See Them Practice, Found a Secret

Accidentally Meet You

YeEun POV :

I, I really gonna see them practice?!

Oh, my God!!

I still don't believe it!

When we entered the building,

All of the people there were shocked looking me walking and talking with Ren.

I could heard what they were whispering...

" Who's she? " " Omo! Ren bring a friend?! " " Ren never bring his friend went here before!"


Ren oppa never bring his friend went here before?!

I'm the first one?



Why I'm the one that Ren oppa bring here?

My heart beating fast!

Oh my God!

Ya! Heart! Why are you beating really fast huh??

Suddenly Ren oppa said, " This room where we will practice.. "

We were infront of the room

" Oh? It's really huge! "

" Let's go in, the other maybe already inside.. "

" Arasso, Ren----" And then I paused for awhile Ren looked and me and said,

" Ren? "

"Eeeh... Ren... Oppa "

He smile and said,

" If don't call me oppa, that's mean you don't think I'm your friend.. "

"Not like that! It's because..."

" Because? " Ren ask curiously

" Because... I only call my big brother and my nephew ' oppa ' I never call anyone else with oppa.." I said shyly..

" Ooh, so you never have a boyfriend?? "

Ren asked.

My face turned red 

" Until now I never have " I said shyly

" Ooh, I think I wanna ask you some question.. But later maybe, we should go in first.. " Ren said

"Ok " I said.

When we went in, all of them were practice.

And then they stopped after look Ren and I entered the room.

" Oo, YeEun-ah wasseo ( you've arrived ) ? " Aron said.

" Ya, hyung! You're rude you know why you called YeEun-ssi ' YeEun-ah ' ? " Baekho said.

" We have known each other for 3 weeks, soooo, it's okay right YeEun-ah? " Aron said.

" Mm! Gwenchanayo ( it's alright ) ! " I said.

" Okay, practice time now! We have only 2 month again for our mini album! " JR said.

It's not weird why he is choosen as leader, He has a spirit to be a leader.

I really admire someone that can lead everyone for doing things together,

Cause I can't be like that, that's why I admire leader.

I saw them practice hard,

Oh God!

I'm really a lucky girl right? NU'EST become my friend,

I saw them practice,

It's not only usual practice that all of the fan saw,

But their mini album practice that no one has know!!

Oh God, you really really really kiiiind to me!

Thanks to You, God!

<<<< Fast forward>>>>

" Let's take a break! " JR said.

It's 12 pm now...

I'm starving...

My stomach growling now...

Luckily no one hear it...

" YeEun-ah are you hungry? " Ren asked

" Woah woah woah! Even Ren now called YeEun-ssi 'YeEun-ah'?!" Baekho asked in shocked.

" We are friend right YeEun-ah? " Ren asked while smiling.

" Yeah, of course ! " I said.

" If you want to call me 'YeEun-ah' , it's alright. No need to be formal with me " I told Baekho..

" Hmm.. Okay then, YeEun-ah " Baekho told me while laughing..

All the member laugh too,

I just remember that Minhyun is there.

He looked alone.

Sometime I just want to talk to him..

But I couldn't think what must I said to him.

I stared at him for a while, I think nobody else saw it.

Suddenly he looked at my eyes,

I immedietly looked away from him. I don't know why but, My heart really beating fast.

" What do you want to eat? " Ren suddenly asked me.

" Eh? I eat anything that can be eaten " I said while smiling.

" If jjangmyun? Do you like jjangmyun? " JR ask.

" Okay then, let's eat seafood! " JR said.

" Does everyone agree with it? " I asked

" Agree! " Ren, Baekho, Aron said. But, Minhyun didn't say anything.

" Okay let's go! " JR said.

"Does Minhyun agree with it? I asked.

" .... " He didn't say anything.

" Minhyun always say nothing, so we just ate what we want. " JR said.

" Oo, okay.. " I said.

JR called to the restaurant to delivery to the Pledis building.

And then, the food have arrived.

All of them took one box. Minhyun too.

Why do I care if Minhyun took the food or not?

Because he was lonely?

Maybe... When we ate half of the jjangmyun suddenly Minhyun ran out. Why did he run out like that?

" Why after we ate this jjangmyun he always ran out like that huh? " Aron asked.

" Dunno " JR said.

After they said like that,

I went out cause wanna go to toilet, and I think I worried a little bit about Minhyun.

So I went out from the room, and went to the toilet.

I worried about Minhyun. So I searched him.

But, I lost.. I search the way for back to the room.

I found a room and I opened the door.

It's not the room where the NU'EST practice,

But I found Minhyun was sitting on the corner.

I feel I must asked Minhyun what happend to him.

So, I went near to him.

" Minhyun, are you alright? " I asked.

" Can't you see it? " He said.

I really hate if he opened his mouth and said something rude!

So, I said " Nope, " but I know that he didn't alright. "

The jajangmyun sauce used a shrimp, " he said while pant.

" Are you alergic with seafood? " I asked.

" Yeah " he said still panting.

He can't breathe well.

" I think I have medicine for the alergy, " I hurriedly search inside of my bag,

And luckily I brought the medicine.

I gave him my medicine.

" I won't die if I eat this right? " He asked.

I gave him glare.

" Of course NOT!

If the medicine made people die, my big brother has already died! " I said.

After I said that, he ate the medicine.

It took a few minutes and then he can breathe well again.

I sat beside him.

" Gomawo " He said.

" Ne, cheoman.. " I said. We didn't say anything for a minutes.

And then I asked him, " Nobody knows that you are alergic with seafood?"

" Nope, no one. Until now, only you that know it. "

" And then you always say nothing when they wanted to ate jjangmyun?? "

" Mm " He mumbled "

Why? You can say to them that you can't eat seafood! "

" Just don't want to say it. " He said.

" WHY?? "

" You don't tell anyone that I allergic with seafood! " He said.

" Why?? If you give me a good reason I'll keep it as secret! " I said.

He meet my eyes and said, " I'm afraid that they will worried about me, especially Aron hyung. He really worried about his dongsaeng. "

So, he is worried about his hyung...

" Did they have tried to find you when you were ran after ate seafood?? "

" Yeah.. " He said. "

But they came after I ate a medicine, so I have alright. " He continued.

" You will keep this as secret right?? "

" Okay, But....... "

" But? What? " He asked.

" I will keep it as secret if you are stop saying rude to anyone! " I said.

He glared at me.

" If you don't want I won't keep the secret, "

" But I can't change my habbit all of a sudden! " He said.

" Okay you can change step by step. I really hate someone talk rude to me and another! "

He glared at me again..

" Okay, if you don't want I'll tell everyone about the secret that you are hiding it! "

" Fine! " He said.

" I'll change my rude talking to you! " He told to me pointing his finger to me.

" Not only me! But everyone! " I said.

" Fine! But I can change it step by step right? " He asked.

" Yeah, you may, " I told him.

" So step one, I just not as rude as before to you? Kay? "

" Okay.. " I said.

" Step two! I will not rude to you! "

" Okay.. " I said.

" Step three, I will not be rude as before to another person! " He said.

" Okay.. "

" Step four, I will not be rude to everyone! "

" Yeah.. "

" Happy now? " He asked.

" A litte bit only.. "

" Why? " He curiously asked.

" Because I want to ask you how long it will take for step one, two, three, and four?? " I asked him.

" One year for one step " he said while stare at me.

I gave him a shock expression.

" Did I said something wrong? " He asked.

" Oh GOD! One step one year?! Are you kidding me?! " I said in shock.

" I'm not kidding you " He said.

" It will take four years! Only for change your rude habbit?! " I said, still in shock.

" Yeah, " He said.

" You said I can change my rude talking step by step right? "

" Yeah, but not take for a really long period too! " I said to him.

" How can you change your habbit only a few time?! " He asked me

. I think what he said is true,

But if like that it will took four years?!

But he said he will tried to change right?

" Okay then one step one year, but I must see you changes! If not I will tell all of your secret to them! " I said.

" Okay.. " He said.

" Pinkie promise? " I asked him.

He glared at me.

" Must pinkie promise?? Pinkie promise isn't for a little child? " He asked.

" Nope! I've always done it with my big brother! "

" Tch, fine.. " He said.

" Only 5 minutes from the promise you already being rude again?! " I said with my voice louder than before.

" Okay, sorry.. " He apologize.

" I want to ask something.. " Minhyun said to me.

" How could you found me here? This is my secret place.. "

" Eeeeh...... Actually I lost... " I said.

" So you didn't find me? " He asked.

" Actually because of searching you I lost now! "

" Why were you searching me? I never be kind to you, and we were never talked before. "

" Hmm~ even tough you are rude, you were lonely. I think because of that I become worried about you.."

Minhyun POV :

This girl made me confused,

I asked her, " Why were you searching me? I never be kind to you, and we were never talked before. "

She answered, " Hmm~ even tough you are rude, you were lonely. I think because of that I become worried about you.."

This girl really weird,

Worried about me?!

Why suddenly my heart beatting fast?!

Ya! Hwang Min Hyun! What are you thinking about?!

" I think we must back to the practice room. " She suddenly said.

I just nod my head.

We arrived infront of the practice room,

She is the one that went in first,

I followed her from back.

" Oooh?! " All of them squeled all most the same time.

" Why? " She asked.

Her confused expression really cute..

Ya! Minhyun! Again?!!

" Ya! Hwang Minhyun!!How could you with YeEun?! " JR hyung asked in shocked.

" We just met " She said.

" Just met when she is lost. " I said.

" YeEun-ah, you were lost?! " Ren asked.

" Yeah, but I back now " she said while smile plestered on her face.

" Sorry, I should have accompanied you.. " Ren said.

" Gwenchana! I'm back now! " She said

. Her smile really adorable..

Oh God!

Why I'm always be like that!!

Okay, stop thinking about the weird things!

" Let's practice again! " JR hyung said.

Okay back to practice...

Ren POV :

I worried a bit about YeEun.

It almost 20 minutes after she went out from the practice room.

" I think I wanna go out for a while.. " I said.

" Why? " Baekho asked.

" Worried about YeEun?? " Baekho continued while smirk.

Uurgh I really hate with Baekho smirk.

Altough its true that I worried about her,

But I really hate about Baekho smirk.

So I just denied it.

" Worried about Minhyun hyung. " I lied.

" Don't made a lie Ren, we all know that you are really really like YeEun. And now you are worried about her right?? " Aron hyung said with the teasing voice.

" Fine! I like her ! So there is a problem if I worried her?! " I said.

" Ooooooooooh " all of them said on the same time.

When suddenly the door open I looked that YeEun was there,

But, Minhyun was there too..

Okay, it really made my heart ached.

All of my hyung shout because of shocked.

Oh, my stupid hyung...

" Why? " YeEun asked.

Her confused look,

Oh God, how could her be soo cute?

" Ya! Hwang Minhyun!! How could you with YeEun?! " JR hyung asked in shocked.

" We just met " She said.

" Just met when she is lost. " Minhyun said.

What?! She was lost?

! This my fault .

" YeEun-ah, you were lost?! " I asked.

" Yeah, but I back now " she said while smiling.

" Sorry, I should have accompanied you.. " I said.

" Gwenchana! I'm back now! " She said.

She was smiling again...

I found myself staring at her.

Aaaah really!

" Let's practice again! " JR hyung said.

I need to concentrate for this practice.

Back to YeEun POV :

" Okay, we have done our practice.. " JR said.

" It's 5.00 pm. I think I must go home. " I said.

" Why don't we take you home? Its a good idea right?" Aron said.

" Yup, its not good if a pretty girl walk home by herself, it's true right Ren?? " Baekho said looking at Ren while smirking.

" Yeaaah, " Ren said.

Now, my cheek became red.

I hope no one saw...

" Wooooooooooooooh YeEun cheek become red!! " All of them shout in excited.

I didn't know why they must be really excited.

And then, they were using a sunglasses, a cap, and a mask.

Ren and Minhyun didn't use the mask I don't know why.

We took the bus and they really walked me until home.

" Oh, who is him? Your brother??" Aron asked.

" No, he is not.... Who is him? " I asked myself

. " Who are you? " I asked him. When he turned his face...

I know who was him..

I really know who is him...

 All of the NU'EST was too shocked to said anything.




Who is him??

Are you curious??

If you curious just listen to Shinee's song, Sherlock, when they sing " Oh, I'm curious yeaah "

Maybe you could got the hint from Jessica?


You need to guess who is he..

The answer would be release in the next chapter.


Wait for the next chapter!

The viewers become 188 aaaaa really thanks to all of the readers...

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Updated! Chapter 18, is it too short? If it is, comment on the story, I'll try to make it longer ..


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 22: Awww poor Taemin and Ren :( But I still love this story :)
yuxuan #2
Chapter 22: poor ren he will be very sad
Dangerousluv1 #3
Chapter 22: *claps* job well done! The ending didn't seem weird to me. Oh, when you do make the sequel can you message me?
Dangerousluv1 #4
Chapter 21: T~T oh my gosh, it's already coming to an end. Great chapter! I can't wait to find you who she chooses in the end ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #5
Chapter 19: I realized that I didn't comment on this chapter but I don't really think I need to because you already know how entertaining and awesome your story is ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #6
Chapter 18: That convo in the end, awesomeness.
Oh my god who will she choose in the end? I can't wait to find out!
Dangerousluv1 #7
Chapter 17: I love this story! I'm sorry that I didn't comment on the other chapters T~T I was too busy reading that I forgot. I'm such a bad reader for that :( by the way, the conversation in the end was cute ^ ^
Chapter 17: nice convo guysss~
nice update too!!!!
Yeohana1733 #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! Even though it's short:)))
Kpop_Loverx3 #10
Chapter 15: AHH~ update soon > n <