Recieved Applications

Idol Island

For everyone that has already applied you will be listed on this page ^^ You will either be accepted, meaning I will keep your aplpication and may/may not choose you when I decide on a deadline, or you application will be rejected - because you didn't fill in the application correctly. If you are rejected I will tell you why & if you change the problem you will be put in the accepted list ^^

Username | Name | First Choice Love Interest | Notes of you appie/what you did wrong

Accepted ...

IsabellaParkHyera | Im Hyera | Eli | Loved your application, it was very detailed just like I wanted ^^ And you mentioned The Wanted which made me love you already xD Thankyou for the suggestions also, I'll make things brighter & try to make it neater though I may need help with that since I'm not sure how to make it neater >.< Ideas? Anyway thankyou for applying so fast :D

BANAna23800 | Kim Chun Hei | Baekhyun | I enjoyed reading your application, your girl is realistic which I like, I already have a few ideas for her if Idecide to pick her ^^However there is one thing, which isn't to big a deal since most will get their first choice, but I don't know anything about Super Junior so if you were to get your second choice you might have to change it. Other than that your application was good, I liked it :D

MaknaeChen | Park De Eun | Taemin | Your application was great! Perfect ^^ I love the ulzzang & the style images :) I can see your appie going perfectly with someone else's to be good friends in the story ^^ As for your suggestions you are now the second to say Hawaii! So that is probably were it's going to be hehe :) As for detial you don't have to worry about that, my fics on other sites are full of detial, I will try to give lots of detail in the fic ^^ And somehow your application has given me an idea for a sequel if this goes well :) Thankyou for applying I really like Chen, she sounds fun :D

CeltyS | Lee Hana | L.Joe | Love your application ^^ Very different from everyone else. I think it will be fun to write scenes with Hana :D

IWannaHugTaeAndKey | Cha Sori | Oh Sehun | Awesome application, soo very detailed :D & you chose such beautiful ulzzangs ^^ Love your girl <3 Although for your love interest, I'm not very familiar with Exo so if you are chosen you may have to give me some details about him for me to write with :D

Rejected ... 

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Sorry for not updating :( I've been really busy sorting stuff for my uni app ^^ I promise to update this week 5th Aug :D


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You should get more applications for this awesome story. >:(
Application complete hope I get picked!

:) Application Is Complete~! Mission Complete xD
YAY!!!! XD X3 ^^
Hope it ok... ^^D
@ISabellaParkHyera you hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me xD hehe you're awesome ^^ <3
I reaally liked your appie, I will decide on a deadline next week so check next friday to find out when I'm going to decide on applicants :)
OMG , you cast a spell on me , spell on me ! x)
@Pandagirl84 keke thankyou ^^ I look forward to reading applications :D And if there's an idol you want that's not on the list let me know ^^
this is sounding good! im glad you're letting us choose anyone ^.^