
Idol Island

 Write something for each field & delete the brackets when writing in your own information. Don't forget to post this as a blog post & link it in the comments.I will post a list of available idols in the next chapter


AFF Username:

AFF Profile Link:




D.O.B & Age:



Languages: (Keep it believable and tell me how fluent she is in any languages she can speak)


Personality: (At least two paragraphs, make it nice and detailed please to give me a lot to work with)

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Hobbies: (2+)

Habits: (2+)

Trivia: (4+)


Ulzzang Name:

Ulzzang Photos: (3+)

Backup Ulzzang Name:

Backup Ulzzang Photos: (3+)

Style: (What kind of clothes, make-up etc. does your character usually wear)

Height: (In feet and inches if you can, if not cm will do I'll figure out how tall she is ^^)



(this is majoraly important since you're on holiday but some names and ages would be nice, also no idols for family members please)

Mother: (Name| Age| Brief personality)

Father: (Name| Age| Brief personality)

Siblings: (Name| Age| Brief personality)



 (In this fic any of your female friends will be the applicants since I don't know many female idols, however if you want to you can choose a male idol to become your friend while on holiday ^^)

What type of person would be your best friend: (This will help me decide which applicants will be closest to each other)

What type of person do you dislike: (Because a little bit of rivalry/enemies makes thing interesting. A few applicants may not get along well)

Idol friends: (These will become your friends during the holiday, you can pick up to 3. There is a list in chapter 2, however if you can't find the idol you want tell me & I shall let you know if he will be okay) (Give a brief description of their personality)



Love Interest: (Name| Age - Any male idol)

His Personality: (Brief description)

How You Behave Together:

Backup Love Interest: (Name| Age| Brief Personality| Behaviour Together)


Anything Else?

Comments or Questions:

Suggestions: (What could I include to make the fic good? Anyplace you want to suggest for the holiday to take place, maybe an island somewhere?)


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Sorry for not updating :( I've been really busy sorting stuff for my uni app ^^ I promise to update this week 5th Aug :D


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You should get more applications for this awesome story. >:(
Application complete hope I get picked!

:) Application Is Complete~! Mission Complete xD
YAY!!!! XD X3 ^^
Hope it ok... ^^D
@ISabellaParkHyera you hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me xD hehe you're awesome ^^ <3
I reaally liked your appie, I will decide on a deadline next week so check next friday to find out when I'm going to decide on applicants :)
OMG , you cast a spell on me , spell on me ! x)
@Pandagirl84 keke thankyou ^^ I look forward to reading applications :D And if there's an idol you want that's not on the list let me know ^^
this is sounding good! im glad you're letting us choose anyone ^.^