The Cotton Candy Boy

The Cotton Candy Boy[2-3 shot?/semi hiatus?]


It was summer and Daesung was working as the cotton candy boy at a carnival for a few weeks.  It was pretty boring most of the time for the 18 year old.  At least he had unlimited access to the rides on his breaks or whenever he wasn't working, but his favorite part of the job became watching the performances close to where he was stationed.  There were a few performances that week, but one in particular caught his attention.

It was a Saturday evening and more people attended the carnival than the usual, which made Daesung quite busy.  He soon ran out of the cotton candy mixture and had to run to get some more.  "Who knew the demand for the fluffy pink and blue delicacy would run out so quickly" Daesung said to himself as he ran back to his cotton candy station. "parents should really learn when to say no to their children’s pleads".


Soon the concert began and a crowd gathered near the stage to enjoy the music.  Some of the older folks sat down while the younger kids danced to someone performing their own version of 2ne1's I'm the best.  Then a group of 4 guys stepped on stage.  They had recently started to gain quite a bit of fame around town, but to Daesung it was his first time hearing them.  Daesung noticed how popular they were when he heard the loud piercing screams of fangirls as they went on stage.  He wasn’t shocked to see that they were all pretty handsome especially since the fangirls kept yelling “Omo, he so gorgeous, I love his hair, Oppa marry me etc. etc”. He especially took note that the leader was exceptionally handsome.  

"sirrrr! Can you hear me? I asked for blue cotton candy!"
Daesung then just realized he must've blanked out and not have noticed the little kid begging for his treat.
"ahh-Blue you said? Ok here you go." he quickly gave the blue cotton candy to the little boy and put a "closed" sign so he can take a short break...and maybe watch this band because they were pretty good.
By the time they finished their first song (Intuition) Daesung was in complete awe and cheered along with the crowd, but still not as hard as the fangirls even though he could totally feel that he was slowly becoming one he still tried to keep his cool.  "The leader has so much charisma" Daesung thought.  The way Yonghwa was interacting with the crowd is really the most charming thing Daesung has ever seen.


"It even seems like he makes eye contact with you like you're the only one in the crowd…Wait. did he just wink at me?" Daesung's heart skipped a beat at the thought.  When the song ended (L.O.V.E girl) Daesung clapped hesitantly with the wild crowd. "wow Daesung, you're so delusional” he said to himself. Why would he pay any of his attention to me?".  Just then the leader started to speak. 
"annyeongaseyo!!" he yelled out and the crowd yelled back enthusiastically. 


"thank you so much. We are really glad to be here.  I see we already have a few fans here today which makes me very happy considering we are pretty new in the music world. My name is Yonghwa--(cut off by the fangirls) this handsome man on the guitar is the Burning Jonghyun(insert fangirls scream here), on my left here is the Untouchable bass player Jungshin(fangirls again) , and last but not least is our Loveble Maknae Minhyuk!!! 
"I LOVE YOU MINHYUK!!!" screamed the girl on Daesung's side making him cringe at her shrilling volume.  He looked at the girl like if she was crazy and rubbed his ear.  When he looked up he noticed Yonghwa looking right at him which made him blush and look away.  


"does this make me a fanboy now?" Daesung smirked at how silly this cool and collected Yonghwa guy was making him become. "I'm ridiculous" Daesung continued to tell himself.

"This will be our last song but if  you want to hear more we have our flyers at the ticket booth that have info of our stage performance next week. Thank you so much and we hope to see you all again!" Yonghwa turned quickly to his band mates to tell them something and they all nodded and took their places. "This next song will surely make you fall for me" he smirked at the fangirls and they all went crazy.  Daesung just rolled his eyes but continued to enjoy the rhythm of the song until he made eye contact again with Yonghwa and this time he was pointing straight at Daesung while he sang~~"

(translation for these lyrics are at the bottom(; )

Neo naege banhaesseo banhaesseo

dalkkomhan nae sarange noga beoryeosseo

neo naege banhaesseo banhaesseo

hwangholhan nae nunbiche chwihae beoryeosseo


See my eyes

neon naege ppajyeosseo oh

see my eyes

neo naege banhaesseo oh " 

"Ok that time he surely was pointing at me...”. Yonghwa’s action startled him but what he supposed to do? Go crazy like the other fangirls? No. he had to keep calm.  Soon the song finished and Daesung was left feeling awkward and slightly confused, but brushed it off with a pout and went back to work.  He simply decided he needed to get out more.  This Yonghwa guy seemed totally out of his league anyway.

Several minutes passed and Daesung saw a few girls run towards the edge of the stage to get autographs from C.N. Blue, which is what they called themselves.  They were packing all their equipment into their van, signed a few autographs and took some pictures with the girls. Daesung looked away before anyone else would see him looking and make him feel like some sort of stalker.

"15 more minutes until 9, then I can go home and relax.  I guess it's ok if I leave now".  Just as Daesung was about turn off the machine someone asked for a blue cotton candy in a weird childlike voice.  Daesung looked up and tried to gasp but quickly choked on his saliva and turned the other way until he quickly recovered.  Yonghwa was the one the creepy childlike voice came from and was now smiling at Daesung.
"Are you ok?" he asked politely.
"uh-ehm, ye" Daesung tried to contain himself while Yonghwa just kept smiling at the adorable boy in front of him.
"So how bout that cotton candy?" Yonghwa asked after a long awkward moment caused by Daesung just standing there in dreamland. 
"huh? oh, yes. Sorry about that".  Daesung now tried to focus on making the cotton candy.
"I hope you enjoyed the show" Yonghwa said trying to start a conversation while Daesung worked on making his cotton candy.
"You guys were amazing!" Daesung blurted out and blushed when he realized he did so.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Yonghwa chuckled.  "This guy was really adorable" he thought.

Daesung just smiled back and tried to keep his cool.  
"mmm, this is really good" Yonghwa said as he took a piece of his cotton candy.
"yeah here try some". Then Yonghwa took a piece and Daesung opened his mouth like reflex to being fed. He covered his mouth quickly noticing that he just let himself be fed by a stranger…well a cute stranger.   Yonghwa could only see his crescent where his eyes where hidden knowing that Daesung was covering his smile.
"Good isn't it. My name is Yonghwa nice to meet you."
"Daesung-imnida" he said in his cute shy voice and shook the hand that reached out to him.
"So were you about to close up here?"
"yea" "seriously why am I only saying one word sentences?".
"I hope I didn't creep you out, you know, during performance and all...
"n-no don't worry about it. I liked it...No...I mean yes your band is really good and no you're not creepy at all."
"I knew you'd be adorable" 
"looks like your done here. come and meet my band"
He took Daesung’s hand where he allowed himself to be led to where the rest of the band were sitting in the back of their van.    
He only knew him for 5minutes and already Yonghwa was very comfortable with him which made him smile at Yonghwa's unique character.
They walked up to the rest of the band where Daesung noticed that one of them was trying to punch the longhaired guy who was screaming and trying to block his punches with his long arms.
"ahh Jonghyun Hyung! I said the longhaired fellow.

“Hey guys! Stop that! I brought someone over to hang with us.” Everyone the stopped what they were doing and smiled politely at the smiling boy next to Yonghwa. “His name is Daesung and he makes the best cotton candy ever.”

“Let me get some” said Minhyuk who got up and snatched the treat from his leader.

“Well this polite fellow is our Maknae, Minhyuk.” Yonghwa introduced the rest of s while they were trying to steal the rest of the cotton candy.  Daesung still couldn’t believe that he was hanging with a super cool band and the fact that he was right about the flirting signals he had been receiving from Yonghwa during the concert.  The rest chatted for a bit and got to know Daesung.  Everyone absolutely loved him and he kept getting compliments about how funny he was.

“Hey it’s getting late and I need to catch my bus to go home, it was nice meeting you all.” Daesung tried to excuse himself from the bunch even though he wished he could’ve stayed longer.

“We can give you a ride? Right guys?” Yonghwa stared hard at one member inparticular(Jonghyun).

“Of course! We can make room. Although I think someone might have to sit on someone’s lap-“ Jonghyun said.

“I call Jonghyun’s lap!” Jungshin said as he raised his hand and smirked at said person.  Jonghyun just rolled his eyes and scoffed at his dongsaeng.

While the other members sat in the back with the equipment Daesung sat comfortably in the passenger sweet with Yonghwa.  Daesung had a smile on his face the whole ride. 

“So do you go to McNero High School?” Daesung asked wanting to get to know Yonghwa better.

“Yeah!” Yonghwa smiled brightly. “You must go to Walter High School right?”

“Yup! Too bad we’re not in the same high school, because it’d be fun to hang out with you.” Daesung admitted.

“So much fun. Oh, that reminds me, would you like to come to see us perform on Wednesday…or…I mean if you’re free…”

“Of course! I REALLY love your band!!! you guys sound so amazing.  Tonight was absolutely the best performance I seen on that stage.

“YYAAYYY!” said the ease droppers in the back of the van.

“You sound like you really appreciate music Daesung.” Yonghwa said.

“Well I really love to sing, but I get really shy so I just enjoy watching and while I was watching you…well I kinda got jealous of how great you look on stage.”

“Daesung-ah stop please you’re making me blush” Yonghwa said jokingly hitting Daesung’s arm.

“Ok here we are”

“Thank you so much for the ride”

“Don’t worry about it. Oh, and don’t worry about buying the ticket just tell the ticket person you’re name and he’ll let you in”


“Shhh” Yonghwa said as he put his finger to Daesung’s lips. “I wont take no for an answer. Besides the ticket is only $10 so it not big of a deal.” Daesung just nodded while Yonghwa finally removed his finger off his lips.

The said goodbye and Yonghwa waited for Daesung to get inside his house.  When Daesung closed the door he ran up to his room and dived onto his bed jumping like some sort of fish on dry land and giggling like a fool.  “WOW, Yonghwa is so amazing!!!”

first chapter is DONE! wow i'm so lazy :(

sorry for incorrect spelling and other crap that i messed up on b/c i'm too lazy to proofread LOL

So the next chapter will be more about their perfection together ;)

btw did you see that gtop that i added? no? well you have to squint REALLY hard. Let's see if you guess it right >:D


LYRICS TO "You've Fallen For Me"

you have fallen for me, fallen for me, melted in my sweet love.

you have fallen for me, fallen for me, mesmerized by my charming gaze.

see my eyes you fell for me

see my eyes you have fallen for me.


Look how buddy buddy they are askdlfasdfkl and Daesung is so "special"(lol)

PRECIOUS *__* Yonghwa got so happy to see Daesung support him^_^

thank you subscribers and viewers for being open-minded about new couples LOL

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i've been really lazy with this story SORRY but i've been having so many ideas with todae distracting me, but yongDae will finish in one more chapter comingsoon


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JagiyaBunny #1
Gosh I'm really loving all your stories!!! I should be studying too~ my exams are coming up and like you im on a hiatus...depressing right..when you really want to write stories but you can't :'( BUT THIS TOTALLY MAKES UP FOR IT!!!!
JagiyaBunny #2
Why was DAE so exited in the gif? AMAZING STORY BTW!! Never read a yonghwa and DAE fanfic before and I must say its really awesome!! Love it!! Need more daehwa love!!~
This couple is nice >_<
Please update soon (even though I saw your "Semi Hiatus"status)
GTOP = fluffy pink & blue delicacy cotton candy XDDD
So sweeeet~~ >w<
First time seeing this couple written and I've fallen in love <3
Update soon~~~~~
New couple look forward to the next XD.....