Glittering Gold...


In the land of Čaroban (pronounced Cha-ro-ban) the ruling races faeries, sorcerers. shape-shifters, vampires and of course humans. Unfortunately there is a dark side to the land of Čaroban, and the dark forces want to find the gold tablet called Istina (pronounced I-sti-na) and use it to shape the land for the bad, the darkness is already taking over the land, and the counsel of elders decides that there is nothing they can do but send 5 boys, one of each ruling race to go and find the tablet and restore the light. 


A massive thank you to Meowpikarawr at Lotus Blossom Graphics for the gorgeous  poster



"In order to save our beautiful land of Čaroban, we needed to summon a team." Elder Taewon said looking out across the 5 boys who stood before him, "and each of you was selected for his individual power. Jinyoung, human, you posses great logical thinking as well as a mastery of several types of martial arts. CNU, a sorcerer, from what has been reported you are the most powerful sorcerer of your generation and are maybe more powerful than the elders. Sandeul, faerie, extremely good at forcefield protection and mind reading, from what I've heard you can even manipulate the thoughts of others. Baro, Shapeshifter, you are young yet have mastered shifting into both animals and humans, the power to mimick another human being is very rare indeed. And finally Gongchan, the vampire, who can somehow live in the bright light, without needing a protective ring or enchantment. The first of his kind." Elder Taewon turned and looked at the five boys, "You must now work as a team and bring back Istina." 


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