
Drowned by Dreams

Authors Note~~ okay, posting from my phone but hopefully the paragraphs won't disappear and make this almost impossible to read -_- I can't sort it out until tomorrow because I won't have access to a laptop until then since my dad had to take it down to Slough with him >3< anyway, please enjoy! ~

~~~~~ Although I was struggling to communicate well, me and Jaeyoon were slowly becoming closer with the other girls in our dance class. Some of them were studying english, I was studying korean (even though I was immersed in the language, my skills were still limited) and some couldn't speak english but we all managed just fine. I actually looked forward to our dance practises now because we always had fun no matter how hard Kwon Seonsaengnim worked us.

Today, we'd joined with another group of slightly older trainees. Kwon Seonsaengnim wanted us to see each others performances and for us to get to know our sunbae's a little better. When leaving the dance room, I'd accidentally hit one of the older girls with my bag by hoisting it a little too vigorously. She was taller than me, with sharp features.


"Ah! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

She looked me up and down and then huffed and strutted out of the room. Huh. Kinda rude, I'd even spoken in korean and everything.

I'd just left practise and I was making my way to my korean class, figuring I'd meet Callum and Youngjae there. As I started along the corridor I checked my watch just to make sure I wasn't behind schedule. By doing so, I didn't see the tall girl from practise heading in my direction. I didn't see her until her shoulder crashed into mine and I fell to the ground, hard.

"Ach... Really?" I said quietly to myself. All my things had fallen out of my bag and spread out across the floor. I began collecting them together. A male trainee, around 19, maybe 20 years old, rushed over to me and began picking up things and putting them back in my bag. He helped me up and smiled shyly at me. Apparently he couldn't speak english, or if he could he didn't show it. He left as quickly as he'd arrived, leaving me startled and bewildered.



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Chugyeokja #1
Hi, so I started reading your story without realizing that there were only two chapters. I actually got excited to read the next part. You should update this story. I really like these types of stories, as a matter of fact, I wrote one myself. If you want to read it, you should go here: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/229834/diamond-in-the-rough-part-i-superstar-idol-company-dream

It's actually a fictional entertainment company though, but it is based on YG Ent. It's sort of a mix between YG and JYP in the later chapters though.