Chapter Three

My Roller Coaster Life
-Chapter Three-
April 18th 2013
“So…Soojin-ssi, tell me more about yourself.”
            The Ahn family and my family all sat around a long, rectangular, glass dining table that seated six. The two ends were occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ahn while Sungjong sat beside Niel and I was with Appa. Everything is perfectly fine except for the fact that the kid sat across from me. He was probably going to make me vomit with his face that I’m tired of already.
            Tonight, we are having shrimp dipped in spicy chilli sauce, hot and steamy dumplings, and the main course: tender and hot Korean beef with a side dish of Caesars salad. I know, it’s awesome, right?
            When I first entered the dining room, the first thing I laid my eyes on was the Korean beef. From then on, all I really cared about was that dang beautiful thing in front of my eyes (Yes, I momentarily forgot about that kid.) I swore I even heard it calling my name seductively, ‘Soojin! Come and take a bite off me. No, actually come and devour me like there’s no tomorrow!’
            Being the weak girl I am I was easily lured into the Korean beef. You can’t really blame me because unless you’re rich, you don’t eat this every day. I silently slid into the chair closest to my target. I’m getting warmer…
            Then I patiently waited for the others to sit down and as I waited, I picked up the black serviette lying innocently on the plate in front of me and set it on my shaking thighs. I’m even warmer…
            To make sure I wasn’t making my intentions too obvious, I waited until someone else served themselves. That was when everything (and I mean everything) moved in slow motion. I picked up my utensils, a knife and a fork, and reached for the glorious plate of Korean beef. Now I’m sizzling hot!
           Just as the forkful of beef entered my mouth just the slightest bit, someone had to interrupt the beautiful moment. I hardly heard the question is my direction but nonetheless, I heard it. You would never guess who it was.  It was Niel.
           I slowly put my fork down with a cling. “Well Niel-ssi,” I forced a smile,” what do you want to know?”
           Luckily, all three of our parents were caught in what seemed like a rather pleasant conversation, meaning I didn’t have to play so nice.
           Either Niel was stupid or he just pretended he didn’t notice because he continued on as if he didn’t hear the icy tone I used, “What do you enjoy doing for fun? You know…like your hobbies?” After finishing his question, he flashed a smile at me as if he really cared about what I had to say.
          “My hobbies, Niel-ssi? What business do you think you have to know what I like to do?” It wasn’t the fact that Niel didn’t even flinch one bit at my harsh words that surprised me, it was the fact that his smile grew wide at my response.
          ”We live together now and I don’t really think its wrong for me to know what you like to do. You know…unless it bothers you?”
           I scoffed at his remark. Me getting bothered?
           First, he interrupts my meal and now makes me sound like some weak girl who has issues with everything. Well, he clearly doesn’t know who he’s messing with. I am Kim Soojin. I don’t back off without a fight.
          “How dare you make me sound so sensitive? Fine,” I rolled my eyes, “I enjoy baseball. I enjoying playing baseball, watching baseball and basically anything related to baseball. I breathe baseball –all I really care about is baseball and my life basically revolves around baseball. There, are you happy now?”
           After I finished my rant with a huff, I heard a giggle. I take my eyes off of Niel and flashed a nasty look in Sungjong’s direction. I was shaking my head disapprovingly at Sungjong when Niel’s chuckle caused my head to snap back to him.
           Niel shook his head and flashed me a bright smile, “You are one interesting girl, Soojin-ssi.”

I know its been four months but I missed writing, so here you guys go~
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My Roller Coaster Life: Posted Chapter 3! Thanks for waiting:)


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Chapter 4: Yay I'm Happy that you updated pleaseeee update very very soon pleaseeeeeee I love the story I wanna know what's gonna happen next
Chapter 3: I love this story update ASAP please
Great that you posted it up~