
In love with a cyborg girl.


All this time there was somebody who had.. stalked her. Hara still didn't know but everytime she went outside she could feel a weird presence. But the worst part is that it was somebody from... the same planet, and even worse it was her so-called best schoolmate Jaebeom. Jaebeom was also made out of Kim Jun  Yoon, but that was when he wasn't even living in Kara Planet. He then lived in JJ planet and made two boy figure cyborgs. They grew up with him untill they both turned 18. Well actually they were both over the 1000 years old, but because of their looks they still looked 18, and it sounds better that way. It would be weird if somebody would say 'Happy 1018th birthday' So they just turned it into 18.  But that day was the worst day for JB. 
'Ya! You know what day it is???' JR jumped on his bed while JB was now half-awake because of him. 'Ani , i don't.. now go away!' 'MWOH!?' JR screamed. 'It's OUR BIRTHDAYYY!' JB immediatly sat up straight. 'What?' He turned his head to the left and looked at his calendar. *Omg.. it's even true.. i've lived for more then 1000 years, i even can't remember when it's our birthday*. He stoop up and streched himself. 'We're going to hold a birthday party???' JR literally begged him. 'Ah, i don't know? You want it that bad?' 'NAE NAE NAE NAE' He screamed in his ear. 'Yah! Chill okay, we will hold a birthday party then. They walked up to Kim Jun Yoon professor's office and knocked on it. No answer, Again knocked on it but still no answer. They both looked at each other but then JB said. 'Stay here, i'll go inside alone' So he slowly opened the door and looked left and right. There was.. Nobody? *Nobody* He opened the door more widely for JR to see. 'Huh, where is professor Jun Yoon?' He looked dumbfounded. 'Molla...' He walked up to the desk of Jun Yoon and spotted a letter.  wich said; 
I know this is not really manly to say it into a letter and especially not on a day like this,
but i've got something to tell you. You guys are now two adults. Actually you guys already
were but because it's your 18th birthday it feels like you became officially adults.
Sorry i .. can't be there. I was in a emergency and could not be here on your birthday..
And can't be there in your future live. I'm experimanting on more cyborgs and trying to make them more human.
So, hope you'll live your life happy and i hope to see you two in the future again. 
JB crumbled the paper into his hand and smashed it onto the ground. 'W-what!? JB hyung what are you doing' JR looked at the paper but then ran after JB. JB locked himself in his room and lied down on his bed. He thought about it, *So suddenly leaving us two alone in this... *  He looked around him, although he had been here for more then 1000 years, it was still weird without the professor, who was like his.. father? He then thought about where Professor could go. He then sat immediatly up straight. 'Kara...' He had heard professor talking about making girl cyborgs on a Kara planet. He had also seen sketches of them. He wanted to find them and make their lives miserable because of what those cyborg girls are going to do to them, He couldn't take it that professor actually chose an unmade cyborg above two cyborgs he had known for more then 1000 years. *Those cyborgs.. are going to suffer*
JB came to earth to find those girls because he didn't know exactly where Kara planet was so he just waited and waited untill after more then 500 years. The first one appeared a cute girl named seungyeon. He became good friends with her but at the end he stole her source.  He knew that cyborgs aren't nothing without their sources and thought that she probably would die, especially on earth but he was wrong. Professort made them even stronger with more power. Till now he still didn't know that
Then the second came and that was Hara or KC3. He also became friends with her but there already was somebody in her live. Wich was his enemy Lee kikwang. *This girl can't be friends with him, he's a human.. she's a cyborg.* Jb was in deep thought. 
Back to now, JB thought about how to get to know her better without asking to much to her.  So he did find out she's living with BEAST, wich pisses him off. But he also did kind of stalked her. Like when she was in the car, She didn't healed herself but he actually did it. When she went shopping with Kikwang, he saw her searching for clothes who looked like outerspace clothes, like where she belongs. Or when they both went to eat for tteokbokki and at last when she even saw him at the club then but she didn't knew him. 
JB was walking down the road by night because he was bored. Everynight he would think about his brother and how he would do it out there in JJ Planet. It's been a while now since they've met. They still talk to each other but it's been a long time since they've talked to each other face to face. He wanted to see his brother so badly but he then thinks about the reason why he is here on planet. *I've got to do this, for JR..* He looked up and saw a familiar body in the distance wich he knew would be the best to confront that person right now.
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harayoon26 #1
Chapter 21: great job:)
tredwrrior #3
Chapter 13: hara become human?!!!
oh.... exciting.;)
keep update!!!!
SNSD1203 #4
Chapter 5: Love the story so far!!
tredwrrior #5
i m curios what happen next
update soon!!
hara_ya #6
cyborg girl~ cant wait..do update