Innocent Secret

Tiffany P.O.V 

After that harrowing incident, we hurried up to class. I sat down at my seat, still trembling at that close call. Class was all that could keep me distracted from thinking about what happened. 
The teacher walked in, followed by the principal. The whole class stood up to greet them. 
" You may be seated." he smiled kindly at us. " Today, our new director have chosen this class to observe and grade. May all of you show him your best side and do not disappoint me." 
A man dressed in a black tuxedo walked in, accompanied by 3 guards. He had pepper coloured hair, and the same brown eyes. He had a fatherly grin, and a clear face. 
The class stared back in awe at the obviously handsome middle age tycoon. While I stared back in shock and terror. My eyes could not believe what I was seeing. I was scared. I just wanted to get out of this place as fast as I can. 
" Good morning class. My name is John Hwang but you can call me Mr Hwang."  He looked over at my direction. Fortunately, it was a look of relief and happiness, not one of anger. 
But still, I was scared. Will my father give me away, will he scold me? Imprison me again? Millions of thoughts raced through my mind. 
" Where would you like to sit sir?" the principal asked politely. 
My fathers eyes not leaving my face for an instant, replied. " Behind that radiant young lady over there." he pointed at me. 
My eyes widened, heart thumping at the speed of a bullet train. One of the guards pulled over a chair and placed it beside me. As they did that, they bowed and greeted me in hush tones. My father took his seat and class commenced. 
I could hardly pay attention at all to what the teacher was saying. I glanced towards my father, and saw him keeping an eye on me, a smile on is face. In my heart, I smiled too. I missed my parents. They may not have been the best of parents, but they had given everything I wanted and loved me. I smiled back at my father, mouthing the words, ' GAME OVER' . Based on my fathers character, he will not scold me, just a little nagging. But he WILL send me home.
My father leaned in towards my table, as he did so, the guards flinched. He rose his hand to stop them. Then whispered to me. " I missed you, my angel." He squeezed my hand. I squeezed back in response. Through out the entire class, both of us father and daughter held our hands together. 
As my father left the classroom, his eyes met with mine and he winked at me. I smiled in return and winked back. As I left the classroom to get some things from the lockers, my teacher called me aside. 
" I saw you speaking to the director just now." she had a sneer on her face, like she looked down on me. " Why were you not paying attention in class? And how dare you distract the director from listening to me? " her eyes filled with hate.
I flinched. I never heard so much hate coming from a person before. She started scolding me, raining blows after blows of verbal abuse. Then she raised her hand, about to slap me. I readied myself for the blow. 
" What do you think your doing?" my teacher jumped in shock, her hand, fell back to her sides. She turned around, and came face to face with my dad. 
" what do you think you were doing?" he asked sternly.
" er... Erm.. I was disciplining a student sir. N. nothing more.." my teacher stammered.
My dad stepped forward menacingly. " is that so?" he smiled. " Do you know who she is?" 
My teacher seemed surprised by the sudden question. " shes a student."
My father smiled, a creepy one. " Wrong. " he took another step forward.
 " She is the heir to the world known crop. Hwang corporation. My only daughter." 
Here's another update. Pls comment and subscribe. And belated happy birthday to FANY FANY TIFFANY..... Happy 5th anniversary  to SNSD, GIRLS GENERATION!!!!
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Chapter 10: "I'M SELFISH BUT I LOVE YOU" wooh!! My heart iust did a thousand sumersaults!!
Chapter 20: Ah new reader here! ~ OMG... why you gotta make the new reader cry like a baby?! I really really enjoyed this... I'm off the read the sequel. :)
Chapter 20: Weird, this story has been completed since months ago right, and have update this goo bye chapter, but why today it is appear like u just updated it now.
Chapter 20: Omg nicole and tiffany kyaahh <3
And the sequel.... *searches*
Owhh i love this ending esp the ColeFanny part, that was sweeeeeet! XD and yes you should make a sequel...but I want fanny to end up with someone else hahaha
then sequel please^^ kekeke
Nicsnsd #7
Let me clarify.... The squeal will be a continuation and there will be a happy ending
depends... will the sequel have a happy ending?
dee2dazee #9
Hmm..happy ending and no sequel.. Just because I like happy endings :)
ForeverLove2 #10
Not a sequel