Bad Weave

Fifty Fifty

1 Bad Weave

Taemin pulls at the ends of his extensions, his usually smiling, cute face taking on a look of pure distaste.

“I have to do this again?” He pouts, looking at the stylist through the reflection of the mirror.

The woman waves her straightener around. “Everyone loved it during your Lucifer promotions. My sister wouldn’t stop talking about you. Surely, it isn’t that bad.”

Taemin’s pout dissolves into a frown just as Kibum walks by snickering.

“Yeah, everyone loved it the first time, Taeyonnie,” he mocks, even using Taemin’s fake female name. “But now they’ll hate it because it looks like crap.”

Taemin watches as the stylist turns around and threatens to hit Kibum with the hair appliance.

“What! It’s true!” he defends. “Look at how uneven his hair is. He looks like he was attacked by a cheese grater."

Kibum decides that it’s safer if he flees the room in order to spare his life from the rage of his stylist. Just as he saunters out the door, Jonghyun walks in.

“Hey, Taem, you almost done?”

“I guess…” Taemin sighs. The stylist gives him permission to leave and he slips out of the chair. Walking out of the small salon, Jonghyun turns to him. He grabs hold of a lock of Taemin’s extensions.

“You know it looks like you stuck your head through a paper shredder, right?”

“Shut up, Jonghyun.”

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curlyqk #1
Chapter 2: This is great I demand you update!
you are obviously on crack. let me have some.