?”

The question startled him when the guitar stopped playing and he noticed Yonghwa was now peaking over the couch looking at Daesung in his crouched position.  Daesung bit his lip nervously and mentally face palmed himself for unconsciously humming along too loud.

“It’s really nice.” He said shyly as he got back up.

“Thanks, it’s one of the new songs I will be introducing at the show.  You’re probably wondering why I brought my guitar, right?” Daesung only shrugged.

“I want to hear you sing, but not just any song, my song” poor Daesung whose confidence was almost non-existent stared at Yonghwa with his mouth agape.  It was a charming gesture he supposed, but he still didn’t think he could sing with Yonghwa.

“W-Why?” was all Daesung could utter.

“Well I heard you humming and I’m almost positive you’re voice sounds as sweet as your cotton candy”  Yonghwa could only grin at the boy standing in front of him.  The naughty thought of perhaps claiming the sweet taste of Daesung in a kiss skipped through his mind.  Before they both knew they were entering Daesung’s room.  One hand dragging Daesung and the other on his guitar.

“Ok so let’s learn this song!” Daesung just sat on his bed with a confused expression looking up at Yonghwa.  Yonghwa’s is probably the most random person he ever met, something he probably needs in his boring life.  Yonghwa had confidence that he could have Daesung singing along with him in an hour tops.  He gave him an assuring smile and began singing and playing his guitar while Daesung read along with the lyrics sheet. 

“Now, your turn” once Yonghwa finished he tried to persuade the nervous boy sitting next to him.  He wasn’t as stubborn as he thought Daesung would be. 

“I will sing it again and you can sing along with me.”  Daesung bit his bottom lip, but nodded.  He doesn’t really like to sing in front of strangers, but he didn’t want to disappoint Yonghwa who very desperately wanted to sing with him.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The strumming of each guitar string making his heart flutter.  Daesung looked back at the lyrics and started to sing them softly.  Yonghwa was right.  Daesung’s voice was as sweet as any treat.  He liked the way Daesung’s voice matched well with his own as the nervousness disappeared from Daesung’s voice.


Then the song finished and Daesung took a deep breath and smiled back at a grinning Yonghwa.

“YAHH, you’re amazing Daesung!”                                               

“No, I was nervous and you sang most of it” Yonghwa reached to touch Daesung’s hand and looked into his eyes “You’re amazing ok?” Yonghwa’s honest gaze caused a small smile to spread on Daesung’s lips.

“Oh hey look.” Yonghwa reached under the bed and pulled a drumstick.  Daesung used to play the drums in music class.  His parents even bought him a set but he grew bored of it and sold it that summer.  He had forgotten that he still had the drumsticks, but he couldn’t sell beat up drumsticks.

“So you play the drums?”

“Not really.  I sold my drums a few months ago…” but Daesung saw how Yonghwa’s face went from excited to somewhat disappointed and not liking the feeling he quickly ran to his closet.

“But I do have this little hand drum. Hold on… I know I have it somewhere…AHA!”  Daesung pulled out his 1ft tall drum. 

“Cool, I have an idea. How about you play the drums and I play the guitar” 

“Ok!”  They both may have sounded a bit like children playing with new toys, but they ended up having fun.  Daesung soon got over his shyness around Yonghwa and the two started to fool around with the song.  Yonghwa took the drum away from Daesung who refused to give it up.

“Give me back my drum Yonghwa!”

“No! I want to play with it!” Yonghwa turned away from Daesung and started banging on the drum.  It made Daesung laugh but he still tried to reach behind Yonghwa to reach it. Yonghwa then held the drum over his head and turned to face Daesung.

“Wow I never thought you were the stingy type”

“I’m not. You just took it with out asking…Ha!”  Daesung got a hold of the drum above his head but Yonghwa, with suprising strength, still had a firm grip on it.

“Will you let me if I ask?” Yonghwa asked and tugged the drum bringing Daesung closer to him.  Daesung who was too focused on the drum finally looked at Yonghwa and noticed the space between them had decreased to about 3inches apart making his heart skip a beat.  He let go of the drum and looked at the floor and swallowed the dryness in his throat.  Yonghwa tilted his chin and stared deeply back at him and asked him the same question.

“Will you let me if I ask?” Daesung swallowed the dryness again.  Yonghwa slowly came closer to Daesung’s lips almost touching.

“Daesung-ah do you know whose van is out…

“MOM!” surprised, Daesung pushed Yonghwa away and covered his mouth.

“Oh….um… I’m sorry!”  Daesung’s mother was about to close the door until Yonghwa spoke out.

“Sorry, that’s my van.  I can move it if it’s in the way.”

“ahh. No don’t worry about it…I parked behind you…um…I’m just gonna go make lunch.”  Daesung was biting his lip furiously.  His mom just walked in on his almost first kiss.  Probably the most embarrassing thing for a teenager to go through.  Not only that, but with Yonghwa. A boy.   Not that his parents didn’t know his ual preference, but it was the first time that one of them had seen him with a boy so close.

“A-Are you staying for lunch young man?” Yonghwa stared at Daesung who looked more nervous than he was.

“No. actually I have to meet up my friends soon so I should go pick them up. Thank you for offering” he bowed politely as Daesung’s mother looked at Daesung who was avoiding her gaze and she looked back at Yonghwa.

“Well, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” She left the two alone again and Daesung sank into his bed with a groan.

“Well that wasn’t awkward.” Yonghwa said sarcastically.  Daesung looked at him and started to laugh.

“I swear I thought I was going to die!” Yonghwa sat next to Daesung as he sat up straight.

“so do you really have to go?”

“yea, me and the boys have to practice.”


“you’re still coming right?”  obviously the situation that they were just in causing them both to feel a little uneasy about there “almost” kiss.

“of course” Daesung smiled and Yonghwa felt a wave of relief.

“well I should get going now, but I’ll see you soon.”

“ok, I’ll walk you out.”  Before they could leave the room Yonghwa turned back around.

“don’t worry I know where the door is.  Here. You can keep this if you want.”  Daesung took the lyrics from his hand.

“I’ll see you at the show then.  Goodbye Daesung.”

He watched Yonghwa go down the stairs and walk out the door.  His mother walked by once he was gone and looked back at Daesung.

“I like him Daesung” she yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“I like him too” he whispered back clinging the lyrics to his chest.



what song were they practicing you ask? LOVE LIGHT!!! KEKEKE

>How it sounds with drums < just imagine it's Daesung and Yonghwa and nobody else lol^^ Jonghyun aghh his voice could melt the strongest metals lol

and yes the GTOP cameo was cotton candy kekeke^^


i'm soooo sorry for taking a whole month to updateT_T 

i swear i'm the laziest person everrrr, but i still have other one-shot stories i want to write T_T

FIRST, I must finish this lol

will edit this laterzz

and I knew Jungshin was the maknae not Minhyuk, but I was having a brain fart and I was to lazy to check myself, but they're the same age anyway so just make them both maknaes or whatever :D

yes i did O__O



I'm pretty sure it's fluffy enough......right?....

i could end this story here....should i? or make it a 3shot...cuz i'm so lazy like that lmfao ...O_O it's a serious question

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i've been really lazy with this story SORRY but i've been having so many ideas with todae distracting me, but yongDae will finish in one more chapter comingsoon


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JagiyaBunny #1
Gosh I'm really loving all your stories!!! I should be studying too~ my exams are coming up and like you im on a hiatus...depressing right..when you really want to write stories but you can't :'( BUT THIS TOTALLY MAKES UP FOR IT!!!!
JagiyaBunny #2
Why was DAE so exited in the gif? AMAZING STORY BTW!! Never read a yonghwa and DAE fanfic before and I must say its really awesome!! Love it!! Need more daehwa love!!~
This couple is nice >_<
Please update soon (even though I saw your "Semi Hiatus"status)
GTOP = fluffy pink & blue delicacy cotton candy XDDD
So sweeeet~~ >w<
First time seeing this couple written and I've fallen in love <3
Update soon~~~~~
New couple look forward to the next XD.....